Orders.xml 25.8 KB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.diligrp.orders.dao.OrdersDao">
	<!-- orders 所有查询列 -->
				 a.parent_id AS parentId,
		         a.buyer_id AS buyerId,
		         a.buyer_name AS buyerName,
		         a.seller_id AS sellerId,
		         a.seller_name AS sellerName,
		         a.market_name AS marketName,
		         a.market_id AS marketId,
		         a.delivery_type AS deliveryType,
		         a.shiping_address AS shipingAddress,
		         a.order_type AS orderType,
		         a.order_status AS orderStatus,
		         a.pay_status AS payStatus,
		         a.buyer_memo AS buyerMemo,
		         a.order_status_in_time AS orderStatusInTime,
		         a.order_status_last_valid_time AS orderStatusLastValidTime,
		         a.pay_time AS payTime,
		         a.stocking_in_time AS stockingInTime,
		         a.stocking_complete_time AS stockingCompleteTime,
		         a.reservation_stime AS reservationStime,
		         a.reservation_ftime AS reservationFtime,
		         a.buyer_confirm_time AS buyerConfirmTime,
		         a.create_time AS createTime,
		         a.edit_time AS editTime,
		         a.invoice_type AS invoiceType,
		         a.invoice_title AS invoiceTitle,
		         a.invoice_content AS invoiceContent,
		         a.pay_type AS payType,
		         a.price_total AS priceTotal,
		         a.price_privilege AS pricePrivilege,
		         a.price_offset AS priceOffset,
		         a.price_paid AS pricePaid,
		         a.price_refund AS priceRefund,
		         a.price_postage AS pricePostage,
		         a.version_num AS versionNum,
		         a.is_delete AS isDelete,
		         a.shop_id AS shopId,
		         a.trade_no AS tradeNo,
		         a.shop_name AS shopName,
		         a.delivery_ver_code AS deliveryVerCode,
		         a.status_in_reason AS statusInReason,
		         a.is_commented AS isCommented,
		         a.price_total_original AS priceTotalOriginal,
		         a.price_postage_original AS pricePostageOriginal,
		         a.come_from AS comeFrom,
		         a.logistics_remarks as logisticsRemarks,
		         a.buyer_city_id as buyerCityId,
		         a.goods_weight goodsWeight,
		         a.seller_source as sellerSource,
		         a.print_flag AS printFlag,
		         a.warrant_type as warrantType,
		         a.market_delivery AS marketDelivery

	<!-- orders 查询列来源表-->
	<sql id="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"><![CDATA[FROM orders a]]></sql>
	<!-- 全部条件(更多功能可以通过queryData扩展实现)  -->
		where 1=1 AND a.is_delete = 0
			<if test="id != null and id != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.id = #{id}]]></if>
	            <when test="id != null and id != ''">
	            	<![CDATA[AND a.id = #{id}]]>
	            	<if test="queryData != null and queryData != ''">
                           <if test="queryData.orderIdList!=null and queryData.orderIdList.size()>0">
                                  AND a.id in
                                  <foreach collection="queryData.orderIdList" index="index" item="idList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
			<if test="buyerId != null and buyerId != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.buyer_id = #{buyerId}]]></if>
			<if test="sellerId != null and sellerId != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.seller_id = #{sellerId}]]></if>
			<if test="buyerName != null and buyerName != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.buyer_name = #{buyerName}]]></if>
			<if test="sellerName != null and sellerName != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.seller_name = #{sellerName}]]></if>
			<if test="marketName != null and marketName != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.market_name = #{marketName}]]></if>
			<if test="sellerSource != null and sellerSource != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.seller_source = #{sellerSource}]]></if>
			<if test="printFlag != null "><![CDATA[AND a.print_flag = #{printFlag}]]></if>
                  <when test="deliveryType != null and deliveryType != ''">
                      <![CDATA[AND a.delivery_type = #{deliveryType}]]>
                      <if test="queryData != null and queryData != ''">
                           <if test="queryData.deliveryTypeList!=null and queryData.deliveryTypeList.size()>0">
                                  AND a.delivery_type in
                                  <foreach collection="queryData.deliveryTypeList" index="index" item="deliveryType" open="(" separator="," close=")">
			<if test="shipingAddress != null and shipingAddress != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.shiping_address like CONCAT('%',#{shipingAddress},'%')]]></if>
			<if test="orderType != null and orderType != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.order_type = #{orderType}]]></if>
			<if test="orderStatus != null and orderStatus != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.order_status = #{orderStatus}]]></if>
			<if test="payStatus != null and payStatus != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.pay_status = #{payStatus}]]></if>
			<if test="buyerMemo != null and buyerMemo != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.buyer_memo = #{buyerMemo}]]></if>
			<if test="orderStatusInTime != null and orderStatusInTime != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.order_status_in_time = #{orderStatusInTime}]]></if>
			<if test="orderStatusLastValidTime != null and orderStatusLastValidTime != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.order_status_last_valid_time = #{orderStatusLastValidTime}]]></if>
			<if test="payTime != null and payTime != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.pay_time = #{payTime}]]></if>
			<if test="stockingInTime != null and stockingInTime != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.stocking_in_time = #{stockingInTime}]]></if>
			<if test="stockingCompleteTime != null and stockingCompleteTime != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.stocking_complete_time = #{stockingCompleteTime}]]></if>
			<if test="reservationStime != null and reservationStime != '' and (reservationFtime == null or reservationFtime == '')">
			   <![CDATA[AND a.reservation_stime >= #{reservationStime}]]>
			<if test="reservationFtime != null and reservationFtime != '' and (reservationStime == null or reservationStime == '')">
			    <![CDATA[AND a.reservation_ftime <= #{reservationFtime}]]>
			<if test="reservationStime != null and reservationStime != '' and (reservationFtime != null and reservationFtime != '')">
			           AND (a.reservation_stime >= #{reservationStime} AND a.reservation_stime<=#{reservationFtime}
			           OR a.reservation_ftime >= #{reservationStime} AND a.reservation_ftime<=#{reservationFtime}
			           OR a.reservation_stime <=#{reservationStime} AND a.reservation_ftime>=#{reservationFtime})
			<if test="marketDelivery != null and marketDelivery !=''"><![CDATA[ AND a.market_delivery = #{marketDelivery} ]]> </if>
			<if test="buyerConfirmTime != null and buyerConfirmTime != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.buyer_confirm_time = #{buyerConfirmTime}]]></if>
			<if test="createTime != null and createTime != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.create_time = #{createTime}]]></if>
			<if test="versionNum != null and versionNum != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.version_num = #{versionNum}]]></if>
			<if test="shopId != null and shopId != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.shop_id = #{shopId}]]></if>
			<if test="shopName != null and shopName != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.shop_name like CONCAT(#{shopName},'%')]]></if>
			<!-- 商品名称like搜索 -->
			<if test="productsTitle != null and productsTitle != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.products_title like CONCAT('%',#{productsTitle},'%')]]></if>
			<if test="tradeNo != null and tradeNo != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.trade_no = #{tradeNo}]]></if>
			<if test="isCommented != null and isCommented != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.is_commented = #{isCommented}]]></if>
			<if test="isCommented != null"><![CDATA[AND a.is_commented = #{isCommented}]]></if>
			<if test="printFlag != null and printFlag != ''"><![CDATA[AND a.print_flag = #{printFlag}]]></if>
			<!-- 可以进行出厂的:1.未出厂,2.订单状态(待提货、待发货、交易完成),3.现场交易且(赊账付款或(线下付款且待付款))-->
	            <when test="orderStatus != null and orderStatus != ''">
	               <![CDATA[AND a.order_status = #{orderStatus}]]>
	              <if test="queryData != null and queryData != '' 
	              	and queryData.orderStateSet != null and queryData.orderStateSet.size>0">
					  <![CDATA[ and a.order_status in ]]>
					  <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="queryData.orderStateSet" open="(" separator="," close=")">
			<if test="queryData != null and queryData != ''">
				<if test="queryData.submitBeginTime != null and queryData.submitBeginTime != ''">
					<![CDATA[AND a.create_time >=  #{queryData.submitBeginTime}  ]]>
			   <if test="queryData.submitEndTime != null and queryData.submitEndTime != ''">
					<![CDATA[AND a.create_time  <=  #{queryData.submitEndTime} ]]>
			   <if test="queryData.payBeginTime != null and queryData.payBeginTime != ''">
					<![CDATA[AND a.pay_time >= #{queryData.payBeginTime}]]>
			   <if test="queryData.payEndTime != null and queryData.payEndTime != ''">
					<![CDATA[AND a.pay_time <= #{queryData.payEndTime}]]>
				<if test="queryData.orderStatusLastValidTimeBegin != null and queryData.orderStatusLastValidTimeBegin != ''">
					<![CDATA[AND a.order_status_last_valid_time >= #{queryData.orderStatusLastValidTimeBegin} ]]>
			   <if test="queryData.orderStatusLastValidTimeEnd != null and queryData.orderStatusLastValidTimeEnd != ''">
					<![CDATA[AND a.order_status_last_valid_time  <= #{queryData.orderStatusLastValidTimeEnd} ]]>
			   <!-- 根据城市id搜索 -->
			   <if test="queryData.cityIdList != null and queryData.cityIdList.size() > 0">
			          AND a.buyer_city_id in
		              <foreach collection="queryData.cityIdList" index="index" item="cityId" open="(" separator="," close=")">
			   <!-- 根据卖家来源进行查询搜索 -->
			   <if test="queryData.sellerSourceList != null and queryData.sellerSourceList.size > 0">
			          AND a.seller_source in
		              <foreach collection="queryData.sellerSourceList" index="index" item="sellerSource" open="(" separator="," close=")">
                  <when test="payType != null and payType != ''">
                        <![CDATA[AND a.pay_type = #{payType}]]>
                     <if test="queryData != null and queryData != ''">
                           <if test="queryData.payTypeList!=null and queryData.payTypeList.size()>0">
                                  AND a.pay_type in
                                  <foreach collection="queryData.payTypeList" index="index" item="payType" open="(" separator="," close=")">
                  <when test="comeFrom != null and comeFrom != ''">
                        <![CDATA[AND a.come_from = #{comeFrom}]]>
                     <if test="queryData != null and queryData != ''">
                           <if test="queryData.comeFromList!=null and queryData.comeFromList.size()>0">
                                  AND a.come_from in
                                  <foreach collection="queryData.comeFromList" index="index" item="comeFrom" open="(" separator="," close=")">
	<!-- 智能排序与分页 -->
		   <when test="orderField != null and orderField != ''">
		            <when test="orderFieldType != null and orderFieldType != ''">
		                <![CDATA[ORDER BY a.${orderField} ${orderFieldType}]]>
		                <![CDATA[ORDER BY a.${orderField} desc]]>
		        <![CDATA[ORDER BY a.create_time desc,a.id desc]]>
		<if test="startIndex != null and startIndex &gt;= 0 and pageSize != null and pageSize &gt; 0">
		       <![CDATA[LIMIT #{startIndex},#{pageSize}]]>

	<!-- 更新列字段,只要不为NULL则更新,除开主键列 -->
			<if test="buyerId != null"><![CDATA[a.buyer_id = #{buyerId},]]></if>
			<if test="sellerId != null"><![CDATA[a.seller_id = #{sellerId},]]></if>
			<if test="buyerName != null"><![CDATA[a.buyer_name = #{buyerName},]]></if>
			<if test="sellerName != null"><![CDATA[a.seller_name = #{sellerName},]]></if>
			<if test="marketName != null"><![CDATA[a.market_name = #{marketName},]]></if>
			<if test="marketId != null"><![CDATA[a.market_id = #{marketId},]]></if>
			<if test="deliveryType != null"><![CDATA[a.delivery_type = #{deliveryType},]]></if>
			<if test="shipingAddress != null"><![CDATA[a.shiping_address = #{shipingAddress},]]></if>
			<if test="orderType != null"><![CDATA[a.order_type = #{orderType},]]></if>
			<if test="orderStatus != null"><![CDATA[a.order_status = #{orderStatus},]]></if>
			<if test="payStatus != null"><![CDATA[a.pay_status = #{payStatus},]]></if>
			<if test="buyerMemo != null"><![CDATA[a.buyer_memo = #{buyerMemo},]]></if>
			<if test="orderStatusInTime != null"><![CDATA[a.order_status_in_time = #{orderStatusInTime},]]></if>
			<if test="logisticsRemarks != null"><![CDATA[a.logistics_remarks = #{logisticsRemarks},]]></if>
                  <when test="queryData != null and queryData.setOrderStatusLastValidTimeToNull=='true'">
                        <![CDATA[a.order_status_last_valid_time = #{orderStatusLastValidTime},]]>
                     <if test="orderStatusLastValidTime !=null">
                          <![CDATA[a.order_status_last_valid_time = #{orderStatusLastValidTime},]]>
				<when test="queryData != null and queryData.setPayTimeToNull=='true'">
					<![CDATA[a.pay_time = NULL ,]]>
					<if test="payTime != null"><![CDATA[a.pay_time = #{payTime},]]></if>
			<if test="stockingInTime != null"><![CDATA[a.stocking_in_time = #{stockingInTime},]]></if>
			<if test="stockingCompleteTime != null"><![CDATA[a.stocking_complete_time = #{stockingCompleteTime},]]></if>
			<if test="reservationStime != null"><![CDATA[a.reservation_stime = #{reservationStime},]]></if>
			<if test="reservationFtime != null"><![CDATA[a.reservation_ftime = #{reservationFtime},]]></if>
			<if test="buyerConfirmTime != null"><![CDATA[a.buyer_confirm_time = #{buyerConfirmTime},]]></if>
			<if test="payType != null"><![CDATA[a.pay_type = #{payType},]]></if>
			<if test="priceTotal != null"><![CDATA[a.price_total = #{priceTotal},]]></if>
			<if test="pricePrivilege != null"><![CDATA[a.price_privilege = #{pricePrivilege},]]></if>
			<if test="priceOffset != null"><![CDATA[a.price_offset = #{priceOffset},]]></if>
			<if test="pricePaid != null"><![CDATA[a.price_paid = #{pricePaid},]]></if>
			<if test="priceRefund != null"><![CDATA[a.price_refund = #{priceRefund},]]></if>
			<if test="pricePostage != null"><![CDATA[a.price_postage = #{pricePostage},]]></if>
			<if test="isDelete != null"><![CDATA[a.is_delete = #{isDelete},]]></if>
			<if test="shopId != null"><![CDATA[a.shop_id = #{shopId},]]></if>
			<if test="shopName != null"><![CDATA[a.shop_name = #{shopName},]]></if>
            <if test="deliveryVerCode != null"><![CDATA[a.delivery_ver_code = #{deliveryVerCode},]]></if>
			<if test="tradeNo != null"><![CDATA[a.trade_no = #{tradeNo},]]></if>
			<if test="productsTitle != null"><![CDATA[a.products_title = #{productsTitle},]]></if>
			<if test="statusInReason != null"><![CDATA[a.status_in_reason = #{statusInReason},]]></if>
			<if test="isCommented != null"><![CDATA[a.is_commented = #{isCommented},]]></if>
			<if test="comeFrom != null"><![CDATA[a.come_from = #{comeFrom},]]></if>
			<if test="printFlag != null"><![CDATA[a.print_flag = #{printFlag},]]></if>
			<if test="marketDelivery != null"><![CDATA[ a.market_delivery = #{marketDelivery} ]]> </if>
				<when test="editTime != null">
					<![CDATA[edit_time = #{editTime},]]>
					<![CDATA[a.edit_time = NOW(),]]>
			<![CDATA[a.version_num = a.version_num + 1,]]>

	<!-- 插入orders记录 -->
	<insert id="insertEntry" parameterType="orders" >
			INSERT INTO orders (id,parent_id,buyer_id,seller_id,buyer_name,seller_name,market_name,market_id,delivery_type,shiping_address,order_type,order_status,pay_status,buyer_memo,order_status_in_time,order_status_last_valid_time,pay_time,stocking_in_time,stocking_complete_time,reservation_stime,reservation_ftime,buyer_confirm_time,create_time,edit_time,pay_type,price_total,price_privilege,price_offset,price_paid,price_postage,version_num,shop_id,shop_name,delivery_ver_code,trade_no,products_title,status_in_reason,is_commented,price_total_original,price_postage_original,come_from,logistics_remarks,buyer_city_id,seller_source,goods_weight,warrant_type,market_delivery)
			VALUES (#{id},#{parentId},#{buyerId},#{sellerId},#{buyerName},#{sellerName},#{marketName},#{marketId},#{deliveryType},#{shipingAddress},#{orderType},#{orderStatus},#{payStatus},#{buyerMemo},#{orderStatusInTime},#{orderStatusLastValidTime},#{payTime},#{stockingInTime},#{stockingCompleteTime},#{reservationStime},#{reservationFtime},#{buyerConfirmTime},#{createTime},#{editTime},#{payType},#{priceTotal},#{pricePrivilege},#{priceOffset},#{pricePaid},#{pricePostage},#{versionNum},#{shopId},#{shopName},#{deliveryVerCode},#{tradeNo},#{productsTitle},#{statusInReason},#{isCommented},#{priceTotalOriginal},#{pricePostageOriginal},#{comeFrom},#{logisticsRemarks},#{buyerCityId},#{sellerSource},#{goodsWeight},#{warrantType},#{marketDelivery})
	<!-- 返回插入的编号,在事务开启状态下有效 -->
	<select id="lastSequence" resultType="int"><![CDATA[SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS id]]></select>

	<!-- 删除记录,主键IN(array) -->
	<delete id="deleteByArrayKey" parameterType="java.lang.reflect.Array" >
		<![CDATA[DELETE FROM orders a WHERE a.id IN]]>
		<foreach collection="array" item="id" open="(" separator="," close=")">

	<!-- 删除,通过条件 -->
	<update id="deleteByCondtion" parameterType="orders" >
		<![CDATA[DELETE FROM orders a]]>
		<include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE"/>

	<!-- 修改记录通过主键 -->
	<update id="updateByKey" parameterType="orders" >
		<![CDATA[UPDATE orders a]]>
		<include refid="UPDATE_COLUMN_SET"/>
		<![CDATA[WHERE a.id = #{id} and a.version_num = #{versionNum}]]>

	<!-- 根据符合情况的订单前置状态,更新订单的状态 -->
	<update id="updateOrderStatusById" parameterType="java.util.HashMap">
		   update orders a set a.order_status = #{nextStatus},a.edit_time = #{editTime}
		   where a.id = #{id} AND a.version_num = #{versionNum} AND a.order_status in
			<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="preStatusIds" open="(" separator="," close=")">

	<!-- 查询,通过主键IN(array) -->
	<select id="selectEntryArray" parameterType="java.lang.reflect.Array" resultType="orders">
		<include refid="QUERY_COLUMN_LIST"/>
		<include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
		<![CDATA[WHERE a.id IN]]>
		<foreach collection="array" item="id" open="(" separator="," close=")">

	<!-- 查询,通过条件 -->
	<select id="selectEntryList" parameterType="orders" resultType="orders">
		<include refid="QUERY_COLUMN_LIST"/>
		<include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
		<include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE"/>
		<include refid="QUERY_ORDER_LIMIT_CONDTION"/>

	<!-- 总数查询,通过条件 -->
	<select id="selectEntryListCount" parameterType="orders" resultType="int">
		<![CDATA[SELECT COUNT(a.id) AS dataCount]]>
		<include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
		<include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE"/>
		<![CDATA[ sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.dividedOrderStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as dividedOrderCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.takeWaitOrderStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as takeWaitCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.receiveWaitOrderStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as receiveWaitCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.deliveredOrderStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as deliveredOrderCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.refundAppliedOrderStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as refundAppliedCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.refundCompleteOrderStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as refundCompleteCount]]>
		<![CDATA[ sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.divideWaitStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as divideWaitCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.dividedStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as dividedCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.completeStockUpStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as completeStockUpOrderCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.deliveredOutStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as deliveredOutCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.completeStockUpStatus} AND a.reservation_ftime<NOW() then 1 else 0 end) as deliveredOutAlertCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.refundAppliedStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as refundAppliedCount,
		          sum(case when a.order_status=#{queryData.paymentWaitStatus} then 1 else 0 end) as paymentWaitCount
    <select id="selectThirdOrdersSum" parameterType="orders" resultType="ordersSumVO">
		<include refid="THIRD_QUERY_SUM_COLUMN_LIST"/>
		<include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
		<include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE"/>
	<select id="selectSelfOrdersSum" parameterType="orders" resultType="ordersSumVO">
		<include refid="AGENT_QUERY_SUM_COLUMN_LIST"/>
		<include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
		<include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE"/>
	<select id="getVersionNum" parameterType="long" resultType="long">
		<![CDATA[SELECT a.version_num ]]>
		<include refid="QUERY_FROM_TABLE"/>
		<![CDATA[ WHERE a.id = #{orderId}]]>
	<!-- 统计各状态订单量 -->
	<select id="statisticsOrderAmountByStatus" parameterType="orders" resultType="keyValueVO">
		<![CDATA[SELECT a.order_status AS code, count(1) AS value from orders a  ]]>
		<include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE"/>
		<![CDATA[group by a.order_status]]>
	<!-- 获取订单交易号 -->
	<select id="getOrderTradeNo" parameterType="long" resultType="keyValueVO">
		<![CDATA[SELECT id as code,trade_no AS value FROM orders]]>
		<![CDATA[WHERE id IN]]>
		<foreach collection="array" item="id" open="(" separator="," close=")">
	<!-- 获取订单所有商品名称串 -->
	<select id="getOrderProductTitle" parameterType="long" resultType="string">
		<![CDATA[SELECT products_title AS productsTitle FROM orders WHERE id =#{id}]]>
	<!--获取订单, 只查询指定字段的值-->
	   statementType 分为:STATEMENT(非预编译,使用$符号取变量),PREPARED(预编译,使用#变量取变量,且$同时可用)或 CALLABLE(调用存储过程)
	<select id="getOrderBySpecFields" parameterType="orders" resultType="orders" statementType="STATEMENT">
        <if test="queryData != null and queryData.fieldsMapEntryList != null and queryData.fieldsMapEntryList.size()>0">
            <foreach collection="queryData.fieldsMapEntryList"  index="index"  item="item" separator=",">
                <if test="item.dbFieldName!=null and item.dbFieldName!='' and item.domainFieldName!=null and item.domainFieldName!=''">
                  ${item.dbFieldName} AS ${item.domainFieldName}                
        <![CDATA[from orders where id=${id}]]>
        <!--因为非预编译原因,为了提高查询效率, 暂时只支持通过id查询 ,后期需要通过其他条件来查询,则使用QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE_STATEMENT即可-->
        <!--<include refid="QUERY_WHERE_CLAUSE_STATEMENT"/>-->

  	 <!-- 根据店铺id查询,未完结订单数量-->
  	 <select id="getValidOrderNumByShop" parameterType="long" resultType="int">
	  	 	SELECT count(id) FROM orders 
	  	 	WHERE shop_id =#{shopId} 
	  	 	AND order_status IN(10,15,20,30,40,45,80,85)