jCal.js 15.1 KB
 * jCal calendar multi-day and multi-month datepicker plugin for jQuery
 *	version 0.3.7
 * Author: Jim Palmer
 * Released under MIT license.
(function($) {
	$.fn.jCal = function (opt) {
		$.jCal(this, opt);
		return this;
	$.jCal = function (target, opt) {
		opt = $.extend({
      selected: null,
			day:			new Date(),									// date to drive first cal
			days:			0,											// default number of days user can select
			showMonths:		2,											// how many side-by-side months to show
			monthSelect:	false,										// show selectable month and year ranges via animated comboboxen
			dCheck:			function (day) { return 'day'; },			// handler for checking if single date is valid or not - returns class to add to day cell
			callback:		function (day, days) { return true; },		// callback function for click on date
			drawBack:		function () { return true; },				// callback function for month being drawn
			selectedBG:		'rgb(0, 143, 214)',							// default bgcolor for selected date cell
			defaultBG:		'rgb(255, 255, 255)',						// default bgcolor for unselected date cell
			dayOffset:		0,											// 0=week start with sunday, 1=week starts with monday
			scrollSpeed:	150,										// default .animate() speed used
			forceWeek:		false,										// true=force selection at start of week, false=select days out from selected day
			dow:			['周日', '周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六'],		// days of week - change this to reflect your dayOffset
			ml:				['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'],
			ms:				['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'],
			_target:		target										// target DOM element - no need to set extend this variable
		}, opt);
		opt.day = new Date(opt.day.getFullYear(), opt.day.getMonth(), 1);
		if ( !$(opt._target).data('days') ) $(opt._target).data('days', opt.days);
		for (var sm=0; sm < opt.showMonths; sm++)
			$(target).append('<div class="jCalMo"></div>');
		opt.cID = 'c' + $('.jCalMo').length;
		$('.jCalMo', target).each(
			function (ind) {
				drawCalControl($(this), $.extend( {}, opt, { 'ind':ind, 
						'day':new Date( new Date( opt.day.getTime() ).setMonth( new Date( opt.day.getTime() ).getMonth() + ind ) ) }
				drawCal($(this), $.extend( {}, opt, { 'ind':ind, 
						'day':new Date( new Date( opt.day.getTime() ).setMonth( new Date( opt.day.getTime() ).getMonth() + ind ) ) }
		if ( $(opt._target).data('day') && $(opt._target).data('days') ) 
			reSelectDates(target, $(opt._target).data('day'), $(opt._target).data('days'), opt);
		if ( typeof opt.drawBack == 'function' ) opt.drawBack();



	function drawCalControl (target, opt) {
			'<div class="jCal">' + 
					( (opt.ind == 0) ? '<div class="left" />' : '' ) + 
					'<div class="month">' + 
						'<span class="monthYear">' + opt.day.getFullYear() + '</span>' +
						'<span class="monthName">' + opt.ml[opt.day.getMonth()] + '</span>' +
					'</div>' +
					( (opt.ind == ( opt.showMonths - 1 )) ? '<div class="right" />' : '' ) +
		if ( opt.monthSelect )
			$(target).find('.jCal .monthName, .jCal .monthYear')
				.bind('mouseover', $.extend( {}, opt ),
					function (e) { 
						if ( $('.jCalMask', e.data._target).length == 0 ) $(this).addClass( $(this).attr('class') + 'Hover' );
				.bind('mouseout', function () { $(this).removeClass('monthYearHover').removeClass('monthNameHover'); })
				.bind('click', $.extend( {}, opt ),
					function (e) {
						$('.jCalMo .monthSelector, .jCalMo .monthSelectorShadow').remove();
						var monthName = $(this).hasClass('monthName'),
							pad = Math.max( parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')), parseInt($(this).css('padding-left'))) || 2, 
							calcTop = ( $(this).position().top - ( ( monthName ? e.data.day.getMonth() : 2 ) * ( $(this).height() + 0 ) ) );
						calcTop = calcTop > 0 ? calcTop : 0;
						var topDiff = $(this).position().top - calcTop;
						$('<div class="monthSelectorShadow" style="' +
							'top:' + $(e.data._target).position().top + 'px; ' +
							'left:' + $(e.data._target).position().left + 'px; ' +
							'width:' + ( $(e.data._target).width() + ( parseInt($(e.data._target).css('paddingLeft')) || 0 ) + ( parseInt($(e.data._target).css('paddingRight')) || 0 ) ) + 'px; ' +
							'height:' + ( $(e.data._target).height() + ( parseInt($(e.data._target).css('paddingTop')) || 0 ) + ( parseInt($(e.data._target).css('paddingBottom')) || 0 ) ) + 'px;">' +
							.css('opacity',0.01).appendTo( $(this).parent() );
						$('<div class="monthSelector" style="' +
							'top:' + calcTop + 'px; ' +
							'left:' + ( $(this).position().left ) + 'px; ' +
							'width:' + ( $(this).width() + ( pad * 2 ) ) + 'px;">' +
							.css('opacity',0).appendTo( $(this).parent() );
						for (var di = ( monthName ? 0 : -2 ), dd = ( monthName ? 12 : 3 ); di < dd; di++)
								.attr( 'id', monthName ? (di + 1) + '_1_' + e.data.day.getFullYear() : (e.data.day.getMonth() + 1) + '_1_' + (e.data.day.getFullYear() + di) )
								.html( monthName ? e.data.ml[di] : ( e.data.day.getFullYear() + di ) )
								.css( 'top', ( $(this).height() * di ) ).appendTo( $(this).parent().find('.monthSelector') );
						var moSel = $(this).parent().find('.monthSelector').get(0), diffOff = $(moSel).height() - ( $(moSel).height() - topDiff );
							.css('clip','rect(' + diffOff + 'px ' + ( $(this).width() + ( pad * 2 ) ) + 'px '+ diffOff + 'px 0px)')
							.animate({'opacity':.92,'clip':'rect(0px ' + ( $(this).width() + ( pad * 2 ) ) + 'px ' + $(moSel).height() + 'px 0px)'}, e.data.scrollSpeed, function () {
									$(this).parent().find('.monthSelectorShadow').bind('mouseover click', function () { $(this).parent().find('.monthSelector').remove(); $(this).remove(); });
							.parent().find('.monthSelectorShadow').animate({'opacity':.1}, e.data.scrollSpeed);
						$('.jCalMo .monthSelect', e.data._target).bind('mouseover mouseout click', $.extend( {}, e.data ), 
							function (e) {
								if ( e.type == 'click' )
									$(e.data._target).jCal( $.extend(e.data, {day:new Date($(this).attr('id').replace(/_/g, '/'))}) );
						if ( typeof opt.drawBack == 'function' ) opt.drawBack();
		$(target).find('.jCal .left').bind('click', $.extend( {}, opt ),
			function (e) {
				if ($('.jCalMask', e.data._target).length > 0) return false;
				var mD = { w:0, h:0 };
				$('.jCalMo', e.data._target).each( function () { 
						mD.w += $(this).width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-right')); 
						var cH = $(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-top')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom')); 
						mD.h = ((cH > mD.h) ? cH : mD.h);
					} );
				$(e.data._target).prepend('<div class="jCalMo"></div>');
				e.data.day = new Date( $('div[id*=' + e.data.cID + 'd_]:first', e.data._target).attr('id').replace(e.data.cID + 'd_', '').replace(/_/g, '/') );
				e.data.day.setMonth( e.data.day.getMonth() - 1 );
				drawCalControl($('.jCalMo:first', e.data._target), e.data);
				drawCal($('.jCalMo:first', e.data._target), e.data);
				if (e.data.showMonths > 1) {
					$('.right', e.data._target).clone(true).appendTo( $('.jCalMo:eq(1) .jCal', e.data._target) );
					$('.left:last, .right:last', e.data._target).remove();
				$(e.data._target).append('<div class="jCalSpace" style="width:'+mD.w+'px; height:'+mD.h+'px;"></div>');
				$('.jCalMo', e.data._target).wrapAll(
					'<div class="jCalMask" style="clip:rect(0px '+mD.w+'px '+mD.h+'px 0px); width:'+ ( mD.w + ( mD.w / e.data.showMonths ) ) +'px; height:'+mD.h+'px;">' + 
						'<div class="jCalMove"></div>' +
				$('.jCalMove', e.data._target).css('margin-left', ( ( mD.w / e.data.showMonths ) * -1 ) + 'px').css('opacity', 0.5).animate({ marginLeft:'0px' }, e.data.scrollSpeed,
					function () {
						$(this).children('.jCalMo:not(:last)').appendTo( $(e.data._target) );
						$('.jCalSpace, .jCalMask', e.data._target).empty().remove();
						if ( $(e.data._target).data('day') ) 
							reSelectDates(e.data._target, $(e.data._target).data('day'), $(e.data._target).data('days'), e.data);
						if ( typeof opt.drawBack == 'function' ) 

        DaySelected( opt.selected )
		$(target).find('.jCal .right').bind('click', $.extend( {}, opt ),
			function (e) {
				if ($('.jCalMask', e.data._target).length > 0) return false;
				var mD = { w:0, h:0 };
				$('.jCalMo', e.data._target).each( function () { 
						mD.w += $(this).width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-right')); 
						var cH = $(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-top')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom')); 
						mD.h = ((cH > mD.h) ? cH : mD.h);
					} );
				$(e.data._target).append('<div class="jCalMo"></div>');
				e.data.day = new Date( $('div[id^=' + e.data.cID + 'd_]:last', e.data._target).attr('id').replace(e.data.cID + 'd_', '').replace(/_/g, '/') );
				e.data.day.setMonth( e.data.day.getMonth() + 1 );
				drawCalControl($('.jCalMo:last', e.data._target), e.data);
				drawCal($('.jCalMo:last', e.data._target), e.data);
				if (e.data.showMonths > 1) {
					$('.left', e.data._target).clone(true).prependTo( $('.jCalMo:eq(1) .jCal', e.data._target) );
					$('.left:first, .right:first', e.data._target).remove();
				$(e.data._target).append('<div class="jCalSpace" style="width:'+mD.w+'px; height:'+mD.h+'px;"></div>');
				$('.jCalMo', e.data._target).wrapAll(
					'<div class="jCalMask" style="clip:rect(0px '+mD.w+'px '+mD.h+'px 0px); width:'+ ( mD.w + ( mD.w / e.data.showMonths ) ) +'px; height:'+mD.h+'px;">' + 
						'<div class="jCalMove"></div>' +
				$('.jCalMove', e.data._target).css('opacity', 0.5).animate({ marginLeft:( ( mD.w / e.data.showMonths ) * -1 ) + 'px' }, e.data.scrollSpeed,
					function () {
						$(this).children('.jCalMo:not(:first)').appendTo( $(e.data._target) );
						$('.jCalSpace, .jCalMask', e.data._target).empty().remove();
						if ( $(e.data._target).data('day') ) 
							reSelectDates(e.data._target, $(e.data._target).data('day'), $(e.data._target).data('days'), e.data);
						if ( typeof opt.drawBack == 'function' )

        DaySelected( opt.selected )

	function reSelectDates (target, day, days, opt) {
		var fDay = new Date(day.getTime());
		var sDay = new Date(day.getTime());
		for (var fC = false, di = 0, dC = days; di < dC; di++) {
			var dF = $(target).find('div[id*=d_' + (sDay.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + sDay.getDate() + '_' + sDay.getFullYear() + ']');
			if ( dF.length > 0 ) {
				fC = true;
			sDay.setDate( sDay.getDate() + 1 );
		if ( fC && typeof opt.callback == 'function' ) opt.callback( day, days );

	function drawCal (target, opt) {
		for (var ds=0, length=opt.dow.length; ds < length; ds++)
			$(target).append('<div class="dow">' + opt.dow[ds] + '</div>');
		var fd = new Date( new Date( opt.day.getTime() ).setDate(1) );
		var ldlm = new Date( new Date( fd.getTime() ).setDate(0) );
		var ld = new Date( new Date( new Date( fd.getTime() ).setMonth( fd.getMonth() + 1 ) ).setDate(0) );
		var copt = {fd:fd.getDay(), lld:ldlm.getDate(), ld:ld.getDate()};
		var offsetDayStart = ( ( copt.fd < opt.dayOffset ) ? ( opt.dayOffset - 7 ) : 1 );
		var offsetDayEnd = ( ( ld.getDay() < opt.dayOffset ) ? ( 7 - ld.getDay() ) : ld.getDay() );
		for ( var d = offsetDayStart, dE = ( copt.fd + copt.ld + ( 7 - offsetDayEnd ) ); d < dE; d++)
				(( d <= ( copt.fd - opt.dayOffset ) ) ? 
					'<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="pday">' + ( copt.lld - ( ( copt.fd - opt.dayOffset ) - d ) ) + '</div>' 
					: ( ( d > ( ( copt.fd - opt.dayOffset ) + copt.ld ) ) ?
						'<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="aday">' + ( d - ( ( copt.fd - opt.dayOffset ) + copt.ld ) ) + '</div>' 
						: '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd_' + (fd.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + ( d - ( copt.fd - opt.dayOffset ) ) + '_' + fd.getFullYear() + '" class="' +
							( opt.dCheck( new Date( (new Date( fd.getTime() )).setDate( d - ( copt.fd - opt.dayOffset ) ) ) ) || 'invday' ) +
							'">' + ( d - ( copt.fd - opt.dayOffset ) )  + '</div>'
		$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:first, div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:nth-child(7n+2)').before( '<br style="clear:both;" />' );
		$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd_]:not(.invday)').bind("click", $.extend( {}, opt ),
					if ($('.jCalMask', e.data._target).length > 0) return false;
					var osDate = new Date ( $(this).attr('id').replace(/c[0-9]{1,}d_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{4})/, '$1/$2/$3') );
					if (e.data.forceWeek) osDate.setDate( osDate.getDate() + (e.data.dayOffset - osDate.getDay()) );
					var sDate = new Date ( osDate.getTime() );
					if (e.type == 'click')
						$('div[id*=d_]', e.data._target).stop().removeClass('selectedDay').removeClass('overDay');
					for (var di = 0, ds = $(e.data._target).data('days'); di < ds; di++) {
						var currDay = $(e.data._target).find('#' + e.data.cID + 'd_' + ( sDate.getMonth() + 1 ) + '_' + sDate.getDate() + '_' + sDate.getFullYear());
						if ( currDay.length == 0 || $(currDay).hasClass('invday') ) break;
						if ( e.type == 'mouseover' )		$(currDay).addClass('overDay');
						else if ( e.type == 'mouseout' )	$(currDay).stop().removeClass('overDay');
						else if ( e.type == 'click' )		$(currDay).stop().addClass('selectedDay');
						sDate.setDate( sDate.getDate() + 1 );
					if (e.type == 'click') {
						e.data.day = osDate;
						if ( e.data.callback( osDate, di, this ) )
							$(e.data._target).data('day', e.data.day).data('days', di);

  function DaySelected(selected){
    if (selected == null)return false;
    var arr = [

    if (arr[0][1] == arr[1][1]){
      for (var i = arr[0][2]; i <= arr[1][2]; i++ ){
        $('#c2d_'+ arr[0][1] +'_'+ i +'_'+ arr[0][0]).addClass('selectedDay');
    }else {
      for (var i = parseInt(arr[0][2]); i < 32; i++ ){
        $('#c2d_'+ arr[0][1] +'_'+ i +'_'+ arr[0][0]).addClass('selectedDay');
      for ( var i = 1; i <= parseInt(arr[1][2]); i++ ){
        $('#c2d_'+ arr[1][1] +'_'+ i +'_'+ arr[1][0]).addClass('selectedDay');

  function getNumber(stringNumber){
    return parseInt(stringNumber);