index.js 3.59 KB
 * grunt
 * Copyright (c) 2014 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
 * Licensed under the MIT license.

'use strict';

// Requiring this here modifies the String prototype!
// The upcoming lodash 2.5+ should remove the need for underscore.string.
var _ = require('lodash');
_.str = require('underscore.string');

// Static methods.

// Pretty-format a word list.
exports.wordlist = function(arr, options) {
  options = _.defaults(options || {}, {
    separator: ', ',
    color: 'cyan'
  return {
    return options.color ? String(item)[options.color] : item;

// Return a string, uncolored (suitable for testing .length, etc).
exports.uncolor = function(str) {
  return str.replace(/\x1B\[\d+m/g, '');

// Word-wrap text to a given width, permitting ANSI color codes.
exports.wraptext = function(width, text) {
  // notes to self:
  // grab 1st character or ansi code from string
  // if ansi code, add to array and save for later, strip from front of string
  // if character, add to array and increment counter, strip from front of string
  // if width + 1 is reached and current character isn't space:
  //  slice off everything after last space in array and prepend it to string
  //  etc

  // This result array will be joined on \n.
  var result = [];
  var matches, color, tmp;
  var captured = [];
  var charlen = 0;

  while (matches = text.match(/(?:(\x1B\[\d+m)|\n|(.))([\s\S]*)/)) {
    // Updated text to be everything not matched.
    text = matches[3];

    // Matched a color code?
    if (matches[1]) {
      // Save last captured color code for later use.
      color = matches[1];
      // Capture color code.

    // Matched a non-newline character?
    } else if (matches[2]) {
      // If this is the first character and a previous color code was set, push
      // that onto the captured array first.
      if (charlen === 0 && color) { captured.push(color); }
      // Push the matched character.
      // Increment the current charlen.
      // If not yet at the width limit or a space was matched, continue.
      if (charlen <= width || matches[2] === ' ') { continue; }
      // The current charlen exceeds the width and a space wasn't matched.
      // "Roll everything back" until the last space character.
      tmp = captured.lastIndexOf(' ');
      text = captured.slice(tmp === -1 ? tmp : tmp + 1).join('') + text;
      captured = captured.slice(0, tmp);

    // The limit has been reached. Push captured string onto result array.

    // Reset captured array and charlen.
    captured = [];
    charlen = 0;

  return result.join('\n');

// Format output into columns, wrapping words as-necessary.
exports.table = function(widths, texts) {
  var rows = [];
  widths.forEach(function(width, i) {
    var lines = this.wraptext(width, texts[i]).split('\n');
    lines.forEach(function(line, j) {
      var row = rows[j];
      if (!row) { row = rows[j] = []; }
      row[i] = line;
  }, this);

  var lines = [];
  rows.forEach(function(row) {
    var txt = '';
    var column;
    for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
      column = row[i] || '';
      txt += column;
      var diff = widths[i] - this.uncolor(column).length;
      if (diff > 0) { txt += _.repeat(' ', diff); }
  }, this);

  return lines.join('\n');