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  35 + <span class="title">李老几代代购</span>
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  38 + <div class="text"><label>代购水果:</label><div>山西红富士</div></div>
  39 + <div class="text"><label>代购区域:</label><div>山东寿光蔬菜产业园</div></div>
  40 + <div class="text"><label>服务简介:</label><div>本人从事专业蔬菜代购二十年,金牌品质值得信奈</div></div>
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  46 + <span class="title">李老几代代购</span>
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  49 + <div class="text"><label>代购水果:</label><div>山西红富士</div></div>
  50 + <div class="text"><label>代购区域:</label><div>山东寿光蔬菜产业园</div></div>
  51 + <div class="text"><label>服务简介:</label><div>本人从事专业蔬菜代购二十年,金牌品质值得信奈</div></div>
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  57 + <span class="title">李老几代代购</span>
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  60 + <div class="text"><label>代购水果:</label><div>山西红富士</div></div>
  61 + <div class="text"><label>代购区域:</label><div>山东寿光蔬菜产业园</div></div>
  62 + <div class="text"><label>服务简介:</label><div>本人从事专业蔬菜代购二十年,金牌品质值得信奈</div></div>
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  36 + <p class="title">李大姐蔬菜代购</p>
  37 + <p>代购品类:水果</p>
  38 + <p>代购区域:寿光蔬菜产业园</p>
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  47 + <h4>联系方式</h4>
  48 + <p>张老师 028-86668666</p>
  49 + <p>四川省 成都市 天府广场左侧物质大楼</p>
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  52 + <h4>店铺介绍</h4>
  53 + <p>本人从业二十余年,专注于沈阳八家子市场进
  54 + 行苹果的代购,代购后可配送到沈阳三环内,
  55 + 手续费1%,有需要的电联。</p>
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  30 + <span class="name">菜花 白面青梗松花菜</span>
  31 + <span class="time">14小时</span>
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  33 + <p>单&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;价:<label class="price">0.87~0.9元/斤</label></p>
  34 + <p>供应商:<label>20吨</label></p>
  35 + <p>产&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;地:<label>河北张家口张北县</label></p>
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  38 + <p class="title" >供应信息</p>
  39 + <p>萝卜,十字花科、萝卜属二年或一年生草本,直根肉质,长圆形、球形或圆锥形,外皮色、白色或红色;茎有分枝,无毛,稍具粉霜。</p>
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  44 + <span class="title">山东白萝卜</span>
  45 + <span class="right price">0.7元/斤</span>
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  47 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  49 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  50 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  58 + <span class="right price">0.7元/斤</span>
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  60 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  62 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  63 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  73 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  75 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  76 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  89 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  91 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  92 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  101 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  103 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
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  113 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  127 + <span class="title">山东白萝卜</span>
  128 + <span class="right price">7月~9月上市</span>
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  130 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  132 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
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  143 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  145 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
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  156 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  30 + <span class="name">菜花 白面青梗松花菜</span>
  31 + <span class="time">14小时</span>
  32 + </div>
  33 + <p>上市时间:<label class="price">7月~9月</label></p>
  34 + <p>预计产量:<label>20吨</label><span class="time">被浏览次数998</span></p>
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  36 + <div class="text-msg">
  37 + <p class="title" >联系方式</p>
  38 + <p>孙先生 028-86668666</p>
  39 + <p>四川省 成都市 天府广场左侧物质大楼</p>
  40 + </div>
  41 + <div class="text-msg">
  42 + <p class="title" >供应信息</p>
  43 + <p>萝卜,十字花科、萝卜属二年或一年生草本,直根肉质,长圆形、球形或圆锥形,外皮色、白色或红色;茎有分枝,无毛,稍具粉霜。</p>
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  41 + <span class="right price">0.7元/斤</span>
  42 + </div>
  43 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
  44 + <div class="orso">
  45 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  46 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  56 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
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  58 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  59 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  70 + <div class="orso">
  71 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  72 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  87 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  88 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  98 + <div class="orso">
  99 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  100 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  109 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
  110 + <div class="orso">
  111 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  112 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  30 + <span class="name">菜花 白面青梗松花菜</span>
  31 + <span class="time">14小时</span>
  32 + </div>
  33 + <p>单&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;价:<label class="price">0.87~0.9元/斤</label></p>
  34 + <p>供应商:<label>20吨</label></p>
  35 + <p>产&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;地:<label>河北张家口张北县</label></p>
  36 + </div>
  37 + <div class="text-msg">
  38 + <p class="title" >供应信息</p>
  39 + <p>萝卜,十字花科、萝卜属二年或一年生草本,直根肉质,长圆形、球形或圆锥形,外皮色、白色或红色;茎有分枝,无毛,稍具粉霜。</p>
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  45 + <span class="title">山东白萝卜</span>
  46 + <span class="right price">0.7元/斤</span>
  47 + </div>
  48 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
  49 + <div class="orso">
  50 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  51 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  58 + <span class="title">山东白萝卜</span>
  59 + <span class="right price">0.7元/斤</span>
  60 + </div>
  61 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
  62 + <div class="orso">
  63 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  64 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  71 + <span class="title">山东白萝卜</span>
  72 + <span class="right price">0.7元/斤</span>
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  74 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
  75 + <div class="orso">
  76 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  77 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  90 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
  91 + <div class="orso">
  92 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  93 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
  94 + </div>
  95 + </a>
  96 + </li>
  97 + <li class="cell">
  98 + <a href="#">
  99 + <div class="orso">
  100 + <span class="title">山东白萝卜</span>
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  102 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
  103 + <div class="orso">
  104 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  105 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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  114 + <p>有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进有机花菜近期行情不错,销售大,建议大家及时大量买进</p>
  115 + <div class="orso">
  116 + <span>河北张家口张北县</span>
  117 + <span class="right">2015-03-04</span>
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2 2
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4 width: 70%; 4 width: 70%;
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  7 + margin: 0 auto;
  8 + }
  9 + li {
  10 + width: 50%;
  11 + float: left;
  12 + border: 0;
  13 + }
  14 + .on {
  15 + border-bottom: 1px solid #6c2;
  16 + }
5 } 17 }
6 .m-tab-one { 18 .m-tab-one {
7 width: 100%; 19 width: 100%;
8 } 20 }
9 -.m-tab li {  
10 - width: 50%;  
11 - float: left;  
12 - border: 0;  
13 -}  
14 -.m-tab .on {  
15 - border-bottom: 1px solid #6c2;  
16 -}  
17 .filter-view span, 21 .filter-view span,
18 .m-tab a { 22 .m-tab a {
19 display: block; 23 display: block;
@@ -33,6 +33,25 @@ @@ -33,6 +33,25 @@
33 box-sizing: border-box; 33 box-sizing: border-box;
34 padding: 0 15px; 34 padding: 0 15px;
35 } 35 }
  36 +.m-tab.solid {
  37 + padding: 0px;
  38 + width: 60%;
  39 + margin: 0 auto;
  40 + height: 35px;
  41 + position: relative;
  42 + top: 5px;
  43 + border: 1px solid #2caa3f;
  44 + color: #2caa3f;
  45 +}
  46 +.m-tab.solid li {
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  48 + width: 50%;
  49 + padding: 0px;
  50 +}
  51 +.m-tab.solid .on {
  52 + background: #2caa3f;
  53 + color: #fff;
  54 +}
36 .m-tab a { 55 .m-tab a {
37 color: #999; 56 color: #999;
38 } 57 }
@@ -21,6 +21,25 @@ @@ -21,6 +21,25 @@
21 overflow: hidden; 21 overflow: hidden;
22 box-sizing: border-box; 22 box-sizing: border-box;
23 padding: 0 15px; 23 padding: 0 15px;
  24 + &.solid {
  25 + padding: 0px;
  26 + width: 60%;
  27 + margin: 0 auto;
  28 + height: 35px;
  29 + position: relative;
  30 + top: 5px;
  31 + border: 1px solid #2caa3f;
  32 + color: #2caa3f;
  33 + li {
  34 + line-height: 35px;
  35 + width: 50%;
  36 + padding: 0px;
  37 + }
  38 + .on {
  39 + background: #2caa3f;
  40 + color: #fff;
  41 + }
  42 + }
24 a{ 43 a{
25 color: #999; 44 color: #999;
26 } 45 }
css/style/store.css 0 → 100644
  1 +/**
  2 + * name : zzf
  3 + * info :
  4 + */
  5 {
  6 + background: url("../../images/Group.png");
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  8 + width: 100%;
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  11 .text {
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  23 +}
  24 .text .img span {
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  30 +}
  31 .text .msg {
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  37 + color: #fff;
  38 + font-size: 12px;
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  40 .text .msg .title {
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  42 +}
  43 .btns {
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  45 + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
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  49 .btns a {
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  57 +}
  58 {
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  66 + color: #999;
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  68 h4 {
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css/style/store.less 0 → 100644
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  2 + * name : zzf
  3 + * info :
  4 + */
  5 +
  6 {
  7 + background: url("../../images/Group.png");
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  11 + .text {
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  24 + background: #23AC38;
  25 + color: #fff;
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  27 + padding: 0 3px;
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  36 + color: #fff;
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  38 + .title {
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  42 + }
  43 + .btns {
  44 + height: 45px;
  45 + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
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  47 + margin-top: 18px;
  48 + a {
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  59 {
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  63 + background: #fff;
  64 + padding: 10px;
  65 + line-height: 22px;
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  68 + h4 {
  69 + color: #333;
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0 \ No newline at end of file 72 \ No newline at end of file
css/style/supply.css 0 → 100644
  1 +/**
  2 + * name : zzf
  3 + * info :
  4 + */
  5 {
  6 + padding: 10px;
  7 +}
  8 a {
  9 + color: #999;
  10 +}
  11 ul {
  12 + border: none;
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  14 + background: transparent;
  15 +}
  16 li {
  17 + border: 1px solid #ddd;
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  19 + padding: 0px;
  20 + background: #fff;
  21 +}
  22 div.text {
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  30 div.text label {
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  35 div.text div {
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  41 +}
  42 .orso {
  43 + height: 40px;
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  45 + width: 100%;
  46 + text-align: left;
  47 +}
  48 .orso .title {
  49 + font-size: 16px;
  50 + color: #333;
  51 +}
  52 .orso .right {
  53 + float: right;
  54 +}
  55 .orso .price {
  56 + color: #ff6600;
  57 + font-size: 14px;
  58 +}
  59 p {
  60 + text-align: left;
  61 + border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
  62 + padding-bottom: 10px;
  63 +}
  64 +#supplyList .m-tab {
  65 + padding: 0px;
  66 +}
  67 +#supplyList .m-tab li {
  68 + padding: 0px;
  69 + width: 50%;
  70 +}
css/style/supply.less 0 → 100644
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  2 + * name : zzf
  3 + * info :
  4 + */
  5 +
  6 {
  7 + padding: 10px;
  8 + a {
  9 + color: #999;
  10 + }
  11 + ul {
  12 + border: none;
  13 + margin: 0px;
  14 + background: transparent;
  15 + }
  16 + li {
  17 + border: 1px solid #ddd;
  18 + margin-bottom: 10px;
  19 + padding: 0px;
  20 + background: #fff;
  21 + }
  22 + div.text {
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  29 + label {
  30 + width: 100px;
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  35 + color: #666666;
  36 + margin-left: 5px;
  37 + box-flex: 1;
  38 + -webkit-box-flex: 1;
  39 + -moz-box-flex: 1;
  40 + }
  41 + }
  42 + .orso {
  43 + height: 40px;
  44 + line-height: 40px;
  45 + width: 100%;
  46 + text-align: left;
  47 + .title {
  48 + font-size: 16px;
  49 + color: #333;
  50 + }
  51 + .right {
  52 + float: right;
  53 + }
  54 + .price {
  55 + color: #ff6600;
  56 + font-size: 14px;
  57 + }
  58 + }
  59 + p {
  60 + text-align: left;
  61 + border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
  62 + padding-bottom: 10px;
  63 + }
  64 +}
  65 +#supplyList {
  66 + .m-tab {
  67 + padding: 0px;
  68 + li {
  69 + padding: 0px;
  70 + width: 50%;
  71 + }
  72 + }
  73 +}
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images/Group.png 0 → 100644

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