session.js 4.22 KB
 * Session Configuration
 * (sails.config.session)
 * Sails session integration leans heavily on the great work already done by
 * Express, but also unifies with the Connect session store. It uses
 * Connect's cookie parser to normalize configuration differences between Express
 * and and hooks into Sails' middleware interpreter to allow you to access
 * and auto-save to `req.session` with the same way you would with Express.
 * For more information on configuring the session, check out:

module.exports.session = {

  *                                                                          *
  * Session secret is automatically generated when your new app is created   *
  * Replace at your own risk in production-- you will invalidate the cookies *
  * of your users, forcing them to log in again.                             *
  *                                                                          *
  secret: '12ca9e6786e7f7cebe25a0278dcfac0a',

  *                                                                          *
  * Set the session cookie expire time The maxAge is set by milliseconds,    *
  * the example below is for 24 hours                                        *
  *                                                                          *

  // cookie: {
  //   maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
  // },

  *                                                                          *
  * In production, uncomment the following lines to set up a shared redis    *
  * session store that can be shared across multiple Sails.js servers        *

  // adapter: 'redis',

  *                                                                          *
  * The following values are optional, if no options are set a redis         *
  * instance running on localhost is expected. Read more about options at:   *
  *                             *
  *                                                                          *
  *                                                                          *

  // host: 'localhost',
  // port: 6379,
  // ttl: <redis session TTL in seconds>,
  // db: 0,
  // pass: <redis auth password>,
  // prefix: 'sess:',

  *                                                                          *
  * Uncomment the following lines to use your Mongo adapter as a session     *
  * store                                                                    *
  *                                                                          *

  // adapter: 'mongo',
  // host: 'localhost',
  // port: 27017,
  // db: 'sails',
  // collection: 'sessions',

  *                                                                          *
  * Optional Values:                                                         *
  *                                                                          *
  * # Note: url will override other connection settings url:                 *
  * 'mongodb://user:pass@host:port/database/collection',                     *
  *                                                                          *

  // username: '',
  // password: '',
  // auto_reconnect: false,
  // ssl: false,
  // stringify: true
