DeliveryTimeMapper.xml 6.35 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" >
<mapper namespace="com.b2c.myapp.dao.DeliveryTimeDao">
    <resultMap id="DeliveryTimeMap" type="com.b2c.myapp.domain.DeliveryTime">
            <id property="id" column="id"/>
            <result property="shopId" column="shop_id"/>
            <result property="beginTime" column="begin_time"/>
            <result property="endTime" column="end_time"/>
            <result property="yn" column="yn"/>
            <result property="created" column="created"/>
            <result property="modified" column="modified"/>

    <!-- templete 所有查询列 -->
    <sql id="QUERY_COLUMN_LIST">

    <!-- templete 查询列来源表-->
    <sql id="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"><![CDATA[FROM t_delivery_time]]></sql>

    <!-- 全部条件(更多功能可以通过queryData扩展实现)  -->
    <sql id="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE">
            1 = 1
            <if test="id != null and id != ''">
                and `id` = #{id}
            <if test="shopId != null and shopId != ''">
                and `shop_id` = #{shopId}
            <if test="beginTime != null and beginTime != ''">
                and `begin_time` = #{beginTime}
            <if test="endTime != null and endTime != ''">
                and `end_time` = #{endTime}
            <if test="yn != null and yn != ''">
                and `yn` = #{yn}
            <if test="created != null and created != ''">
                and `created` = #{created}
            <if test="modified != null and modified != ''">
                and `modified` = #{modified}

    <!-- 智能排序与分页 -->
        <if test="orderField != null and orderField != '' and orderFieldType != null and orderFieldType != ''"><![CDATA[ORDER BY `${orderField}` ${orderFieldType}]]></if>
        <if test="startIndex != null and startIndex &gt;= 0 and pageSize != null and pageSize &gt; 0"><![CDATA[LIMIT #{startIndex},#{pageSize}]]></if>

    <!-- 更新列字段,只要不为NULL则更新,除开主键列 -->
    <sql id="UPDATE_COLUMN_SET">
            <if test="shopId != null and shopId != ''">
            <if test="beginTime != null and beginTime != ''">
            <if test="endTime != null and endTime != ''">
            <if test="yn != null and yn != ''">
            <if test="created != null and created != ''">
            <if test="modified != null and modified != ''">

    <insert id="insert" parameterType="com.b2c.myapp.domain.DeliveryTime" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
        <selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="long" order="AFTER">
            SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();
		INSERT INTO t_delivery_time(

    <insert id="batchInsert">
		INSERT INTO t_delivery_time(
    <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator=",">


    <!-- 返回插入的编号,在事务开启状态下有效 -->
    <select id="lastSequence" resultType="int"><![CDATA[SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS id]]></select>

    <!-- 删除记录,主键IN(array) -->
    <delete id="del" parameterType="java.lang.reflect.Array" >
         <include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
         WHERE id IN
        <foreach collection="array" item="id" open="(" separator="," close=")">

    <!-- 删除,通过条件 -->
    <update id="deleteByCondtion" parameterType="com.b2c.myapp.domain.DeliveryTime" >
        <include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
        <include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE"/>

    <!-- 修改记录通过主键 -->
    <update id="update" parameterType="com.b2c.myapp.domain.DeliveryTime" >
        UPDATE t_delivery_time
        <include refid="UPDATE_COLUMN_SET"/>
        WHERE id = #{id}

    <update id="batchUpdate"  parameterType="java.util.List">
        <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" open="" close="" separator=";">
            UPDATE t_delivery_time
            <include refid="UPDATE_COLUMN_SET"/>
            WHERE id = #{}

    <!-- 查询,通过主键IN(array) -->
    <select id="get" parameterType="Long"  resultMap="DeliveryTimeMap">
        <include refid="QUERY_COLUMN_LIST"/>
        <include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
        1 = 1
        and id = #{id}

    <!-- 查询,通过条件 -->
    <select id="list" parameterType="com.b2c.myapp.domain.DeliveryTime" resultMap="DeliveryTimeMap">
        <include refid="QUERY_COLUMN_LIST"/>
        <include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
        <include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE"/>
        <include refid="QUERY_ORDER_LIMIT_CONDTION"/>

    <!-- 总数查询,通过条件 -->
    <select id="listCount" parameterType="com.b2c.myapp.domain.DeliveryTime" resultType="int">
        <![CDATA[SELECT COUNT(id) AS dataCount]]>
        <include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
        <include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE"/>

    <!-- 其它SQL语句 -->
