Commit 8f3f2bcf509529e47da5237265132203885a142d

Authored by 175930106
Committed by liujiqiang
1 parent decaafb2


... ... @@ -46,21 +46,45 @@ class myrequest(object):
46 46'响应body为{};'.format(res.json()))
47 47 return res
48 48  
49   - def put(self,url, data=None, **kwargs):
50   - res =, data=data, **kwargs)
51   - return res
52   -
53   - def delete(self,url, **kwargs):
54   - res =, **kwargs)
55   - return res
56   -
57   - def patch(self,url, data=None, **kwargs):
58   - res =,data=data, **kwargs)
59   - return res
60   -
61   - def head(self, url, **kwargs):
62   - res =,data=None, **kwargs)
63   - return res
  49 + def post2(self,api,**kwargs):
  50 + self.api=api.split("_")[2]
  51 + self.api_num=(api.split("_")[2]+api.split("_")[1])
  52 + self.method=com.get_api_config(self.api,self.api_num,'method')
  53 + self.body_format=com.get_api_config(self.api,self.api_num,'body_format')
  54 + self.url=com.get_api_config(self.api,self.api_num, 'url')
  55 + if self.body_format=="JSON" else com.get_api_config(self.api,self.api_num,'body')
  56 + self.json=None if self.body_format=="FORM" else json.loads(com.get_api_config(self.api,self.api_num,'body'))
  57 + self.headers=json.loads(com.get_api_config(self.api,self.api_num,'header'))
  58 +'{0:=^80}'.format('请求接口为{}'.format(api)))
  59 +'请求地址为{}; 请求方式为{}; 请求body格式为{};\n 请求body为{}{};'.format(
  60 + self.url,
  61 + self.method,
  62 + self.body_format,
  63 +,
  64 + self.json))
  65 +
  66 + if self.method.upper()=="POST":
  67 + res =,, json=self.json,proxies=self.proxies,headers=self.headers,**kwargs)
  68 +'响应body为{};'.format(res.json()))
  69 + return res
  70 + elif self.method.upper()=="GET":
  71 + res =,proxies=self.proxies,**kwargs)
  72 +'响应body为{};'.format(res.json()))
  73 + return res
  74 + elif self.method.upper()=="PUT":
  75 + res =,, json=self.json,proxies=self.proxies,**kwargs)
  76 +'响应body为{};'.format(res.json()))
  77 + return res
  78 + elif self.method.upper()=="DELETE":
  79 + res =,proxies=self.proxies,**kwargs)
  80 +'响应body为{};'.format(res.json()))
  81 + return res
  82 + elif self.method.upper()=="HEAD":
  83 + res =,proxies=self.proxies,**kwargs)
  84 +'响应body为{};'.format(res.json()))
  85 + return res
  86 + else :
  87 + raise Exception("Request method error")
64 88  
65 89 def close_session(self):
66 90
... ... @@ -86,7 +110,21 @@ class myrequest(object):
86 110 # # print("405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED")
87 111 # Logger.error("METHOD NOT ALLOWED".format(method))
88 112 # return res
89   -
  113 +#
90 114 # test=myrequest()
  115 +# # 获取session
91 116 # re=test.getSession(True)
92   -# print(re.headers)
93 117 \ No newline at end of file
  118 +# print(re.headers)
  119 +# # 请求
  120 +# #'upStream', 'upStream01', 'url'),
  121 +# # json=json.loads(d),
  122 +# # headers=json.loads(com.get_api_config('upStream', 'upStream01', 'header')))
  123 +# # print(re2.json())
  124 +#
  125 +# d=com.get_api_config('upStream', 'upStream01', 'body')
  126 +# print(type(json.loads(d)))
  127 +# print(d)
  128 +# print(d.encode().decode('unicode-escape'))
  129 +#
  130 +# re3=test.post2("test_01_upStream",body="json")
  131 +# print(re3.json())
... ...
No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
... ... @@ -353,6 +353,10 @@ def post_request(api,caseNum,requestBody):
353 353 raise Exception(u"Request Fail! Response Code is not 200,Pls Check Your Request Datas")
354 354  
355 355  
  356 +
  357 +
  358 +# def my
  359 +
356 360 # a=''
357 361 # b={
358 362 # "Host": "",
... ...
src/config/api/arrivalUnderTakeOrder.conf deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
2   -
3   -[arrivalUnderTakeOrder01]
4   -url=卸货人&loadingPlaceId=10&arrivalTime=2019-12-02&attachments=
5   -
6   -body=""
7   -
8   -expect_response={"code":"200","message":"OK","result":"OK","success":true}
9   -
10   -
src/config/api/customerOrderSubmit.conf deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
2   -
3   -[customerOrderSubmit01]
4   -url=
5   -
6   -update_header01={"Content-Type":"application/json;charset=UTF-8","Referer":""}
7   -
8   -
9   -body=[{"code":"CO20191126000037","splitMap":{"SC201905210001":5}},{"code":"CO20191126000037","splitMap":{"SC201905210001":5}}]
10   -
11   -expect_response={"code":"200","data":["UO20191202000001","UO20191202000002"],"message":"新增成功","result":"新增成功","success":true}
12   -
13   -
src/config/api/departTransportOrder.conf deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
2   -
3   -[departTransportOrder01]
4   -url=
5   -
6   -body={"id":"666"}
7   -
8   -expect_response={"code":"200","message":"OK","result":"OK","success":true}
9   -
10   -
1 1 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
2 2  
3 3 [login01]
4   -url=
  4 +method=post
  5 +url=
5 6  
6   -header={"Host":"",
7   - "Connection":"keep-alive",
8   - "Content-Length":"48",
9   - "Cache-Control":"max-age=0",
10   - "Origin":"",
11   - "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests":"1",
12   - "Content-Type":"application/json",
13   - "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3493.3 Safari/537.36",
14   - "Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
15   - "Referer":"",
16   - "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate",
17   - "Accept-Language":"zh-CN,zh-TW;q=0.9,zh;q=0.8",
18   - "Cookie":"u=424; n=wenze; loginPath=; TMS_userId=69; TMS_username=wenze; TMS_SessionId="}
  7 +header={
  8 + "Host": "",
  9 + "Connection": "keep-alive",
  10 + "Content-Length": "33",
  11 + "Cache-Control": "max-age=0",
  12 + "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
  13 + "Origin": "",
  14 + "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  15 + "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0(WindowsNT10.0;Win64;x64)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/90.0.4430.212Safari/537.36",
  16 + "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9",
  17 + "Referer": "",
  18 + "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate",
  19 + "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh-TW;q=0.9,zh;q=0.8,en;q=0.7",
  20 + "Cookie": "UAP_accessToken=;UAP_refreshToken=;UAP_loginPath="}
19 21  
20   -body={"userName": "wenze", "password": "666666"}
  22 +body=userName=sg_wenze&password=111111
21 23  
22 24  
23 25  
... ...
src/config/api/saveOrUpdate.conf deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
2   -
3   -[saveOrUpdate01]
4   -url=
5   -
6   -update_header01={"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest","Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8","Origin":"","Referer":""}
7   -
8   -update_header02={"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01","Host":"","Connection":"keep-alive"}
9   -
10   -body={
11   - "customerCellphone": "18628307268",
12   - "customerCode": "CUSO201907220001",
13   - "customerName": "火影",
14   - "transportWay": "test",
15   - "demandSources": "webChatApp",
16   - "amount": "",
17   - "demandDescription": "经济",
18   - "shippingCustomer": "火影",
19   - "shippingContactName": "火影",
20   - "shippingContactNumber": "18628307268",
21   - "shipping_city": "拉萨",
22   - "shippingCityId": "14",
23   - "shippingAddress": "刚刚",
24   - "requestedShipDate": "2019-08-15",
25   - "shippingDesc": "",
26   - "receiptCustomer": "水星",
27   - "receiptContactName": "水星",
28   - "receiptContactNumber": "13111555555",
29   - "receipt_city": "成都",
30   - "receiptCityId": "9",
31   - "receiptAddress": "哦哦哦",
32   - "tradeId": "",
33   - "tradeCard": "",
34   - "requestedReceiptDate": "2019-08-15",
35   - "receiptDesc": "",
36   - "productName1": "国光苹果",
37   - "categoryId1": "312",
38   - "specificationCode1": "SC201905210001",
39   - "total1": "10",
40   - "singleWeight1": "1.0",
41   - "weight1": "10",
42   - "transportCondition1": "ordinary",
43   - "transportDesc1": "经济",
44   - "goodsList[0][categoryId]": "312",
45   - "goodsList[0][specificationCode]": "SC201905210001",
46   - "goodsList[0][total]": "10",
47   - "goodsList[0][singleWeight]": "1.0",
48   - "goodsList[0][weight]": "10",
49   - "goodsList[0][transportCondition]": "ordinary",
50   - "goodsList[0][transportDesc]": "经济",
51   - "goodsList[0][ruleId]": "82",
52   - "firmCode": "CC201905200058",
53   - "settlementMethod": "arrived",
54   - "expense": "1000",
55   - "expenseMap[r_82]": "1000"}
56   -
57   -expect_response={"code":"200","data":951,"message":"创建客户订单成功","result":"创建客户订单成功","success":true}
58   -
src/config/api/submitOrder.conf deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
2   -
3   -[RequstURL]
4   -URL=
5   -
6   -[RequstHeader]
7   -header = {
8   - "Host": "",
9   - "Content-Type": "application/json",
10   - "referer": "",
11   - "apiusertoken": "dili-fresh-token",
12   - "charset": "utf-8",
13   - "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
14   - "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; HUAWEI NXT-AL10 Build/HUAWEINXT-AL10; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/59.0.3071.125 Mobile Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN Process/appbrand2"
15   - }
16   -headers=none
17   -headers1={"id":"你好","name": "test"}
18   -headers2=["id":"你好","name": "test"]
19   -
20   -
21   -
22   -[RequstStructrue]
23   -structrue={
24   - "payCredential": "1548316340046",
25   - "customerCode": "00010966",
26   - "amount": 0,
27   - "source": "wechatApplet",
28   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
29   - "cityId": "510100",
30   - "cityName": "成都市",
31   - "shopCode": "S001953",
32   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001","useFreeAmount": 0,
33   - "items": [{
34   - "areaId": "510100",
35   - "productId": 301,
36   - "productCode": "PD2019011700000052",
37   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
38   - "price": 0,
39   - "quantity": 1
40   - }]
41   - }
42   -
43   -[basic_data_prepare]
44   -#商品
45   -instert_product=INSERT INTO product.product VALUES ('301', '16', '猕猴桃', 'PD2019021000000001', '猕猴桃', 'dili-fresh/groupbuy/7f9fc034c2ec41e18b7560fc42a25abd', '2019-01-29 08:00:00', '2020-12-12 00:00:00', '2019-02-02 10:00:00', '2019-12-11 20:00:00', '600', '<p>预售商品,次日取货。</p><p>预计到店时间:2月3日14点之后。</p><p>到货后群内通知。</p><p><img style=\"max-width:100%;\" src=\"\"><br></p><p><br></p>', '2019-01-29 15:48:19', '1', '2019-02-02 10:13:33', '39', '4', '0', '400', '0');
46   -#商品
47   -instert_product_tag=INSERT INTO product.product_tag VALUES ('500', '1', '300', null, null, '2019-02-10 10:13:34', '2019-02-10 10:13:33');
48   -instert_tag=INSERT INTO `tag` VALUES ('1', '年货爆款', '26', '2019-01-14 11:24:48', '26', '2019-03-05 14:13:46', '27');
49   -instert_product_stock1=INSERT INTO product.area_stock VALUES ('500', '300', '600', '1000', '0', '1000', '1', '510100', '2019-02-02 10:13:33', '999', null, '2019-01-29 15:48:19', null, '6', '0', '3.00', '1000');
50   -instert_product_stock2=INSERT INTO product.area_stock VALUES ('501', '300', '600', '1000', '0', '1000', '1', '210100', '2019-02-02 16:40:49', '999', null, '2019-01-29 15:48:19', null, '78', '0', '3.00', '1000');
51   -instert_shop=INSERT INTO `shop` VALUES ('116', '成都SAC新店0001', 'S001953', 'W000101', '00010953', '四川省成都市青羊区天府广场', null, '510100', null, '30.663420320381004', '104.07219216758062', null, '李老板', '15111888983', null, null, '天府广场', '3', null, '1', '1', '2019-02-11 14:12:01', null, null, null);
52   -instert_wallet=INSERT INTO `wallet` VALUES ('11845', '00010953', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '2019-02-11 12:08:50', '2019-02-11 12:08:50', null, null);
53   -
54   -[data_clean]
55   -delete_product=DELETE FROM product.product WHERE id = 300;
56   -delete_product_tag=DELETE FROM product.product_tag WHERE product_tag.product_id = 300;
57   -delete_product_stock=DELETE FROM product.area_stock WHERE area_stock.product_id = 300;
58   -
59   -
60   -[submitOrder01]
61   -notes="下单成功:优惠券为空,其他参数传入有效值"
62   -delete_order=DELETE FROM `customer_coupon` WHERE code = 10000;
63   -requestBody={
64   - "payCredential": "1548316340046",
65   - "customerCode": "00010966",
66   - "amount": 0,
67   - "source": "wechatApplet",
68   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
69   - "cityId": "510100",
70   - "cityName": "成都市",
71   - "shopCode": "S001953",
72   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
73   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
74   - "items": [{
75   - "areaId": "510100",
76   - "productId": 301,
77   - "productCode": "PD2019021100000001",
78   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
79   - "price": 0,
80   - "quantity": 1
81   - }]
82   - }
83   -expect_Response={"code":"200","data":{"nonceStr":"APm6DY1wlK7cGkVbOAqe","orderCode":"O2019021400000009","pacKage":"prepay_id=1550137322575","payEnable":2,"paySign":"470D0E4BD0A2F13F8772DF29A6B7B206","signType":"MD5","timeStamp":"1550137323166"},"result":"OK","success":1}
84   -
85   -
86   -[submitOrder02]
87   -notes="下单失败:商品为空时,优惠券为空,其他参数填入有效值"
88   -requestBody={
89   - "payCredential": "1548316340046",
90   - "customerCode": "00010966",
91   - "amount": 0,
92   - "source": "wechatApplet",
93   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
94   - "cityId": "510100",
95   - "cityName": "成都市",
96   - "shopCode": "S001953",
97   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
98   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
99   - "items": []
100   - }
101   -expect_Response={"code":"5000","result":"优惠券不可用","success":false}
102   -
103   -[submitOrder03]
104   -notes="下单成功:使用有效优惠券,其他参数填入有效值"
105   -coupon_check=SELECT * FROM customer.customer_coupon WHERE id = 10000;
106   -coupon_insert=INSERT INTO `customer_coupon` VALUES ('10000', '1', '00010966', '004', '成勇测试01', 'auto', '2', '1', '1000', '0', '2019-01-17 00:00:00', '2025-01-26 23:59:59', '10', '2019-01-17 15:14:15', null, '1');
107   -coupon_delete=DELETE FROM `customer_coupon` WHERE id = 10000;
108   -requestBody={
109   - "payCredential": "1548323014928",
110   - "customerCode": "00010966",
111   - "amount": 0,
112   - "source": "wechatApplet",
113   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
114   - "cityId": "510100",
115   - "cityName": "成都市",
116   - "shopCode": "S001953",
117   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
118   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
119   - "items": [{
120   - "areaId": "510100",
121   - "productId": 301,
122   - "productCode": "PD2019011700000052",
123   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
124   - "price": 0,
125   - "quantity": 1
126   - }],
127   - "customerCouponId": 10000
128   - }
129   -expect_Response={"code":"200","data":{"nonceStr":"APm6DY1wlK7cGkVbOAqe","orderCode":"O2019021400000009","pacKage":"prepay_id=1550137322575","payEnable":2,"paySign":"470D0E4BD0A2F13F8772DF29A6B7B206","signType":"MD5","timeStamp":"1550137323166"},"result":"OK","success":1}
130   -
131   -
132   -
133   -[submitOrder04]
134   -notes="下单失败:支付用已经使用过的优惠券"
135   -coupon_check=SELECT * FROM customer.customer_coupon WHERE id = 10000;
136   -coupon_insert=INSERT INTO `customer_coupon` VALUES ('10000', '0', '00010953', '004', '成勇测试01', 'auto', '2', '1', '1000', '0', '2019-01-17 00:00:00', '2025-01-26 23:59:59', '10', '2019-01-17 15:14:15', null, '1');
137   -coupon_delete=DELETE FROM `customer_coupon` WHERE id = 10000;
138   -requestBody={
139   - "payCredential": "1548323014928",
140   - "customerCode": "00010966",
141   - "amount": 0,
142   - "source": "wechatApplet",
143   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
144   - "cityId": "510100",
145   - "cityName": "成都市",
146   - "shopCode": "S001953",
147   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
148   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
149   - "items": [{
150   - "areaId": "510100",
151   - "productId": 301,
152   - "productCode": "PD2019021100000001",
153   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
154   - "price": 0,
155   - "quantity": 1
156   - }],
157   - "customerCouponId": 10000
158   - }
159   -expect_Response={"code":"5000","result":"优惠券不可用","success":false}
160   -
161   -
162   -[submitOrder05]
163   -notes="下单失败:支付用过期的优惠券"
164   -coupon_check=SELECT * FROM customer.customer_coupon WHERE id = 10000;
165   -coupon_insert=INSERT INTO `customer_coupon` VALUES ('10000', '1', '00010953', '004', '成勇测试01', 'auto', '2', '1', '1000', '0', '2019-01-17 00:00:00', '2019-01-18 23:59:59', '10', '2019-01-17 15:14:15', null, '1');
166   -coupon_delete=DELETE FROM `customer_coupon` WHERE id = 10000;
167   -requestBody={
168   - "payCredential": "1548323014928",
169   - "customerCode": "00010966",
170   - "amount": 0,
171   - "source": "wechatApplet",
172   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
173   - "cityId": "510100",
174   - "cityName": "成都市",
175   - "shopCode": "S001953",
176   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
177   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
178   - "items": [{
179   - "areaId": "510100",
180   - "productId": 301,
181   - "productCode": "PD2019021100000001",
182   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
183   - "price": 0,
184   - "quantity": 1
185   - }],
186   - "customerCouponId": 10000
187   - }
188   -expect_Response={"code":"5000","result":"优惠券不可用","success":false}
189   -
190   -[submitOrder06]
191   -notes="下单失败:支付用别人的优惠券"
192   -coupon_check=SELECT * FROM customer.customer_coupon WHERE id = 10000;
193   -coupon_insert=INSERT INTO `customer_coupon` VALUES ('10000', '1', '00001008', '004', '成勇测试01', 'auto', '2', '1', '1000', '0', '2019-01-17 00:00:00', '2025-01-18 23:59:59', '10', '2019-01-17 15:14:15', null, '1');
194   -coupon_delete=DELETE FROM `customer_coupon` WHERE id = 10000;
195   -requestBody={
196   - "payCredential": "1548323014928",
197   - "customerCode": "00010966",
198   - "amount": 0,
199   - "source": "wechatApplet",
200   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
201   - "cityId": "510100",
202   - "cityName": "成都市",
203   - "shopCode": "S001953",
204   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
205   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
206   - "items": [{
207   - "areaId": "510100",
208   - "productId": 301,
209   - "productCode": "PD2019021100000001",
210   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
211   - "price": 0,
212   - "quantity": 1
213   - }],
214   - "customerCouponId": 10000
215   - }
216   -expect_Response={"code":"5000","result":"优惠券不可用","success":false}
217   -
218   -
219   -[submitOrder07]
220   -notes="下单失败:支付用未到期的优惠券"
221   -coupon_check=SELECT * FROM customer.customer_coupon WHERE id = 10000;
222   -coupon_insert=INSERT INTO `customer_coupon` VALUES ('10000', '1', '00010953', '004', '成勇测试01', 'auto', '2', '1', '1000', '0', '2025-01-17 00:00:00', '2025-01-18 23:59:59', '10', '2019-01-17 15:14:15', null, '1');
223   -coupon_delete=DELETE FROM `customer_coupon` WHERE id = 10000;
224   -requestBody={
225   - "payCredential": "1548323014928",
226   - "customerCode": "00010966",
227   - "amount": 0,
228   - "source": "wechatApplet",
229   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
230   - "cityId": "510100",
231   - "cityName": "成都市",
232   - "shopCode": "S001953",
233   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
234   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
235   - "items": [{
236   - "areaId": "510100",
237   - "productId": 301,
238   - "productCode": "PD2019021100000001",
239   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
240   - "price": 0,
241   - "quantity": 1
242   - }],
243   - "customerCouponId": 10000
244   - }
245   -expect_Response={"code":"5000","result":"优惠券不可用","success":false}
246   -
247   -[submitOrder08]
248   -notes="下单失败:支付用未满减条件的优惠券"
249   -coupon_check=SELECT * FROM customer.customer_coupon WHERE id = 10000;
250   -coupon_insert=INSERT INTO `customer_coupon` VALUES ('10000', '1', '00010953', '004', '成勇测试01', 'auto', '2', '1', '1000', '1000', '2019-01-17 00:00:00', '2025-01-18 23:59:59', '10', '2019-01-17 15:14:15', null, '1');
251   -coupon_delete=DELETE FROM `customer_coupon` WHERE id = 10000;
252   -requestBody={
253   - "payCredential": "1548323014928",
254   - "customerCode": "00010966",
255   - "amount": 0,
256   - "source": "wechatApplet",
257   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
258   - "cityId": "510100",
259   - "cityName": "成都市",
260   - "shopCode": "S001953",
261   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
262   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
263   - "items": [{
264   - "areaId": "510100",
265   - "productId": 301,
266   - "productCode": "PD2019021100000001",
267   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
268   - "price": 0,
269   - "quantity": 1
270   - }],
271   - "customerCouponId": 10000
272   - }
273   -expect_Response={"code":"5000","result":"优惠券不可用","success":false}
274   -
275   -[submitOrder09]
276   -notes="下单失败:使用被关闭的自提点"
277   -shop_shutdown=UPDATE `fresh-uap`.shop SET state = 4 WHERE code = 'S001953' ;
278   -shop_open=UPDATE `fresh-uap`.shop SET state = 3 WHERE code = 'S001953' ;
279   -requestBody={
280   - "payCredential": "1548323014928",
281   - "customerCode": "00010966",
282   - "amount": 0,
283   - "source": "wechatApplet",
284   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
285   - "cityId": "510100",
286   - "cityName": "成都市",
287   - "shopCode": "S001953",
288   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
289   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
290   - "items": [{
291   - "areaId": "510100",
292   - "productId": 301,
293   - "productCode": "PD2019021100000001",
294   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
295   - "price": 0,
296   - "quantity": 1
297   - }]
298   - }
299   -expect_Response={"code":"5000","result":"自提点异常","success":false}
300   -
301   -
302   -[submitOrder10]
303   -notes="下单失败:客户被禁用时下单"
304   -customer_disable=UPDATE customer.customer SET enabled_state = 0 WHERE `code` = 00010966 ;
305   -customer_enable=UPDATE customer.customer SET enabled_state = 1 WHERE `code` = 00010966 ;
306   -requestBody={
307   - "payCredential": "1548323014928",
308   - "customerCode": "00010966",
309   - "amount": 0,
310   - "source": "wechatApplet",
311   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
312   - "cityId": "510100",
313   - "cityName": "成都市",
314   - "shopCode": "S001953",
315   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
316   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
317   - "items": [{
318   - "areaId": "510100",
319   - "productId": 301,
320   - "productCode": "PD2019021100000001",
321   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
322   - "price": 0,
323   - "quantity": 1
324   - }]
325   - }
326   -expect_Response={"code":"5000","result":"账户被禁用","success":false}
327   -
328   -[submitOrder11]
329   -notes="下单失败:购买其他地区的商品"
330   -requestBody={
331   - "payCredential": "1548316340046",
332   - "customerCode": "00010966",
333   - "amount": 0,
334   - "source": "wechatApplet",
335   - "deliveryMethod": "homeDelivery",
336   - "cityId": "510100",
337   - "cityName": "成都市",
338   - "shopCode": "S001953",
339   - "shopName": "成都SAC新店0001",
340   - "useFreeAmount": 0,
341   - "items": [{
342   - "areaId": "110100",
343   - "productId": 301,
344   - "productCode": "PD2019021100000001",
345   - "productName": "猕猴桃",
346   - "price": 0,
347   - "quantity": 1
348   - }]
349   - }
350   -expect_Response={"code":"5000","result":"商品沈阳独立商品超过购买限制,限制购买总数为0","success":false}
351 0 \ No newline at end of file
src/config/api/submitOrder.xlsx deleted 100644 → 0
No preview for this file type
src/config/api/undertaskOrderSubmit.conf deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
2   -
3   -[undertaskOrderSubmit01]
4   -url=
5   -
6   -update_header01={"Content-Type":"application/json;charset=UTF-8","Referer":""}
7   -
8   -body={"ids":["0","1097","1098"],"vt":"0017","vehicleType":"0017","vehicleTypeText":"电动车","driver":"好司机"}
9   -
10   -expect_response={"code":"200","message":"OK","result":"OK","success":true}
11   -
12   -
13   -
src/config/api/upStream.conf 0 → 100644
  1 +# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  2 +
  3 +[upStream01]
  4 +method=post
  5 +url=
  6 +body_format=JSON
  7 +header={
  8 + "Host": "",
  9 + "Connection": "keep-alive",
  10 + "Content-Length": "325",
  11 + "Accept": "application/json,text/javascript,*/*;q=0.01",
  12 + "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
  13 + "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0(WindowsNT10.0;Win64;x64)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/90.0.4430.212Safari/537.36",
  14 + "Content-Type": "application/json",
  15 + "Origin": "",
  16 + "Referer": "",
  17 + "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate",
  18 + "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh-TW;q=0.9,zh;q=0.8,en;q=0.7"}
  19 +
  20 +body={"rows":10,"page":1,"sort":"id","order":"desc","metadata":{"created":"{\"provider\":\"datetimeProvider\",\"index\":10,\"field\":\"created\"}","upORdown":"{\"provider\":\"userFlagProvider\",\"index\":20,\"field\":\"upORdown\"}","upstreamType":"{\"provider\":\"upStreamTypeProvider\",\"index\":30,\"field\":\"upstreamType\"}"}}
  21 +
  22 +
  23 +expect_response={"code":"200","data":951,"message":"创建客户订单成功","result":"创建客户订单成功","success":true}
  24 +
... ...
src/config/api/updateTransportOrderLoaded.conf deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
2   -
3   -[updateTransportOrderLoaded01]
4   -url=
5   -
6   -update_header01={"Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8","Referer":""}
7   -
8   -
9   -body={
10   - "id": "638",
11   - "driver": "好司机",
12   - "licensePlate": "车辆信息666",
13   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[0].underTakeOrderId": "1101",
14   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[0].origin": "四川省,成都市,锦江区",
15   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[0].originId": "510104",
16   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[0].certificateUrl": "",
17   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[0].brand": "",
18   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[1].underTakeOrderId": "1102",
19   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[1].origin": "四川省,成都市,锦江区",
20   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[1].originId": "510104",
21   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[1].certificateUrl": "",
22   - "undertTakeOrderUpdateDtoList[1].brand": "",
23   - "feeMap[zhuanxiefei]": "0",
24   - "feeMap[dakuang]": "0",
25   - "loader": "装货王菲",
26   - "loadingPlaceId": "31",
27   - "attachments": "group1/M00/00/57/ChwMf13c4ZaAJwgDAACC74HdADg141.jpg"}
28   -
29   -expect_response={"code":"200","message":"OK","result":"OK","success":true}
30   -
31   -
1   -[2021-05-14 15:46:30] [INFO] : 发送的邮件地址[]:
2   -[2021-05-14 15:46:30] [INFO] : 运行的用例优先级[]:
3   -[2021-05-14 15:46:30] [INFO] : 运行的用例标记False:
4   -[2021-05-14 15:46:30] [INFO] : 测试用例加载结果<unittest.suite.TestSuite tests=[<test_skip_demo.test_skipclass.test_skipclass_demo1 testMethod=test_1_skipclass>, <test_skip_demo.test_skipclass.test_skipclass_demo1 testMethod=test_2_skipclass>, <test_skip_demo.test_skipclass.test_skipclass_demo1 testMethod=test_3_skipclass>, <test_skip_demo.test_skipclass.test_skipclass_demo1 testMethod=test_4_skipclass>, <test_skip_demo.test_skipclass.test_skipclass_demo1 testMethod=test_5_skipclass>, <test_skip_demo.test_skipclass.test_skipclass_demo1 testMethod=test_6_skipclass>, <test_skip_demo.test_skipclass.test_skipclass_demo1 testMethod=test_7_skipclass>, <test_skip_demo.test_Systemskip.test_systemskip_demo1 testMethod=test_1_systemskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Systemskip.test_systemskip_demo1 testMethod=test_2_systemskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Systemskip.test_systemskip_demo1 testMethod=test_3_systemskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Systemskip.test_systemskip_demo1 testMethod=test_4_systemskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Systemskip.test_systemskip_demo1 testMethod=test_5_systemskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Systemskip.test_systemskip_demo1 testMethod=test_6_systemskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Systemskip.test_systemskip_demo1 testMethod=test_7_systemskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Userskip.test_Userskip_demo1 testMethod=test_1_userskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Userskip.test_Userskip_demo1 testMethod=test_2_userskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Userskip.test_Userskip_demo1 testMethod=test_3_userskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Userskip.test_Userskip_demo1 testMethod=test_4_userskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Userskip.test_Userskip_demo1 testMethod=test_5_userskip>, <test_skip_demo.test_Userskip.test_Userskip_demo1 testMethod=test_6>]>
5   -[2021-05-14 15:46:30] [INFO] : 测试报告路径E:\EclipseWorkspace\WorksapceDemo\Request-demo\src/report/2021-05-14 15_46_30_result.html:
6   -[2021-05-14 15:46:30] [INFO] : ********运行测试用例********
7   -[2021-05-14 15:46:30] [INFO] : 发送邮件
8   -[2021-05-14 15:46:35] [INFO] : 邮件发送完毕
9   -2021-05-14 15:46:30] [INFO] : 发送邮件
10   -[2021-05-14 15:46:35] [INFO] : 邮件发送完毕
  1 +[2021-05-28 18:09:36] [INFO] : =============================请求接口为test_01_upStream==============================
  2 +[2021-05-28 18:09:36] [INFO] : 请求地址为; 请求方式为post; 请求body格式为JSON;
  3 + 请求body为None{'rows': 10, 'page': 1, 'sort': 'id', 'order': 'desc', 'metadata': {'created': '{"provider":"datetimeProvider","index":10,"field":"created"}', 'upORdown': '{"provider":"userFlagProvider","index":20,"field":"upORdown"}', 'upstreamType': '{"provider":"upStreamTypeProvider","index":30,"field":"upstreamType"}'}};
  4 +[2021-05-28 18:09:42] [INFO] : 响应body为{'rows': [{'upORdown': '上游', '$_upORdown': 10, 'created': '2021-05-26 15:04:27', 'businessLicenseUrl': '3b4af72d6872418a8898b1788bf3477f', '$_upstreamType': 20, 'marketId': 8, 'license': '666666', 'legalPerson': '法人代表', 'telphone': '13111111111', 'name': '一号测试上游企业', 'modified': 1622012667000, 'userNames': '测试一号', 'id': 340, 'sourceUserId': 516, 'upstreamType': '企业'}, {'upORdown': '上游', '$_upORdown': 10, 'created': '2021-05-24 17:35:48', 'idCard': '513001199105081258', '$_upstreamType': 10, 'marketId': 8, 'cardNoBackUrl': '', 'telphone': '18380475463', 'cardNoFrontUrl': '', 'name': '杨我', 'modified': 1621848948000, 'userNames': '地利人和', 'id': 339, 'sourceUserId': 131138, 'upstreamType': '个人'}, {'upORdown': '上游', '$_upORdown': 10, 'created': '2021-05-20 14:19:19', 'idCard': '513001199802081012', '$_upstreamType': 10, 'marketId': 8, 'cardNoBackUrl': '', 'telphone': '18380475463', 'cardNoFrontUrl': '', 'name': '爱情保卫战', 'modified': 1621491559000, 'userNames': '成都广场', 'id': 338, 'sourceUserId': 131155, 'upstreamType': '个人'}, {'upORdown': '上游', '$_upORdown': 10, 'created': '2021-05-18 10:39:22', 'idCard': '513001199802081258', '$_upstreamType': 10, 'marketId': 8, 'cardNoBackUrl': '', 'telphone': '18680475463', 'cardNoFrontUrl': '', 'name': '刘策', 'modified': 1621305562000, 'userNames': '啊撒米', 'id': 337, 'sourceUserId': 131135, 'upstreamType': '个人'}, {'upORdown': '上游', '$_upORdown': 10, 'created': '2021-05-10 09:42:51', 'idCard': '', '$_upstreamType': 10, 'marketId': 8, 'cardNoBackUrl': '', 'telphone': '13540782311', 'cardNoFrontUrl': '', 'name': '111', 'modified': 1620610971000, 'userNames': '雪额外大', 'id': 333, 'sourceUserId': 616, 'upstreamType': '个人'}, {'upORdown': '下游', '$_upORdown': 20, 'created': '2021-04-29 11:07:19', 'businessLicenseUrl': '', '$_upstreamType': 20, 'marketId': 8, 'operationLicenseUrl': '', 'license': '', 'legalPerson': '', 'telphone': '', 'name': '投入', 'modified': 1619665639000, 'userNames': '杨旭旭旭', 'id': 326, 'sourceUserId': 130500, 'manufacturingLicenseUrl': '', 'upstreamType': '企业'}, {'upORdown': '下游', '$_upORdown': 20, 'created': '2021-04-29 11:05:04', 'idCard': '513001199802081011', '$_upstreamType': 10, 'marketId': 8, 'cardNoBackUrl': '', 'telphone': '18380475463', 'cardNoFrontUrl': '', 'name': '12', 'modified': 1619665504000, 'userNames': '杰伦的', 'id': 325, 'sourceUserId': 515, 'upstreamType': '个人'}, {'upORdown': '上游', '$_upORdown': 10, 'created': '2021-04-29 10:38:20', 'businessLicenseUrl': '570da30d70f847edbceec3170c5bd065', '$_upstreamType': 20, 'marketId': 8, 'license': '111111', 'legalPerson': '法人', 'telphone': '13111111111', 'name': '企业名称', 'modified': 1619663900000, 'userNames': '多少啊', 'id': 324, 'sourceUserId': 606, 'upstreamType': '企业'}, {'upORdown': '上游', '$_upORdown': 10, 'created': '2021-04-26 15:12:36', 'idCard': '513001199608081580', '$_upstreamType': 10, 'marketId': 8, 'cardNoBackUrl': '', 'telphone': '18580454632', 'cardNoFrontUrl': '', 'name': '15', 'modified': 1619421156000, 'userNames': '杨旭旭旭', 'id': 320, 'sourceUserId': 130500, 'upstreamType': '个人'}, {'upORdown': '上游', '$_upORdown': 10, 'created': '2021-04-26 15:12:16', 'idCard': '513001199608081580', '$_upstreamType': 10, 'marketId': 8, 'cardNoBackUrl': '', 'telphone': '18380475460', 'cardNoFrontUrl': '', 'name': '两休息', 'modified': 1619421136000, 'userNames': '杨旭旭旭', 'id': 319, 'sourceUserId': 130500, 'upstreamType': '个人'}], 'total': 203};
... ...
src/testcase/test_tms_myrequest/ 0 → 100644
  1 +#!/usr/bin/python
  2 +# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  3 +import unittest
  4 +import json
  5 +import urllib3
  6 +from commons import ConfigDB as db
  7 +from commons import common as com
  8 +from commons.MyRequest import myrequest
  9 +urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
  10 +my=myrequest()
  11 +
  12 +#列表查询
  13 +class test_upStream(unittest.TestCase):
  14 +
  15 + @classmethod
  16 + def setUpClass(cls):
  17 + #新增登记单
  18 +
  19 + #由于可能有多种情况所以使用传统的setup
  20 + def setUp(self):
  21 +# #新增登记单
  22 +# my.registerBill_insert(True)
  23 + pass
  24 + @unittest.case_config(com.mark())
  25 + def test_01_upStream(self):
  26 + #查询上下游企业
  27 + re=my.post2("test_01_upStream")
  28 + print(re.json())
  29 +
  30 + def test_02_upStream(self):
  31 + #新增理货区进场登记单,获取新增前最新的登记单id
  32 +# code=db.mysql_selectOne('SELECT code FROM `register_bill` WHERE id="{}";'.format(my.temp[0]))[0]
  33 +# #获取接口参数
  34 +# url=com.get_module_config('registerBill', 'listPage', 'listPage01', 'url')
  35 +# header=json.loads(com.get_module_config('registerBill', 'listPage', 'listPage01', 'header'))
  36 +# body=com.get_module_config('registerBill', 'listPage', 'listPage01', 'body')
  37 +# body=body.replace("d2020082700076",code)
  38 +# expect_response=json.loads(com.get_module_config('registerBill', 'listPage', 'listPage01', 'expect_response'))
  39 +# #进行接口请求,两种方式之一data
  40 +#,data=(body.encode().decode('unicode-escape')),headers=header)
  41 +# print(r.json())
  42 +# #进行接口断言
  43 +# self.assertEqual(r.json()["rows"][0]["code"], code," request failed")
  44 +# self.assertEqual(com.compare_json(r.json(),expect_response),None,"json compare failed")
  45 + pass
  46 +
  47 + def tearDown(self):
  48 +
  49 + print("tearDown")
  50 +
  51 + @classmethod
  52 + def tearDownClass(cls):
  53 +
  54 +
  55 +if __name__ == "__main__":
  56 +#unittest.main()方法会搜索该模块文件下所有以test开头的测试用例方法,并自动执行它们。
  57 +#如果不加下面这个语句,那么在通过unittest的方法添加测试用例时,这个文件里面的用例不会被搜索到。
  58 +
  59 + unittest.main(verbosity=2)
  60 +
  61 +# # 以下代码可以调试单个测试用例,用例中打印的语句不会展示到控制台,使用前需要注释上面的代码unittest.main(),如果不使用下面代码,
  62 +# # 在有unittest.main()的情况下点击ctrl+f11,会直接运行当前页面所有用例,并且把用例用有打印的语句显示到控制台
  63 +# current_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
  64 +# current_suite.addTest(submitOrder("test_01"))
  65 +# #以列表形式添加多个测试用例
  66 +# # current_suite.addTests([submitOrder_With_Coupon("test_01"),submitOrder_With_Coupon("test_02")])
  67 +# # 执行测试
  68 +# runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
  69 +#可以直接添加测试用例如submitOrder_With_Coupon("test_01"))
  70 +#
0 71 \ No newline at end of file
... ...