jquery.paperfold.js 7.17 KB

All of this is based on nice work from mrflix (http://www.felixniklas.de/) 
in Paperfold (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/demosdetail/paperfold-css)
From the Lazy Home.



	"use strict";

	var fallback = false;

	var TRANSFORM_NAME = Modernizr.prefixed('transform');

	var init = function(params) {

		var $this = $(this);

		var data = {
			toggle: null,
			height: 0,
			foldNum: 0,
			foldHeight: 0,
			foldList: null,
			content: null,
			folds: null,
			bottoms: null,
			tops: null
		if (params.toggle) {
			var $toggle = null;

			if (params.toggle.constructor === $) {				
				$toggle = params.toggle;
			} else if (params.toggle.constructor === Function) {
				$toggle = params.toggle.apply(this);
			} else if (params.toggle.cosntructor === String) {
				$toggle = $(params.toggle);

			if ($toggle) {
				$toggle.data('paperfold-element', $this);
				data['toggle'] = $toggle;


		//Get the height of the elements
		var height = $this.height();

		if (!height) {
			var tmpHeight = $this.css('height');
			var height = $this.css('height', 'auto').height();
			$this.css('height', tmpHeight);

		data['height'] = height;

		//Get the number of folds
		var foldNum = (params.folds || 1);
		data['foldNum'] = foldNum;

		//Get the height of the folds
		var foldHeight = Math.floor(height / foldNum);
		data['foldHeight'] =  foldHeight;

		//Get the children of the element
		data['content'] = $(this).children().clone(true);

		$(this).children().wrapAll('<div class="default-content"/>')

		//Create all the folds
		//TODO: WTF, data['folds'] = $([]); doesnt work the same as this....
		var $foldList = $('<div class="paperfold-folds"/>');
		var topHeight, bottomHeight;
		for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < foldNum; i++, j += 2) {

			topHeight = bottomHeight = Math.floor(foldHeight / 2);

			//Adjust if the result folds are odd
			/*if( (i+1) === foldNum && foldHeight / 2 % 2 ) {
				bottomHeight = this.height - (j + 1) * topHeight;

			var tmpFold = createFold.call($this, j, topHeight, bottomHeight, data);

		data['folds'] = $this.find('> .fold');
		data['tops'] = $foldList.find('> .fold > .top');
		data['bottoms'] = $foldList.find('> .fold > .bottom');

		$this.bind('webkitTransitionEnd, oTransitionEnd, MSTransitionEnd, transitionend', transitionEnd);

		$this.bind('paperfold.show', function() {

    	$this.data('paperfold', data);

    	if (params.visible === true) {
		} else {


	var transitionEnd = function() {
		var $this = $(this);


		if ($this.hasClass('visible')) {
		} else {

	var cssTransform = function(value) {
		var $this = $(this);

			'-webkit-transform': value,
			'-moz-transform': value,
			'-o-transform': value,
			'-ms-transform': value,
			'transform': value


	var createFold = function(j, topHeight, bottomHeight, data){

        var offsetTop = -j * topHeight;
        var offsetBottom = -data['height'] + j * topHeight + data['foldHeight'];

        return $('<div class="fold"/>').css('height',topHeight + bottomHeight).append( 
		        	$('<div class="top"/>').css('height', topHeight).append(
		        		$('<div class="inner"/>').css({'top': offsetTop, 'height': data['height']}).append(
		        	$('<div class="bottom"/>').css('height', bottomHeight).append(
		        		$('<div class="inner"/>').css({'bottom': offsetBottom, 'height': data['height']}).append(

	var loadFolds = function(endCallback) {

		var $this = $(this);
		var data = $this.data('paperfold');


	 * Load the default original content
	 * @method
	 * @private
	var loadDefault = function() {
		var $this = $(this);
		var data = $this.data('paperfold');


	var foldOpen = function(percentage) {
		var $this = $(this);
		var data = $this.data('paperfold');

		// cache percentage
		data['percentage'] = percentage;
        //var percentage = $this.data('percentage') || 0;
        //data['timeVirigin'] = false;

        // change angle of tops and bottoms
        var c = data['foldHeight'] * percentage;
        var a, b;
        a = b = data['foldHeight'] / 2;

        var part = 2 * b * c;

        var bottomAngle = part <= 0 ? 90 : Math.acos( (b * b + c * c - a * a) / part )*180/Math.PI;

        var topAngle = 360 - bottomAngle;

        //cssTransform.call(data['tops'], 'rotateX(' + topAngle + 'deg)');
        //cssTransform.call(data['bottoms'], 'rotateX(' + bottomAngle + 'deg)');

        //data['tops'].css(TRANSFORM_NAME, 'rotateX(' + topAngle + 'deg)');
        //data['bottoms'].css(TRANSFORM_NAME, 'rotateX(' + bottomAngle + 'deg)');

        // change folds height
        var foldHeight = data['height'] / data['foldNum'] * percentage;

        // change the background color
        // from dark hsl(192,6,33) at 0
        // to light hsl(192,0,100) at 100
        var saturation = Math.round(6 - 6 * percentage)
        ,   lightness = 33 + Math.round(67 * percentage)
        ,   backgroundColor = 'hsl(192,'+saturation+'%,'+lightness+'%)';

        data['tops'].add(data['bottoms']).css('background-color', backgroundColor);


	var methods = {
		toggle: function() {

			var $this = $(this);

			if (!$(this).hasClass('paperfold ready')) {	
				$this = $(this).data('paperfold-element');	
			var data = $this.data('paperfold');

			if (fallback) {
			} else {

				if ($this.hasClass('visible')) {



		          	// open
		          	// animate folds height (css transition)

		          	// if the time slider was already used, reset the folds
					foldOpen.call($this, 1);
		        } else {


		          	// close
		          	// animate folds height (css transition)

		          	// if the time slider was already used, reset the folds
					foldOpen.call($this, 0);

		        data['folds'].find(data['bottoms']).css('background-color', '');//.css(TRANSFORM_NAME, '');

		        //cssTransform.call(data['folds'].find(data['bottoms']), '');

	$.fn.paperfold = function (method) {

		if (methods[method]) {
			return methods[method].apply($(this), Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
		} else if (method && method.constructor === Object) {
			return init.apply(this, arguments);
