cors.js 3.53 KB
 * Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Settings
 * (sails.config.cors)
 * CORS is like a more modern version of JSONP-- it allows your server/API
 * to successfully respond to requests from client-side JavaScript code
 * running on some other domain (e.g.
 * Unlike JSONP, it works with POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
 * For more information on CORS, check out:
 * Note that any of these settings (besides 'allRoutes') can be changed on a per-route basis
 * by adding a "cors" object to the route configuration:
 * '/get foo': {
 *   controller: 'foo',
 *   action: 'bar',
 *   cors: {
 *     origin: ','
 *   }
 *  }
 *  For more information on this configuration file, see:

module.exports.cors = {

  *                                                                          *
  * Allow CORS on all routes by default? If not, you must enable CORS on a   *
  * per-route basis by either adding a "cors" configuration object to the    *
  * route config, or setting "cors:true" in the route config to use the      *
  * default settings below.                                                  *
  *                                                                          *

  // allRoutes: false,

  *                                                                          *
  * Which domains which are allowed CORS access? This can be a               *
  * comma-delimited list of hosts (beginning with http:// or https://) or    *
  * "*" to allow all domains CORS access.                                    *
  *                                                                          *

  // origin: '*',

  *                                                                          *
  * Allow cookies to be shared for CORS requests?                            *
  *                                                                          *

  // credentials: true,

  *                                                                          *
  * Which methods should be allowed for CORS requests? This is only used in  *
  * response to preflight requests (see article linked above for more info)  *
  *                                                                          *

  // methods: 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD',

  *                                                                          *
  * Which headers should be allowed for CORS requests? This is only used in  *
  * response to preflight requests.                                          *
  *                                                                          *

  // headers: 'content-type'
