Commit 0c818a491fef685707f82b374ad40d095e6af4eb

Authored by lixi
1 parent ba77adfe


testcase/hg/loan_generalCustomer/ deleted 100644 → 0
testcase/hg/loan_generalCustomer/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -#!/usr/bin/python
2   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3   -import unittest
4   -from commons import common as com
5   -from commons import ConfigDB as db
6   -from commons.MySession import my,hg
7   -from commons.api.hg.loan_generalCustomer.generalCustomerLoan_save import generalCustomerLoan_save
8   -from commons.api.hg.loan_generalCustomer.generalCustomerLoan_delete import generalCustomerLoan_delete
9   -from commons.api.hg.loan_generalCustomer.generalCustomerLoan_list import generalCustomerLoan_list
10   -from commons.api.hg.loan_generalCustomer.generalCustomerLoan_enforce import generalCustomerLoan_enforce
11   -from commons.basic.registerRecord_save import registerRecord_save
12   -from commons.basic.createAndTrade import createAndTrade
13   -g=generalCustomerLoan_save()
14   -l=generalCustomerLoan_list()
15   -d=generalCustomerLoan_delete()
16   -e=generalCustomerLoan_enforce()
17   -r=registerRecord_save()
18   -c=createAndTrade()
19   -
20   -
21   -class test_generalCustomerLoan(unittest.TestCase):
22   - "杭果市场-借款管理-普通客户借款"
23   -
24   - @classmethod
25   - def setUpClass(cls) :
26   - #存储进门的批次号
27   - cls.batch=[]
28   - #生成两单进门批号
29   - for i in range(2):
30   - #新增一个进门批号单
31   -,headers=r.header,json=r.body1)
32   - #获取批号
33   - cls.batch.append(re.json()["data"]["batchCode"])
34   - #普通客户使用进门批号生成交易单
35   - body=c.body1.copy()
36   - body["orderItemList"][0]["batchCode"]=cls.batch
37   -,headers=c.header,json=body)
38   -
39   -
40   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
41   - def test_generalCustomerLoan_01_save(self):
42   - "新增预支款:根据批次号新增预支款"
43   - #生成两个普通借款单
44   - for i in range(2):
45   - #替换批次号
46   - body=g.body.copy()
47   - body["batch"]=self.batch[i]
48   - #请求
49   -,headers=g.header,json=body)
50   - print(re.json(),"普通借款批次号",self.batch[i])
51   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
52   - self.assertTrue("操作成功" in str(re.json()).replace(" ",""))
53   -
54   -
55   - @unittest.skipDepend(depend="test_generalCustomerLoan_01_save")
56   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
57   - def test_generalCustomerLoan_02_list(self):
58   - "列表-查询:执行状态,客户,批号和结算日期都输入合法值,查询指定借款数据"
59   - #修改查询的值
60   - body=l.body.copy()
61   - body["batch"] = self.batch[0]
62   - # body["settleDateStart"]=com.dates()
63   - # body["settleDateEnd"] = com.dates()
64   - #请求
65   -,headers=l.header,json=body)
66   - print(re.json())
67   - #断言
68   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
69   - self.assertTrue("操作成功" in str(re.json()).replace(" ",""))
70   - self.assertTrue(self.batch[0] in str(re.json()).replace(" ",""))
71   -
72   -
73   - @unittest.skipDepend(depend="test_generalCustomerLoan_01_save")
74   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
75   - def test_generalCustomerLoan_03_delete(self):
76   - "列表-撤销:撤销一个未执行的借款单"
77   - #查询批次号对应id
78   - batch_id=db.mysql_selectOne(d.sql.replace("2109000088",self.batch[0]))[0]
79   - #替换url的批次id
80   - url=d.url.replace("66",str(batch_id))
81   - #请求
82   - re=hg.get(url=url,headers=d.header)
83   - print(re.json(),"删除的普通借款批次号号和id",self.batch[0],batch_id)
84   - #断言
85   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
86   - self.assertTrue("操作成功" in str(re.json()).replace(" ",""))
87   -
88   -
89   - @unittest.skipDepend(depend="test_generalCustomerLoan_01_save")
90   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
91   - def test_generalCustomerLoan_04_enforce(self):
92   - "列表-执行:执行一个未执行的借款单"
93   - #查询批次号对应id
94   - batch_id=db.mysql_selectOne(d.sql.replace("2109000088",self.batch[1]))[0]
95   - #替换url的批次id
96   - url=e.url.replace("66",str(batch_id))
97   - #请求
98   - re=hg.get(url=url,headers=e.header)
99   - print(re.json(),"执行的普通借款批次号号和id",self.batch[1],batch_id)
100   - #断言
101   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
102   - self.assertTrue("操作成功" in str(re.json()).replace(" ",""))
103   -
104   -
105   -
106   -if __name__ == "__main__":
107   -
108   - unittest.main(verbosity=2)
109   - # com.run_one(test_generalCustomerLoan("test_generalCustomerLoan_01_save"))
testcase/hg/loan_vipCustomer/ deleted 100644 → 0
testcase/hg/loan_vipCustomer/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -#!/usr/bin/python
2   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3   -import unittest
4   -from commons import common as com
5   -from commons.MySession import my,hg
6   -from commons.api.hg.loan_vipCustomer.getSingleWithoutValidate import getSingleWithoutValidate
7   -g=getSingleWithoutValidate()
8   -
9   -
10   -
11   -class test_getSingleWithoutValidate(unittest.TestCase):
12   - "杭果市场-借款管理-大客户借款"
13   -
14   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
15   - def test_getSingleWithoutValidate_01(self):
16   - "新增-刷卡:刷卡查询园区卡信息"
17   -,headers=g.header,json=g.body)
18   - print(re.json())
19   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
20   - self.assertTrue("'特朗普vip'" in str(re.json()).replace(" ",""))
21   -
22   -
23   -if __name__ == "__main__":
24   -
25   - unittest.main(verbosity=2)
26   -
27   - # com.run_one(test_weightBizBill_listPage("test_weightBizBill_listPage_01"))
testcase/hg/loan_vipCustomer/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -#!/usr/bin/python
2   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3   -import unittest
4   -from commons import common as com
5   -from commons.MySession import my,hg
6   -from commons.api.hg.loan_vipCustomer.specialLoanQuery import specialLoanQuery
7   -s=specialLoanQuery()
8   -
9   -
10   -
11   -class test_specialLoanQuery(unittest.TestCase):
12   - "杭果市场-借款管理-大客户借款"
13   -
14   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
15   - def test_specialLoanQuery_01(self):
16   - "新增借款页-查询:点击新增,查询客户的订单信息"
17   - #获取当天时间
18   - body=s.body.copy()
19   - body["tradeDateStart"]=com.dates()
20   - body["tradeDateEnd"] = com.dates()
21   -,headers=s.header,json=s.body)
22   - print(re.json())
23   - data=["未查询到交易信息","操作成功","该时间段已发生过预支借款,若还需要借款,请更改借款交易时间"]
24   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
25   - if any(t in str(re.json()).replace(" ","") for t in data):
26   - assert True
27   - else:
28   - assert False
29   -
30   -if __name__ == "__main__":
31   -
32   - unittest.main(verbosity=2)
33   -
34   - # com.run_one(test_weightBizBill_listPage("test_weightBizBill_listPage_01"))
testcase/hg/loan_vipCustomer/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -#!/usr/bin/python
2   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3   -import unittest
4   -from commons import common as com
5   -from commons.MySession import my,hg
6   -from commons.api.hg.loan_vipCustomer.vipCustomerLoan_details import vipCustomerLoan_details
7   -vip=vipCustomerLoan_details()
8   -
9   -
10   -
11   -class test_vipCustomerLoan_details(unittest.TestCase):
12   - "杭果市场-借款管理-大客户借款"
13   -
14   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
15   - def test_vipCustomerLoan_details_01(self):
16   - "借款详情:选择指定大客户借款数据,点击查看"
17   -,headers=vip.header,json=vip.body)
18   - print(re.json())
19   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
20   - self.assertTrue("'操作成功'" in str(re.json()).replace(" ",""))
21   - self.assertTrue("'特朗普vip'" in str(re.json()).replace(" ",""))
22   -
23   -
24   -if __name__ == "__main__":
25   -
26   - unittest.main(verbosity=2)
27   -
28   - # com.run_one(test_weightBizBill_listPage("test_weightBizBill_listPage_01"))
testcase/hg/loan_vipCustomer/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -#!/usr/bin/python
2   -# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3   -import unittest
4   -from commons import common as com
5   -from commons.MySession import my,hg
6   -from commons.api.hg.loan_vipCustomer.vipCustomerLoan_list import vipCustomerLoan_list
7   -vip=vipCustomerLoan_list()
8   -
9   -
10   -
11   -class test_vipCustomerLoan_list(unittest.TestCase):
12   - "杭果市场-借款管理-大客户借款"
13   -
14   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
15   - def test_vipCustomerLoan_list_01(self):
16   - "列表查询:客户,卡号和结算日期查输入合法值,查询一条指定数据"
17   -,headers=vip.header,json=vip.body)
18   - print(re.json())
19   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
20   - self.assertTrue("'特朗普vip'" in str(re.json()).replace(" ",""))
21   -
22   -
23   -if __name__ == "__main__":
24   -
25   - unittest.main(verbosity=2)
26   -
27   - # com.run_one(test_weightBizBill_listPage("test_weightBizBill_listPage_01"))
testcase/hg/test_batch/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2   -
3   -# @Time : 2021/9/8 17:46
4   -# @Author : Ljq
5   -# @File :
6   -# @Software: PyCharm
7   -
8   -"""
9   -
10   -"""
testcase/hg/test_batch/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2   -
3   -# @Time : 2021/9/10 10:17
4   -# @Author : Ljq
5   -# @File :
6   -# @Software: PyCharm
7   -
8   -"""
9   -杭果市场-结算管理-批号管理
10   -"""
11   -
12   -from commons.MySession import sessionHg as session
13   -from commons.api.hg.CheckIn import CheckIn
14   -from commons.api.hg.settlement import batch
15   -from commons.scripts.readConf import rC
16   -import unittest,random
17   -
18   -class test_batch(unittest.TestCase):
19   - """杭果市场-结算管理-批号管理"""
20   - def setUp(self) -> None:
21   - pass
22   -
23   - def tearDown(self) -> None:
24   - pass
25   -
26   - @classmethod
27   - def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
28   - cls.gatewayHost = rC.returnOptionsItems("host", "gatewayHost")
29   - cls.jmsfHost = rC.returnOptionsItems("host", "jmsfHost")
30   - cls.ic = rC.returnOptionsItems("testInfo", "hg_cardNumRe_01")
31   -
32   - @classmethod
33   - def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:
34   - pass
35   -
36   - def test_searchState_1(self):
37   - """
38   - 批号管理--查询--输入【在售】状态的完整批号,查询出该批号下的相关数据
39   - """
40   - # 创建初始数据
41   - resBatchCode = CheckIn.create_registerRecord(session=session, host=self.gatewayHost,ic=self.ic)
42   - self.batchCode = resBatchCode.json()["data"]["batchCode"]
43   - # 执行查询
44   - print("test_searchState_1 --> self.batchCode:",self.batchCode)
45   - resSearchState = batch.batchCodeQuery(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=self.batchCode)
46   - print(resSearchState.json())
47   - assert resSearchState.json()["code"] == "200","在售状态的登记单查询失败"
48   - assert resSearchState.json()["state"] == 1,"在售状态的登记单查询失败"
49   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["state"] == 1, "在售状态的登记单查询失败"
50   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["batchCode"] == self.batchCode, "在售状态的登记单查询失败"
51   -
52   - def test_searchState_2(self):
53   - """
54   - 批号管理--查询--输入【关闭】状态的完整批号,查询出该批号下的相关数据
55   - """
56   - # 创建初始数据
57   - resBatchCode = CheckIn.create_registerRecord(session=session, host=self.gatewayHost,ic=self.ic)
58   - self.batchCode = resBatchCode.json()["data"]["batchCode"]
59   - print("test_searchState_1 --> self.batchCode:", self.batchCode)
60   - # 将批号关闭
61   - resChange = batch.changeBatchCodeState(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=self.batchCode)
62   - assert resChange.json()["message"] == "success","批号关闭成功"
63   - # 执行查询
64   - resSearchState = batch.batchCodeQuery(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=self.batchCode)
65   - print(resSearchState.json())
66   - assert resSearchState.json()["code"] == "200","在售状态的登记单查询失败"
67   - assert resSearchState.json()["state"] == 2,"在售状态的登记单查询失败"
68   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["state"] == 2, "在售状态的登记单查询失败"
69   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["batchCode"] == self.batchCode, "在售状态的登记单查询失败"
70   -
71   - def test_batchDetails(self):
72   - """
73   - 批号管理--列表--【列表】中数据显示正确
74   - """
75   - # 创建初始数据
76   - goodsName="西瓜"
77   - weight = random.randint(50,100)
78   - print("weight",weight)
79   - resBatchCode = CheckIn.create_registerRecord(session=session, host=self.gatewayHost,ic=self.ic,goodsName=goodsName,
80   - weight=weight)
81   - self.batchCode = resBatchCode.json()["data"]["batchCode"]
82   - print("test_searchState_1 --> self.batchCode:", self.batchCode)
83   - # 执行查询
84   - resSearchState = batch.batchCodeQuery(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=self.batchCode)
85   - print(resSearchState.json())
86   - assert resSearchState.json()["code"] == "200","查询状态码返回错误"
87   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["batchCode"] == self.batchCode, "查询获得订单与实际订单不一致"
88   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["registerDetail"][0]["categoryName"] == goodsName, "批号的商品信息与创建时不一致"
89   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["registerDetail"][0]["weight"] == weight, "批号的重量信息与创建时不一致"
90   -
91   - def test_changeState_1(self):
92   - """
93   - 批号管理--恢复交款--“关闭”状态的批号,可【恢复交款】成功
94   - """
95   - # 创建初始数据
96   - resBatchCode = CheckIn.create_registerRecord(session=session, host=self.gatewayHost,ic=self.ic)
97   - self.batchCode = resBatchCode.json()["data"]["batchCode"]
98   - print("test_searchState_1 --> self.batchCode:", self.batchCode)
99   - # 将批号关闭
100   - resChange = batch.changeBatchCodeState(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=self.batchCode,state=2)
101   - assert resChange.json()["message"] == "success","批号关闭成功"
102   - resChange = batch.changeBatchCodeState(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=self.batchCode,state=1)
103   - assert resChange.json()["message"] == "success","批号关闭成功"
104   - # 执行查询
105   - resSearchState = batch.batchCodeQuery(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=self.batchCode)
106   - print(resSearchState.json())
107   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["state"] == 1, "在售状态的登记单查询失败"
108   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["batchCode"] == self.batchCode, "在售状态的登记单查询失败"
109   -
110   - def test_changeState_2(self):
111   - """
112   - 批号管理--恢复交款--“在售”状态的批号,可【停止交款】成功
113   - """
114   - # 创建初始数据
115   - resBatchCode = CheckIn.create_registerRecord(session=session, host=self.gatewayHost,ic=self.ic)
116   - self.batchCode = resBatchCode.json()["data"]["batchCode"]
117   - print("test_searchState_1 --> self.batchCode:", self.batchCode)
118   - # 将批号关闭
119   - resChange = batch.changeBatchCodeState(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=self.batchCode,state=2)
120   - assert resChange.json()["message"] == "success","批号关闭成功"
121   - # 执行查询
122   - resSearchState = batch.batchCodeQuery(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=self.batchCode)
123   - print(resSearchState.json())
124   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["state"] == 2, "在售状态的登记单查询失败"
125   - assert resSearchState.json()["data"]["batchCode"] == self.batchCode, "在售状态的登记单查询失败"
testcase/hg/test_batchSettlement/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2   -
3   -# @Time : 2021/9/10 11:00
4   -# @Author : Ljq
5   -# @File :
6   -# @Software: PyCharm
7   -
8   -"""
9   -
10   -"""
testcase/hg/test_batchSettlement/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2   -
3   -# @Time : 2021/9/10 11:01
4   -# @Author : Ljq
5   -# @File :
6   -# @Software: PyCharm
7   -
8   -"""
9   -杭果市场-结算管理-批号管理
10   -"""
11   -
12   -
13   -from commons.api.hg.settlement import batch
14   -from commons.api.hg.settlement import batchSettlement
15   -from commons.api.hg.settlement import sellingGoods
16   -from commons.MySession import sessionHg as session
17   -from commons.api.hg.CheckIn import CheckIn
18   -from commons.scripts.readConf import rC
19   -import unittest,random
20   -
21   -class test_batch(unittest.TestCase):
22   - """杭果市场-结算管理-批号管理"""
23   - def setUp(self) -> None:
24   - pass
25   -
26   - def tearDown(self) -> None:
27   - pass
28   -
29   - @classmethod
30   - def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
31   - cls.gatewayHost = rC.returnOptionsItems("host", "gatewayHost")
32   - cls.jmsfHost = rC.returnOptionsItems("host", "jmsfHost")
33   - cls.ic = rC.returnOptionsItems("testInfo", "hg_cardNumRe_01")
34   - cls.ic_buyer = rC.returnOptionsItems("testInfo", "hg_cardNumRe_02")
35   - cls.posCode = rC.returnOptionsItems("testInfo", "hg_posCode_01")
36   -
37   - @classmethod
38   - def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:
39   - pass
40   -
41   - def test_searchBatchState_2(self):
42   - """
43   - 批号管理--查询--验证查询已关闭的批号自动加载批号信息
44   - """
45   - # 创建初始数据
46   - posCode = self.posCode
47   - state = "2"
48   - resBatchCode = CheckIn.create_registerRecord(session=session, host=self.gatewayHost,ic=self.ic)
49   - batchCode = resBatchCode.json()["data"]["batchCode"]
50   - print("test_searchState_1 --> self.batchCode:", batchCode)
51   - # 变更交易状态
52   - resCAT = batch.changeBatchCodeState(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=batchCode,state=state)
53   - print(resCAT.json())
54   - assert resCAT.json()["code"]=="200","登记单状态变更失败"
55   - # 结算单查询
56   - res = batchSettlement.settle_query(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=batchCode)
57   - print(res.text)
58   - assert "tradingOrder" in res.text,"验证查询已关闭的批号自动加载批号信息"
59   -
60   - def test_searchBatchState_1(self):
61   - """
62   - 批号管理--查询--验证查询已关闭的批号自动加载批号信息
63   - """
64   - # 创建初始数据
65   - posCode = self.posCode
66   - state = "2"
67   - resBatchCode = CheckIn.create_registerRecord(session=session, host=self.gatewayHost,ic=self.ic)
68   - print(resBatchCode.json())
69   - batchCode = resBatchCode.json()["data"]["batchCode"]
70   - print("test_searchState_1 --> self.batchCode:", batchCode)
71   - # # 变更交易状态
72   - # resCAT = sellingGoods.doCreateAndTrade(session=session,host=self.gatewayHost,batchCode=batchCode,
73   - # ic=self.ic_buyer,posCode=posCode)
74   - # print(resCAT.json())
75 0 \ No newline at end of file
testcase/hg/tradingOrder/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -import unittest
2   -import urllib3
3   -urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
4   -from commons.MySession import hg,my
5   -from commons.api.hg.transaction.Key_customer_login import Key_customer_login
6   -kcl = Key_customer_login()
7   -
8   -"""
9   -大客户登录
10   -"""
11   -
12   -class test_Key_customer_login(unittest.TestCase):
13   - "大客户登录"
14   - @classmethod
15   - def setUpClass(cls):
16   - pass
17   -
18   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
19   - def test_Key_customer_login_01(self):
20   - "大客户登录"
21   - body = kcl.body.copy()
22   - re = = kcl.url, headers = kcl.header, json = body)
23   - print(re.json())
24   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
25   - self.assertTrue("'登录成功'" in str(re.json()).replace(" ", ""))
26   - self.assertEqual(re.json()["data"]["user"]["state"], 1,"为1时是大客户")
27   - @classmethod
28   - def tearDownClass(cls):
29   - pass
30   -
31   -
32   -if __name__ == '__main__':
33   - unittest.main()
testcase/hg/tradingOrder/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -import unittest
2   -import urllib3
3   -urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
4   -from commons.MySession import hg,my
5   -from commons import ConfigDB as db
6   -from commons.api.hg.transaction.createAndTrade import createAndTrade
7   -from commons.basic.registerRecord_save import registerRecord_save
8   -creat = createAndTrade()
9   -r = registerRecord_save()
10   -
11   -"""
12   -创建大客户订单
13   -"""
14   -
15   -class test_createAndTrade(unittest.TestCase):
16   - "创建大客户订单"
17   - @classmethod
18   - def setUpClass(cls):
19   - # 新增一个进门批号单
20   - # 新增一个进门批号单
21   - # = db.mysql_selectOne('''
22   - # SELECT
23   - # aua.account_id,auc.card_no,aua.customer_id,aua.customer_code,aua.customer_name,aua.customer_certificate_number
24   - # FROM
25   - # ( `dili_account`.`account_user_account` AS aua LEFT JOIN `dili_account`.`account_user_card` AS auc ON aua.account_id = auc.account_id )
26   - # LEFT JOIN `dili-customer`.`special_permissions` AS sp ON aua.customer_id = sp.customer_id
27   - # ORDER BY aua.account_id DESC LIMIT 1
28   - # ''')
29   - = db.mysql_selectOne('''
30   - SELECT
31   - aua.account_id AS "账号id",
32   - auc.card_no AS "园区卡号",
33   - aua.customer_id AS "客户id",
34   - aua.customer_code AS "客户code",
35   - aua.customer_name AS "客户姓名",
36   - aua.customer_certificate_number AS "客户身份证号码",
37   - aua.hold_contacts_phone AS "持卡人电话"
38   -FROM
39   - ( `dili_account`.`account_user_account` AS aua LEFT JOIN `dili_account`.`account_user_card` AS auc ON aua.account_id = auc.account_id )
40   - LEFT JOIN `dili-customer`.`special_permissions` AS sp ON aua.customer_id = sp.customer_id
41   -WHERE
42   - sp.customer_id = 141962 AND sp.market_id =15
43   -ORDER BY
44   - aua.account_id DESC
45   - LIMIT 1
46   - ''')
47   - body2 = r.body.copy()
48   - body2["accountId"] = str([0])
49   - body2["cardNo"] = str([1])
50   - body2["customerId"] = str([2])
51   - body2["customerCode"] = str([3])
52   - body2["customerName"] = str([4])
53   - body2["identityCardNo"] = str([5])
54   - body2["mobilephoneNumber"] = str([6])
55   - body2["categoryId"] = 44
56   - body2["categoryCode"] = 754107
57   - body2["categoryName"] = "葡萄"
58   - re = = r.url, headers = r.header, json = body2)
59   - "获取批号"
60   - print("获取批号结果:",re.json())
61   - cls.batch = re.json()["data"]["batchCode"]
62   - return cls.batch
63   -
64   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
65   - def test_createAndTrade_01(self):
66   - "大客户创建订单"
67   - body = creat.body.copy()
68   - body["orderItemList"][0]["batchCode"] = self.batch
69   - print("创建订单body",body)
70   - re1 = = creat.url, headers = creat.header, json = body)
71   - print(re1.json())
72   - self.assertEqual(re1.status_code, 200)
73   - self.assertTrue("'操作成功'" in str(re1.json()).replace(" ", ""))
74   - @classmethod
75   - def tearDownClass(cls):
76   - pass
77   -
78   -
79   -if __name__ == '__main__':
80   - unittest.main()
testcase/hg/tradingOrder/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -import unittest
2   -import urllib3
3   -urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
4   -from commons.MySession import hg,my
5   -from commons import ConfigDB as db
6   -from commons.api.hg.transaction.l_createAndTrade import l_createAndTrade
7   -from commons.basic.registerRecord_save import registerRecord_save
8   -lcat = l_createAndTrade()
9   -r = registerRecord_save()
10   -
11   -"""
12   -创建普通客户订单
13   -"""
14   -
15   -class test_l_createAndTrade(unittest.TestCase):
16   - "创建普通客户订单"
17   - @classmethod
18   - def setUpClass(cls):
19   - # 新增一个进门批号单
20   - = db.mysql_selectOne('''
21   - SELECT
22   - aua.account_id AS "账号id",
23   - auc.card_no AS "园区卡号",
24   - aua.customer_id AS "客户id",
25   - aua.customer_code AS "客户code",
26   - aua.customer_name AS "客户姓名",
27   - aua.customer_certificate_number AS "客户身份证号码",
28   - aua.hold_contacts_phone AS "持卡人电话"
29   -FROM
30   - ( `dili_account`.`account_user_account` AS aua LEFT JOIN `dili_account`.`account_user_card` AS auc ON aua.account_id = auc.account_id )
31   - LEFT JOIN `dili-customer`.`special_permissions` AS sp ON aua.customer_id = sp.customer_id
32   -WHERE
33   - sp.customer_id = 141962 AND sp.market_id =15
34   -ORDER BY
35   - aua.account_id DESC
36   - LIMIT 1
37   - ''')
38   - body2 = r.body1.copy()
39   - body2["accountId"] = str([0])
40   - body2["cardNo"] = str([1])
41   - body2["customerId"] = str([2])
42   - body2["customerCode"] = str([3])
43   - body2["customerName"] = str([4])
44   - body2["identityCardNo"] = str([5])
45   - body2["mobilephoneNumber"] = str([6])
46   - body2["categoryId"] = 44
47   - body2["categoryCode"] = 754107
48   - body2["categoryName"] = "葡萄"
49   - re = = r.url, headers = r.header, json = body2)
50   - "获取批号"
51   - print("获取批号结果:",re.json())
52   - cls.batch = re.json()["data"]["batchCode"]
53   - return cls.batch
54   -
55   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
56   - def test_l_createAndTrade_01(self):
57   - "普通客户创建订单"
58   - body = lcat.body.copy()
59   - body["orderItemList"][0]["batchCode"] = self.batch
60   - print("创建订单body",body)
61   - re1 = = lcat.url, headers = lcat.header, json = body)
62   - print(re1.json())
63   - self.assertEqual(re1.status_code, 200)
64   - self.assertTrue("'操作成功'" in str(re1.json()).replace(" ", ""))
65   - @classmethod
66   - def tearDownClass(cls):
67   - pass
68   -
69   -
70   -if __name__ == '__main__':
71   - unittest.main()
testcase/hg/tradingOrder/ deleted 100644 → 0
1   -import unittest
2   -import urllib3
3   -urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
4   -from commons.MySession import hg,my
5   -from commons.api.hg.transaction.ordinary_customer_login import ordinary_customer_login
6   -ocl = ordinary_customer_login()
7   -
8   -"""
9   -普通客户登录
10   -"""
11   -
12   -class test_Key_customer_login(unittest.TestCase):
13   - "普通客户登录"
14   - @classmethod
15   - def setUpClass(cls):
16   - pass
17   -
18   - @unittest.case_mark(my.mark())
19   - def test_Key_customer_login_01(self):
20   - "普通客户登录"
21   - body = ocl.body.copy()
22   - re = = ocl.url, headers = ocl.header, json = body)
23   - print(re.json())
24   - self.assertEqual(re.status_code, 200)
25   - self.assertTrue("'登录成功'" in str(re.json()).replace(" ", ""))
26   - self.assertNotEqual(re.json()["data"]["user"]["state"], 1,"为1时是大客户")
27   - @classmethod
28   - def tearDownClass(cls):
29   - pass
30   -
31   -
32   -if __name__ == '__main__':
33   - unittest.main()