Commit 7d4d1cac9a5360f54b9031b84fbc345e1a40ae23

Authored by liujiqiang
1 parent 6cac0f7d


Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions
... ... @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ def path_route(path):
20 20 def delReport(path,delNum=5):
21 21 report_path = path_route(path) + "/report/"
22 22 file_list = os.listdir(report_path)
23   - print("delReport file_lis --- ", file_list)
  23 + print("befor sort file_lis --- ", file_list)
24 24 if len(file_list) > delNum:
25 25 file_list.sort(key=lambda file_name: os.path.getmtime(report_path + "\\" + file_name))
26   - print(file_list)
  26 + print("after sort file_lis --- ", file_list)
27 27 file_list = file_list[:0-delNum]
28 28 # print("if file_lis --- ",file_list)
29 29 for i in file_list:
... ...