Commit c8a146df3c2331cc0a6cbb85fe4374a44b8ca37f
0 parents
project init
35 changed files
4870 additions
0 deletions
Too many changes to show.
To preserve performance only 35 of 1109 files are displayed.
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/.gitignore | |
1 | +### Intellij template | |
2 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
3 | +# Reference: | |
4 | + | |
5 | +# User-specific stuff | |
6 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
7 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
8 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
9 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
10 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
11 | + | |
12 | +# AWS User-specific | |
13 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
14 | + | |
15 | +# Generated files | |
16 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
17 | + | |
18 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
19 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
20 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
21 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
22 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
23 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
24 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
25 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
26 | + | |
27 | +# Gradle | |
28 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
29 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
30 | + | |
31 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
32 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
33 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
34 | +# auto-import. | |
35 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
36 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
37 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
38 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
39 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
40 | +# .idea/modules | |
41 | +# *.iml | |
42 | +# *.ipr | |
43 | + | |
44 | +# CMake | |
45 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
46 | + | |
47 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
48 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
49 | + | |
50 | +# File-based project format | |
51 | +*.iws | |
52 | + | |
53 | +# IntelliJ | |
54 | +out/ | |
55 | + | |
56 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
57 | +.idea_modules/ | |
58 | + | |
59 | +# JIRA plugin | |
60 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
61 | + | |
62 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
63 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
64 | + | |
65 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
66 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
67 | + | |
68 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
69 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
70 | | |
71 | | |
72 | | |
73 | + | |
74 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
75 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
76 | + | |
77 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
78 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
79 | + | |
80 | +### PyCharm+iml template | |
81 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
82 | +# Reference: | |
83 | + | |
84 | +# User-specific stuff | |
85 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
86 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
87 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
88 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
89 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
90 | + | |
91 | +# AWS User-specific | |
92 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
93 | + | |
94 | +# Generated files | |
95 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
96 | + | |
97 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
98 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
99 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
100 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
101 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
102 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
103 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
104 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
105 | + | |
106 | +# Gradle | |
107 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
108 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
109 | + | |
110 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
111 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
112 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
113 | +# auto-import. | |
114 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
115 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
116 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
117 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
118 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
119 | +# .idea/modules | |
120 | +# *.iml | |
121 | +# *.ipr | |
122 | + | |
123 | +# CMake | |
124 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
125 | + | |
126 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
127 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
128 | + | |
129 | +# File-based project format | |
130 | +*.iws | |
131 | + | |
132 | +# IntelliJ | |
133 | +out/ | |
134 | + | |
135 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
136 | +.idea_modules/ | |
137 | + | |
138 | +# JIRA plugin | |
139 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
140 | + | |
141 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
142 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
143 | + | |
144 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
145 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
146 | + | |
147 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
148 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
149 | | |
150 | | |
151 | | |
152 | + | |
153 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
154 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
155 | + | |
156 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
157 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
158 | + | |
159 | +### CLion+iml template | |
160 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
161 | +# Reference: | |
162 | + | |
163 | +# User-specific stuff | |
164 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
165 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
166 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
167 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
168 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
169 | + | |
170 | +# AWS User-specific | |
171 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
172 | + | |
173 | +# Generated files | |
174 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
175 | + | |
176 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
177 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
178 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
179 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
180 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
181 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
182 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
183 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
184 | + | |
185 | +# Gradle | |
186 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
187 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
188 | + | |
189 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
190 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
191 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
192 | +# auto-import. | |
193 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
194 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
195 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
196 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
197 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
198 | +# .idea/modules | |
199 | +# *.iml | |
200 | +# *.ipr | |
201 | + | |
202 | +# CMake | |
203 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
204 | + | |
205 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
206 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
207 | + | |
208 | +# File-based project format | |
209 | +*.iws | |
210 | + | |
211 | +# IntelliJ | |
212 | +out/ | |
213 | + | |
214 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
215 | +.idea_modules/ | |
216 | + | |
217 | +# JIRA plugin | |
218 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
219 | + | |
220 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
221 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
222 | + | |
223 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
224 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
225 | + | |
226 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
227 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
228 | | |
229 | | |
230 | | |
231 | + | |
232 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
233 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
234 | + | |
235 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
236 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
237 | + | |
238 | +### GoLand+all template | |
239 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
240 | +# Reference: | |
241 | + | |
242 | +# User-specific stuff | |
243 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
244 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
245 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
246 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
247 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
248 | + | |
249 | +# AWS User-specific | |
250 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
251 | + | |
252 | +# Generated files | |
253 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
254 | + | |
255 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
256 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
257 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
258 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
259 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
260 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
261 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
262 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
263 | + | |
264 | +# Gradle | |
265 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
266 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
267 | + | |
268 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
269 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
270 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
271 | +# auto-import. | |
272 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
273 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
274 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
275 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
276 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
277 | +# .idea/modules | |
278 | +# *.iml | |
279 | +# *.ipr | |
280 | + | |
281 | +# CMake | |
282 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
283 | + | |
284 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
285 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
286 | + | |
287 | +# File-based project format | |
288 | +*.iws | |
289 | + | |
290 | +# IntelliJ | |
291 | +out/ | |
292 | + | |
293 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
294 | +.idea_modules/ | |
295 | + | |
296 | +# JIRA plugin | |
297 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
298 | + | |
299 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
300 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
301 | + | |
302 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
303 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
304 | + | |
305 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
306 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
307 | | |
308 | | |
309 | | |
310 | + | |
311 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
312 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
313 | + | |
314 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
315 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
316 | + | |
317 | +### Intellij+all template | |
318 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
319 | +# Reference: | |
320 | + | |
321 | +# User-specific stuff | |
322 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
323 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
324 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
325 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
326 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
327 | + | |
328 | +# AWS User-specific | |
329 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
330 | + | |
331 | +# Generated files | |
332 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
333 | + | |
334 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
335 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
336 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
337 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
338 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
339 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
340 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
341 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
342 | + | |
343 | +# Gradle | |
344 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
345 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
346 | + | |
347 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
348 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
349 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
350 | +# auto-import. | |
351 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
352 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
353 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
354 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
355 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
356 | +# .idea/modules | |
357 | +# *.iml | |
358 | +# *.ipr | |
359 | + | |
360 | +# CMake | |
361 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
362 | + | |
363 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
364 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
365 | + | |
366 | +# File-based project format | |
367 | +*.iws | |
368 | + | |
369 | +# IntelliJ | |
370 | +out/ | |
371 | + | |
372 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
373 | +.idea_modules/ | |
374 | + | |
375 | +# JIRA plugin | |
376 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
377 | + | |
378 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
379 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
380 | + | |
381 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
382 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
383 | + | |
384 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
385 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
386 | | |
387 | | |
388 | | |
389 | + | |
390 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
391 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
392 | + | |
393 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
394 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
395 | + | |
396 | +### AppCode+all template | |
397 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
398 | +# Reference: | |
399 | + | |
400 | +# User-specific stuff | |
401 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
402 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
403 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
404 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
405 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
406 | + | |
407 | +# AWS User-specific | |
408 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
409 | + | |
410 | +# Generated files | |
411 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
412 | + | |
413 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
414 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
415 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
416 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
417 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
418 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
419 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
420 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
421 | + | |
422 | +# Gradle | |
423 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
424 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
425 | + | |
426 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
427 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
428 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
429 | +# auto-import. | |
430 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
431 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
432 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
433 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
434 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
435 | +# .idea/modules | |
436 | +# *.iml | |
437 | +# *.ipr | |
438 | + | |
439 | +# CMake | |
440 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
441 | + | |
442 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
443 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
444 | + | |
445 | +# File-based project format | |
446 | +*.iws | |
447 | + | |
448 | +# IntelliJ | |
449 | +out/ | |
450 | + | |
451 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
452 | +.idea_modules/ | |
453 | + | |
454 | +# JIRA plugin | |
455 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
456 | + | |
457 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
458 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
459 | + | |
460 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
461 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
462 | + | |
463 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
464 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
465 | | |
466 | | |
467 | | |
468 | + | |
469 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
470 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
471 | + | |
472 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
473 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
474 | + | |
475 | +### ForgeGradle template | |
476 | +# Minecraft client/server files | |
477 | +run/ | |
478 | + | |
479 | +### WebStorm template | |
480 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
481 | +# Reference: | |
482 | + | |
483 | +# User-specific stuff | |
484 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
485 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
486 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
487 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
488 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
489 | + | |
490 | +# AWS User-specific | |
491 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
492 | + | |
493 | +# Generated files | |
494 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
495 | + | |
496 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
497 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
498 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
499 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
500 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
501 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
502 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
503 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
504 | + | |
505 | +# Gradle | |
506 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
507 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
508 | + | |
509 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
510 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
511 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
512 | +# auto-import. | |
513 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
514 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
515 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
516 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
517 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
518 | +# .idea/modules | |
519 | +# *.iml | |
520 | +# *.ipr | |
521 | + | |
522 | +# CMake | |
523 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
524 | + | |
525 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
526 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
527 | + | |
528 | +# File-based project format | |
529 | +*.iws | |
530 | + | |
531 | +# IntelliJ | |
532 | +out/ | |
533 | + | |
534 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
535 | +.idea_modules/ | |
536 | + | |
537 | +# JIRA plugin | |
538 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
539 | + | |
540 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
541 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
542 | + | |
543 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
544 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
545 | + | |
546 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
547 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
548 | | |
549 | | |
550 | | |
551 | + | |
552 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
553 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
554 | + | |
555 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
556 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
557 | + | |
558 | +### WebStorm+all template | |
559 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
560 | +# Reference: | |
561 | + | |
562 | +# User-specific stuff | |
563 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
564 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
565 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
566 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
567 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
568 | + | |
569 | +# AWS User-specific | |
570 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
571 | + | |
572 | +# Generated files | |
573 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
574 | + | |
575 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
576 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
577 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
578 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
579 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
580 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
581 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
582 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
583 | + | |
584 | +# Gradle | |
585 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
586 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
587 | + | |
588 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
589 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
590 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
591 | +# auto-import. | |
592 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
593 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
594 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
595 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
596 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
597 | +# .idea/modules | |
598 | +# *.iml | |
599 | +# *.ipr | |
600 | + | |
601 | +# CMake | |
602 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
603 | + | |
604 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
605 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
606 | + | |
607 | +# File-based project format | |
608 | +*.iws | |
609 | + | |
610 | +# IntelliJ | |
611 | +out/ | |
612 | + | |
613 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
614 | +.idea_modules/ | |
615 | + | |
616 | +# JIRA plugin | |
617 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
618 | + | |
619 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
620 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
621 | + | |
622 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
623 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
624 | + | |
625 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
626 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
627 | | |
628 | | |
629 | | |
630 | + | |
631 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
632 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
633 | + | |
634 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
635 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
636 | + | |
637 | +### Groovy template | |
638 | +# .gitignore created from Groovy contributors in | |
639 | + | |
640 | +user.gradle | |
641 | +.gradle/ | |
642 | +target/ | |
643 | +build/ | |
644 | +out/ | |
645 | + | |
646 | +*.DS_Store | |
647 | +*.class | |
648 | +*.swp | |
649 | +*~ | |
650 | + | |
651 | +.idea | |
652 | +*.iml | |
653 | +*.ipr | |
654 | +*.iws | |
655 | +.shelf | |
656 | + | |
657 | +.settings/ | |
658 | +.classpath | |
659 | +.project | |
660 | +bin/ | |
661 | + | |
662 | + | |
663 | +### JetBrains+iml template | |
664 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
665 | +# Reference: | |
666 | + | |
667 | +# User-specific stuff | |
668 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
669 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
670 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
671 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
672 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
673 | + | |
674 | +# AWS User-specific | |
675 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
676 | + | |
677 | +# Generated files | |
678 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
679 | + | |
680 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
681 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
682 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
683 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
684 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
685 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
686 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
687 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
688 | + | |
689 | +# Gradle | |
690 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
691 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
692 | + | |
693 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
694 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
695 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
696 | +# auto-import. | |
697 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
698 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
699 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
700 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
701 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
702 | +# .idea/modules | |
703 | +# *.iml | |
704 | +# *.ipr | |
705 | + | |
706 | +# CMake | |
707 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
708 | + | |
709 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
710 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
711 | + | |
712 | +# File-based project format | |
713 | +*.iws | |
714 | + | |
715 | +# IntelliJ | |
716 | +out/ | |
717 | + | |
718 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
719 | +.idea_modules/ | |
720 | + | |
721 | +# JIRA plugin | |
722 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
723 | + | |
724 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
725 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
726 | + | |
727 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
728 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
729 | + | |
730 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
731 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
732 | | |
733 | | |
734 | | |
735 | + | |
736 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
737 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
738 | + | |
739 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
740 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
741 | + | |
742 | +### RubyMine+iml template | |
743 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
744 | +# Reference: | |
745 | + | |
746 | +# User-specific stuff | |
747 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
748 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
749 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
750 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
751 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
752 | + | |
753 | +# AWS User-specific | |
754 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
755 | + | |
756 | +# Generated files | |
757 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
758 | + | |
759 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
760 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
761 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
762 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
763 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
764 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
765 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
766 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
767 | + | |
768 | +# Gradle | |
769 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
770 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
771 | + | |
772 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
773 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
774 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
775 | +# auto-import. | |
776 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
777 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
778 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
779 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
780 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
781 | +# .idea/modules | |
782 | +# *.iml | |
783 | +# *.ipr | |
784 | + | |
785 | +# CMake | |
786 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
787 | + | |
788 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
789 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
790 | + | |
791 | +# File-based project format | |
792 | +*.iws | |
793 | + | |
794 | +# IntelliJ | |
795 | +out/ | |
796 | + | |
797 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
798 | +.idea_modules/ | |
799 | + | |
800 | +# JIRA plugin | |
801 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
802 | + | |
803 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
804 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
805 | + | |
806 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
807 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
808 | + | |
809 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
810 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
811 | | |
812 | | |
813 | | |
814 | + | |
815 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
816 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
817 | + | |
818 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
819 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
820 | + | |
821 | +### RubyMine template | |
822 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
823 | +# Reference: | |
824 | + | |
825 | +# User-specific stuff | |
826 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
827 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
828 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
829 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
830 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
831 | + | |
832 | +# AWS User-specific | |
833 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
834 | + | |
835 | +# Generated files | |
836 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
837 | + | |
838 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
839 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
840 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
841 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
842 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
843 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
844 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
845 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
846 | + | |
847 | +# Gradle | |
848 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
849 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
850 | + | |
851 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
852 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
853 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
854 | +# auto-import. | |
855 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
856 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
857 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
858 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
859 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
860 | +# .idea/modules | |
861 | +# *.iml | |
862 | +# *.ipr | |
863 | + | |
864 | +# CMake | |
865 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
866 | + | |
867 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
868 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
869 | + | |
870 | +# File-based project format | |
871 | +*.iws | |
872 | + | |
873 | +# IntelliJ | |
874 | +out/ | |
875 | + | |
876 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
877 | +.idea_modules/ | |
878 | + | |
879 | +# JIRA plugin | |
880 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
881 | + | |
882 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
883 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
884 | + | |
885 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
886 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
887 | + | |
888 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
889 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
890 | | |
891 | | |
892 | | |
893 | + | |
894 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
895 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
896 | + | |
897 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
898 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
899 | + | |
900 | +### AppCode template | |
901 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
902 | +# Reference: | |
903 | + | |
904 | +# User-specific stuff | |
905 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
906 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
907 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
908 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
909 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
910 | + | |
911 | +# AWS User-specific | |
912 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
913 | + | |
914 | +# Generated files | |
915 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
916 | + | |
917 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
918 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
919 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
920 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
921 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
922 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
923 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
924 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
925 | + | |
926 | +# Gradle | |
927 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
928 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
929 | + | |
930 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
931 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
932 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
933 | +# auto-import. | |
934 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
935 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
936 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
937 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
938 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
939 | +# .idea/modules | |
940 | +# *.iml | |
941 | +# *.ipr | |
942 | + | |
943 | +# CMake | |
944 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
945 | + | |
946 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
947 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
948 | + | |
949 | +# File-based project format | |
950 | +*.iws | |
951 | + | |
952 | +# IntelliJ | |
953 | +out/ | |
954 | + | |
955 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
956 | +.idea_modules/ | |
957 | + | |
958 | +# JIRA plugin | |
959 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
960 | + | |
961 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
962 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
963 | + | |
964 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
965 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
966 | + | |
967 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
968 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
969 | | |
970 | | |
971 | | |
972 | + | |
973 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
974 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
975 | + | |
976 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
977 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
978 | + | |
979 | +### JetBrains template | |
980 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
981 | +# Reference: | |
982 | + | |
983 | +# User-specific stuff | |
984 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
985 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
986 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
987 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
988 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
989 | + | |
990 | +# AWS User-specific | |
991 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
992 | + | |
993 | +# Generated files | |
994 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
995 | + | |
996 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
997 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
998 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
999 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1000 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1001 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1002 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1003 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1004 | + | |
1005 | +# Gradle | |
1006 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1007 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1008 | + | |
1009 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1010 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1011 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1012 | +# auto-import. | |
1013 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1014 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1015 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1016 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1017 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1018 | +# .idea/modules | |
1019 | +# *.iml | |
1020 | +# *.ipr | |
1021 | + | |
1022 | +# CMake | |
1023 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1024 | + | |
1025 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1026 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1027 | + | |
1028 | +# File-based project format | |
1029 | +*.iws | |
1030 | + | |
1031 | +# IntelliJ | |
1032 | +out/ | |
1033 | + | |
1034 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1035 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1036 | + | |
1037 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1038 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1039 | + | |
1040 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1041 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1042 | + | |
1043 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1044 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
1045 | + | |
1046 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1047 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1048 | | |
1049 | | |
1050 | | |
1051 | + | |
1052 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
1053 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
1054 | + | |
1055 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
1056 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
1057 | + | |
1058 | +### AndroidStudio template | |
1059 | +# Covers files to be ignored for android development using Android Studio. | |
1060 | + | |
1061 | +# Built application files | |
1062 | +*.apk | |
1063 | +*.ap_ | |
1064 | +*.aab | |
1065 | + | |
1066 | +# Files for the ART/Dalvik VM | |
1067 | +*.dex | |
1068 | + | |
1069 | +# Java class files | |
1070 | +*.class | |
1071 | + | |
1072 | +# Generated files | |
1073 | +bin/ | |
1074 | +gen/ | |
1075 | +out/ | |
1076 | + | |
1077 | +# Gradle files | |
1078 | +.gradle | |
1079 | +.gradle/ | |
1080 | +build/ | |
1081 | + | |
1082 | +# Signing files | |
1083 | +.signing/ | |
1084 | + | |
1085 | +# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc) | |
1086 | | |
1087 | + | |
1088 | +# Proguard folder generated by Eclipse | |
1089 | +proguard/ | |
1090 | + | |
1091 | +# Log Files | |
1092 | +*.log | |
1093 | + | |
1094 | +# Android Studio | |
1095 | +/*/build/ | |
1096 | +/*/ | |
1097 | +/*/out | |
1098 | +/*/*/build | |
1099 | +/*/*/production | |
1100 | +captures/ | |
1101 | +.navigation/ | |
1102 | +*.ipr | |
1103 | +*~ | |
1104 | +*.swp | |
1105 | + | |
1106 | +# Keystore files | |
1107 | +*.jks | |
1108 | +*.keystore | |
1109 | + | |
1110 | +# Google Services (e.g. APIs or Firebase) | |
1111 | +# google-services.json | |
1112 | + | |
1113 | +# Android Patch | |
1114 | +gen-external-apklibs | |
1115 | + | |
1116 | +# External native build folder generated in Android Studio 2.2 and later | |
1117 | +.externalNativeBuild | |
1118 | + | |
1119 | +# NDK | |
1120 | +obj/ | |
1121 | + | |
1122 | +# IntelliJ IDEA | |
1123 | +*.iml | |
1124 | +*.iws | |
1125 | +/out/ | |
1126 | + | |
1127 | +# User-specific configurations | |
1128 | +.idea/caches/ | |
1129 | +.idea/libraries/ | |
1130 | +.idea/shelf/ | |
1131 | +.idea/workspace.xml | |
1132 | +.idea/tasks.xml | |
1133 | +.idea/.name | |
1134 | +.idea/compiler.xml | |
1135 | +.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml | |
1136 | +.idea/encodings.xml | |
1137 | +.idea/misc.xml | |
1138 | +.idea/modules.xml | |
1139 | +.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml | |
1140 | +.idea/dictionaries | |
1141 | +.idea/vcs.xml | |
1142 | +.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml | |
1143 | +.idea/datasources.xml | |
1144 | +.idea/dataSources.ids | |
1145 | +.idea/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1146 | +.idea/dynamic.xml | |
1147 | +.idea/uiDesigner.xml | |
1148 | +.idea/assetWizardSettings.xml | |
1149 | +.idea/gradle.xml | |
1150 | +.idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1151 | +.idea/navEditor.xml | |
1152 | + | |
1153 | +# Legacy Eclipse project files | |
1154 | +.classpath | |
1155 | +.project | |
1156 | +.cproject | |
1157 | +.settings/ | |
1158 | + | |
1159 | +# Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME) | |
1160 | +.mtj.tmp/ | |
1161 | + | |
1162 | +# Package Files # | |
1163 | +*.war | |
1164 | +*.ear | |
1165 | + | |
1166 | +# virtual machine crash logs (Reference: | |
1167 | +hs_err_pid* | |
1168 | + | |
1169 | +## Plugin-specific files: | |
1170 | + | |
1171 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1172 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1173 | + | |
1174 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1175 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1176 | + | |
1177 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1178 | +.idea/mongoSettings.xml | |
1179 | + | |
1180 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1181 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1182 | | |
1183 | | |
1184 | | |
1185 | + | |
1186 | +### PhpStorm+iml template | |
1187 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
1188 | +# Reference: | |
1189 | + | |
1190 | +# User-specific stuff | |
1191 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
1192 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
1193 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
1194 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
1195 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
1196 | + | |
1197 | +# AWS User-specific | |
1198 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
1199 | + | |
1200 | +# Generated files | |
1201 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
1202 | + | |
1203 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
1204 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
1205 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
1206 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1207 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1208 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1209 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1210 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1211 | + | |
1212 | +# Gradle | |
1213 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1214 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1215 | + | |
1216 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1217 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1218 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1219 | +# auto-import. | |
1220 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1221 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1222 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1223 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1224 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1225 | +# .idea/modules | |
1226 | +# *.iml | |
1227 | +# *.ipr | |
1228 | + | |
1229 | +# CMake | |
1230 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1231 | + | |
1232 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1233 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1234 | + | |
1235 | +# File-based project format | |
1236 | +*.iws | |
1237 | + | |
1238 | +# IntelliJ | |
1239 | +out/ | |
1240 | + | |
1241 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1242 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1243 | + | |
1244 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1245 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1246 | + | |
1247 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1248 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1249 | + | |
1250 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1251 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
1252 | + | |
1253 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1254 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1255 | | |
1256 | | |
1257 | | |
1258 | + | |
1259 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
1260 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
1261 | + | |
1262 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
1263 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
1264 | + | |
1265 | +### Flutter template | |
1266 | +# Flutter/Dart/Pub related | |
1267 | +**/doc/api/ | |
1268 | +.dart_tool/ | |
1269 | +.flutter-plugins | |
1270 | +.flutter-plugins-dependencies | |
1271 | +.fvm/flutter_sdk | |
1272 | +.packages | |
1273 | | |
1274 | | |
1275 | +build/ | |
1276 | +coverage/ | |
1277 | +lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart | |
1278 | +# For library packages, don鈥檛 commit the pubspec.lock file. | |
1279 | +# Regenerating the pubspec.lock file lets you test your package against the latest compatible versions of its dependencies. | |
1280 | +# See | |
1281 | +#pubspec.lock | |
1282 | + | |
1283 | +# Android related | |
1284 | +**/android/**/gradle-wrapper.jar | |
1285 | +**/android/.gradle | |
1286 | +**/android/captures/ | |
1287 | +**/android/gradlew | |
1288 | +**/android/gradlew.bat | |
1289 | +**/android/ | |
1290 | +**/android/ | |
1291 | +**/android/**/ | |
1292 | + | |
1293 | +# iOS/XCode related | |
1294 | +**/ios/**/*.mode1v3 | |
1295 | +**/ios/**/*.mode2v3 | |
1296 | +**/ios/**/*.moved-aside | |
1297 | +**/ios/**/*.pbxuser | |
1298 | +**/ios/**/*.perspectivev3 | |
1299 | +**/ios/**/*sync/ | |
1300 | +**/ios/**/.sconsign.dblite | |
1301 | +**/ios/**/.tags* | |
1302 | +**/ios/**/.vagrant/ | |
1303 | +**/ios/**/DerivedData/ | |
1304 | +**/ios/**/Icon? | |
1305 | +**/ios/**/Pods/ | |
1306 | +**/ios/**/.symlinks/ | |
1307 | +**/ios/**/profile | |
1308 | +**/ios/**/xcuserdata | |
1309 | +**/ios/.generated/ | |
1310 | +**/ios/Flutter/.last_build_id | |
1311 | +**/ios/Flutter/App.framework | |
1312 | +**/ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework | |
1313 | +**/ios/Flutter/Flutter.podspec | |
1314 | +**/ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig | |
1315 | +**/ios/Flutter/app.flx | |
1316 | +**/ios/Flutter/ | |
1317 | +**/ios/Flutter/flutter_assets/ | |
1318 | +**/ios/Flutter/ | |
1319 | +**/ios/ServiceDefinitions.json | |
1320 | +**/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.* | |
1321 | + | |
1322 | +# Exceptions to above rules. | |
1323 | +!**/ios/**/default.mode1v3 | |
1324 | +!**/ios/**/default.mode2v3 | |
1325 | +!**/ios/**/default.pbxuser | |
1326 | +!**/ios/**/default.perspectivev3 | |
1327 | +!/packages/flutter_tools/test/data/dart_dependencies_test/**/.packages | |
1328 | + | |
1329 | +### PyCharm template | |
1330 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
1331 | +# Reference: | |
1332 | + | |
1333 | +# User-specific stuff | |
1334 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
1335 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
1336 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
1337 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
1338 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
1339 | + | |
1340 | +# AWS User-specific | |
1341 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
1342 | + | |
1343 | +# Generated files | |
1344 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
1345 | + | |
1346 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
1347 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
1348 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
1349 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1350 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1351 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1352 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1353 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1354 | + | |
1355 | +# Gradle | |
1356 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1357 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1358 | + | |
1359 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1360 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1361 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1362 | +# auto-import. | |
1363 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1364 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1365 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1366 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1367 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1368 | +# .idea/modules | |
1369 | +# *.iml | |
1370 | +# *.ipr | |
1371 | + | |
1372 | +# CMake | |
1373 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1374 | + | |
1375 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1376 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1377 | + | |
1378 | +# File-based project format | |
1379 | +*.iws | |
1380 | + | |
1381 | +# IntelliJ | |
1382 | +out/ | |
1383 | + | |
1384 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1385 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1386 | + | |
1387 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1388 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1389 | + | |
1390 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1391 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1392 | + | |
1393 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1394 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
1395 | + | |
1396 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1397 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1398 | | |
1399 | | |
1400 | | |
1401 | + | |
1402 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
1403 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
1404 | + | |
1405 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
1406 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
1407 | + | |
1408 | +### AppCode+iml template | |
1409 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
1410 | +# Reference: | |
1411 | + | |
1412 | +# User-specific stuff | |
1413 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
1414 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
1415 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
1416 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
1417 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
1418 | + | |
1419 | +# AWS User-specific | |
1420 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
1421 | + | |
1422 | +# Generated files | |
1423 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
1424 | + | |
1425 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
1426 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
1427 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
1428 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1429 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1430 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1431 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1432 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1433 | + | |
1434 | +# Gradle | |
1435 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1436 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1437 | + | |
1438 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1439 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1440 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1441 | +# auto-import. | |
1442 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1443 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1444 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1445 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1446 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1447 | +# .idea/modules | |
1448 | +# *.iml | |
1449 | +# *.ipr | |
1450 | + | |
1451 | +# CMake | |
1452 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1453 | + | |
1454 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1455 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1456 | + | |
1457 | +# File-based project format | |
1458 | +*.iws | |
1459 | + | |
1460 | +# IntelliJ | |
1461 | +out/ | |
1462 | + | |
1463 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1464 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1465 | + | |
1466 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1467 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1468 | + | |
1469 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1470 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1471 | + | |
1472 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1473 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
1474 | + | |
1475 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1476 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1477 | | |
1478 | | |
1479 | | |
1480 | + | |
1481 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
1482 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
1483 | + | |
1484 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
1485 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
1486 | + | |
1487 | +### Amplify template | |
1488 | +# AWS Amplify | |
1489 | +amplify/\#current-cloud-backend | |
1490 | +amplify/.config/local-* | |
1491 | +amplify/mock-data | |
1492 | +amplify/backend/amplify-meta.json | |
1493 | +amplify/backend/awscloudformation | |
1494 | +build/ | |
1495 | +dist/ | |
1496 | +node_modules/ | |
1497 | +aws-exports.js | |
1498 | +awsconfiguration.json | |
1499 | +amplifyconfiguration.json | |
1500 | +amplify-build-config.json | |
1501 | +amplify-gradle-config.json | |
1502 | +amplifyxc.config | |
1503 | + | |
1504 | +### RubyMine+all template | |
1505 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
1506 | +# Reference: | |
1507 | + | |
1508 | +# User-specific stuff | |
1509 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
1510 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
1511 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
1512 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
1513 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
1514 | + | |
1515 | +# AWS User-specific | |
1516 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
1517 | + | |
1518 | +# Generated files | |
1519 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
1520 | + | |
1521 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
1522 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
1523 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
1524 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1525 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1526 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1527 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1528 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1529 | + | |
1530 | +# Gradle | |
1531 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1532 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1533 | + | |
1534 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1535 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1536 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1537 | +# auto-import. | |
1538 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1539 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1540 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1541 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1542 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1543 | +# .idea/modules | |
1544 | +# *.iml | |
1545 | +# *.ipr | |
1546 | + | |
1547 | +# CMake | |
1548 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1549 | + | |
1550 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1551 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1552 | + | |
1553 | +# File-based project format | |
1554 | +*.iws | |
1555 | + | |
1556 | +# IntelliJ | |
1557 | +out/ | |
1558 | + | |
1559 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1560 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1561 | + | |
1562 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1563 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1564 | + | |
1565 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1566 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1567 | + | |
1568 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1569 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
1570 | + | |
1571 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1572 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1573 | | |
1574 | | |
1575 | | |
1576 | + | |
1577 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
1578 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
1579 | + | |
1580 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
1581 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
1582 | + | |
1583 | +### CLion+all template | |
1584 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
1585 | +# Reference: | |
1586 | + | |
1587 | +# User-specific stuff | |
1588 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
1589 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
1590 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
1591 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
1592 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
1593 | + | |
1594 | +# AWS User-specific | |
1595 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
1596 | + | |
1597 | +# Generated files | |
1598 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
1599 | + | |
1600 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
1601 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
1602 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
1603 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1604 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1605 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1606 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1607 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1608 | + | |
1609 | +# Gradle | |
1610 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1611 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1612 | + | |
1613 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1614 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1615 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1616 | +# auto-import. | |
1617 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1618 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1619 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1620 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1621 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1622 | +# .idea/modules | |
1623 | +# *.iml | |
1624 | +# *.ipr | |
1625 | + | |
1626 | +# CMake | |
1627 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1628 | + | |
1629 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1630 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1631 | + | |
1632 | +# File-based project format | |
1633 | +*.iws | |
1634 | + | |
1635 | +# IntelliJ | |
1636 | +out/ | |
1637 | + | |
1638 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1639 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1640 | + | |
1641 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1642 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1643 | + | |
1644 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1645 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1646 | + | |
1647 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1648 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
1649 | + | |
1650 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1651 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1652 | | |
1653 | | |
1654 | | |
1655 | + | |
1656 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
1657 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
1658 | + | |
1659 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
1660 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
1661 | + | |
1662 | +### CLion template | |
1663 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
1664 | +# Reference: | |
1665 | + | |
1666 | +# User-specific stuff | |
1667 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
1668 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
1669 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
1670 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
1671 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
1672 | + | |
1673 | +# AWS User-specific | |
1674 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
1675 | + | |
1676 | +# Generated files | |
1677 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
1678 | + | |
1679 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
1680 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
1681 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
1682 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1683 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1684 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1685 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1686 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1687 | + | |
1688 | +# Gradle | |
1689 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1690 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1691 | + | |
1692 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1693 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1694 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1695 | +# auto-import. | |
1696 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1697 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1698 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1699 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1700 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1701 | +# .idea/modules | |
1702 | +# *.iml | |
1703 | +# *.ipr | |
1704 | + | |
1705 | +# CMake | |
1706 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1707 | + | |
1708 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1709 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1710 | + | |
1711 | +# File-based project format | |
1712 | +*.iws | |
1713 | + | |
1714 | +# IntelliJ | |
1715 | +out/ | |
1716 | + | |
1717 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1718 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1719 | + | |
1720 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1721 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1722 | + | |
1723 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1724 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1725 | + | |
1726 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1727 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
1728 | + | |
1729 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1730 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1731 | | |
1732 | | |
1733 | | |
1734 | + | |
1735 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
1736 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
1737 | + | |
1738 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
1739 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
1740 | + | |
1741 | +### Rider template | |
1742 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
1743 | +# Reference: | |
1744 | + | |
1745 | +# User-specific stuff | |
1746 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
1747 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
1748 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
1749 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
1750 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
1751 | + | |
1752 | +# AWS User-specific | |
1753 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
1754 | + | |
1755 | +# Generated files | |
1756 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
1757 | + | |
1758 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
1759 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
1760 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
1761 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1762 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1763 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1764 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1765 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1766 | + | |
1767 | +# Gradle | |
1768 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1769 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1770 | + | |
1771 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1772 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1773 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1774 | +# auto-import. | |
1775 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1776 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1777 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1778 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1779 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1780 | +# .idea/modules | |
1781 | +# *.iml | |
1782 | +# *.ipr | |
1783 | + | |
1784 | +# CMake | |
1785 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1786 | + | |
1787 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1788 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1789 | + | |
1790 | +# File-based project format | |
1791 | +*.iws | |
1792 | + | |
1793 | +# IntelliJ | |
1794 | +out/ | |
1795 | + | |
1796 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1797 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1798 | + | |
1799 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1800 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1801 | + | |
1802 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1803 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1804 | + | |
1805 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1806 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
1807 | + | |
1808 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1809 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1810 | | |
1811 | | |
1812 | | |
1813 | + | |
1814 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
1815 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
1816 | + | |
1817 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
1818 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
1819 | + | |
1820 | +### Android template | |
1821 | +# Gradle files | |
1822 | +.gradle/ | |
1823 | +build/ | |
1824 | + | |
1825 | +# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc) | |
1826 | | |
1827 | + | |
1828 | +# Log/OS Files | |
1829 | +*.log | |
1830 | + | |
1831 | +# Android Studio generated files and folders | |
1832 | +captures/ | |
1833 | +.externalNativeBuild/ | |
1834 | +.cxx/ | |
1835 | +*.apk | |
1836 | +output.json | |
1837 | + | |
1838 | +# IntelliJ | |
1839 | +*.iml | |
1840 | +.idea/ | |
1841 | +misc.xml | |
1842 | +deploymentTargetDropDown.xml | |
1843 | +render.experimental.xml | |
1844 | + | |
1845 | +# Keystore files | |
1846 | +*.jks | |
1847 | +*.keystore | |
1848 | + | |
1849 | +# Google Services (e.g. APIs or Firebase) | |
1850 | +google-services.json | |
1851 | + | |
1852 | +# Android Profiling | |
1853 | +*.hprof | |
1854 | + | |
1855 | +### PyCharm+all template | |
1856 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
1857 | +# Reference: | |
1858 | + | |
1859 | +# User-specific stuff | |
1860 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
1861 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
1862 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
1863 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
1864 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
1865 | + | |
1866 | +# AWS User-specific | |
1867 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
1868 | + | |
1869 | +# Generated files | |
1870 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
1871 | + | |
1872 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
1873 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
1874 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
1875 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1876 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1877 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1878 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1879 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1880 | + | |
1881 | +# Gradle | |
1882 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1883 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1884 | + | |
1885 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1886 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1887 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1888 | +# auto-import. | |
1889 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1890 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1891 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1892 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1893 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1894 | +# .idea/modules | |
1895 | +# *.iml | |
1896 | +# *.ipr | |
1897 | + | |
1898 | +# CMake | |
1899 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1900 | + | |
1901 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1902 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1903 | + | |
1904 | +# File-based project format | |
1905 | +*.iws | |
1906 | + | |
1907 | +# IntelliJ | |
1908 | +out/ | |
1909 | + | |
1910 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1911 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1912 | + | |
1913 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1914 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1915 | + | |
1916 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1917 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1918 | + | |
1919 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1920 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
1921 | + | |
1922 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
1923 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
1924 | | |
1925 | | |
1926 | | |
1927 | + | |
1928 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
1929 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
1930 | + | |
1931 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
1932 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
1933 | + | |
1934 | +### PhpStorm+all template | |
1935 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
1936 | +# Reference: | |
1937 | + | |
1938 | +# User-specific stuff | |
1939 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
1940 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
1941 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
1942 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
1943 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
1944 | + | |
1945 | +# AWS User-specific | |
1946 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
1947 | + | |
1948 | +# Generated files | |
1949 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
1950 | + | |
1951 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
1952 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
1953 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
1954 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
1955 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
1956 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
1957 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
1958 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
1959 | + | |
1960 | +# Gradle | |
1961 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
1962 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
1963 | + | |
1964 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
1965 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
1966 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
1967 | +# auto-import. | |
1968 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
1969 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
1970 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
1971 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
1972 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
1973 | +# .idea/modules | |
1974 | +# *.iml | |
1975 | +# *.ipr | |
1976 | + | |
1977 | +# CMake | |
1978 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
1979 | + | |
1980 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
1981 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
1982 | + | |
1983 | +# File-based project format | |
1984 | +*.iws | |
1985 | + | |
1986 | +# IntelliJ | |
1987 | +out/ | |
1988 | + | |
1989 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
1990 | +.idea_modules/ | |
1991 | + | |
1992 | +# JIRA plugin | |
1993 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
1994 | + | |
1995 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
1996 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
1997 | + | |
1998 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
1999 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
2000 | + | |
2001 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
2002 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
2003 | | |
2004 | | |
2005 | | |
2006 | + | |
2007 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
2008 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
2009 | + | |
2010 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
2011 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
2012 | + | |
2013 | +### JetBrains+all template | |
2014 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
2015 | +# Reference: | |
2016 | + | |
2017 | +# User-specific stuff | |
2018 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
2019 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
2020 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
2021 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
2022 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
2023 | + | |
2024 | +# AWS User-specific | |
2025 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
2026 | + | |
2027 | +# Generated files | |
2028 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
2029 | + | |
2030 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
2031 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
2032 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
2033 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
2034 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
2035 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
2036 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
2037 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
2038 | + | |
2039 | +# Gradle | |
2040 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
2041 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
2042 | + | |
2043 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
2044 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
2045 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
2046 | +# auto-import. | |
2047 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
2048 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
2049 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
2050 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
2051 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
2052 | +# .idea/modules | |
2053 | +# *.iml | |
2054 | +# *.ipr | |
2055 | + | |
2056 | +# CMake | |
2057 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
2058 | + | |
2059 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
2060 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
2061 | + | |
2062 | +# File-based project format | |
2063 | +*.iws | |
2064 | + | |
2065 | +# IntelliJ | |
2066 | +out/ | |
2067 | + | |
2068 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
2069 | +.idea_modules/ | |
2070 | + | |
2071 | +# JIRA plugin | |
2072 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
2073 | + | |
2074 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
2075 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
2076 | + | |
2077 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
2078 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
2079 | + | |
2080 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
2081 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
2082 | | |
2083 | | |
2084 | | |
2085 | + | |
2086 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
2087 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
2088 | + | |
2089 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
2090 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
2091 | + | |
2092 | +### NetBeans template | |
2093 | +**/nbproject/private/ | |
2094 | +**/nbproject/Makefile-*.mk | |
2095 | +**/nbproject/Package-*.bash | |
2096 | +build/ | |
2097 | +nbbuild/ | |
2098 | +dist/ | |
2099 | +nbdist/ | |
2100 | +.nb-gradle/ | |
2101 | + | |
2102 | +### WebStorm+iml template | |
2103 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
2104 | +# Reference: | |
2105 | + | |
2106 | +# User-specific stuff | |
2107 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
2108 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
2109 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
2110 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
2111 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
2112 | + | |
2113 | +# AWS User-specific | |
2114 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
2115 | + | |
2116 | +# Generated files | |
2117 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
2118 | + | |
2119 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
2120 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
2121 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
2122 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
2123 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
2124 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
2125 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
2126 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
2127 | + | |
2128 | +# Gradle | |
2129 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
2130 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
2131 | + | |
2132 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
2133 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
2134 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
2135 | +# auto-import. | |
2136 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
2137 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
2138 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
2139 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
2140 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
2141 | +# .idea/modules | |
2142 | +# *.iml | |
2143 | +# *.ipr | |
2144 | + | |
2145 | +# CMake | |
2146 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
2147 | + | |
2148 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
2149 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
2150 | + | |
2151 | +# File-based project format | |
2152 | +*.iws | |
2153 | + | |
2154 | +# IntelliJ | |
2155 | +out/ | |
2156 | + | |
2157 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
2158 | +.idea_modules/ | |
2159 | + | |
2160 | +# JIRA plugin | |
2161 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
2162 | + | |
2163 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
2164 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
2165 | + | |
2166 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
2167 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
2168 | + | |
2169 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
2170 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
2171 | | |
2172 | | |
2173 | | |
2174 | + | |
2175 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
2176 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
2177 | + | |
2178 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
2179 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
2180 | + | |
2181 | +### Unity template | |
2182 | +# This .gitignore file should be placed at the root of your Unity project directory | |
2183 | +# | |
2184 | +# Get latest from | |
2185 | +# | |
2186 | +/[Ll]ibrary/ | |
2187 | +/[Tt]emp/ | |
2188 | +/[Oo]bj/ | |
2189 | +/[Bb]uild/ | |
2190 | +/[Bb]uilds/ | |
2191 | +/[Ll]ogs/ | |
2192 | +/[Uu]ser[Ss]ettings/ | |
2193 | + | |
2194 | +# MemoryCaptures can get excessive in size. | |
2195 | +# They also could contain extremely sensitive data | |
2196 | +/[Mm]emoryCaptures/ | |
2197 | + | |
2198 | +# Recordings can get excessive in size | |
2199 | +/[Rr]ecordings/ | |
2200 | + | |
2201 | +# Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the asset store tools plugin | |
2202 | +# /[Aa]ssets/AssetStoreTools* | |
2203 | + | |
2204 | +# Autogenerated Jetbrains Rider plugin | |
2205 | +/[Aa]ssets/Plugins/Editor/JetBrains* | |
2206 | + | |
2207 | +# Visual Studio cache directory | |
2208 | +.vs/ | |
2209 | + | |
2210 | +# Gradle cache directory | |
2211 | +.gradle/ | |
2212 | + | |
2213 | +# Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files | |
2214 | +ExportedObj/ | |
2215 | +.consulo/ | |
2216 | +*.csproj | |
2217 | +*.unityproj | |
2218 | +*.sln | |
2219 | +*.suo | |
2220 | +*.tmp | |
2221 | +*.user | |
2222 | +*.userprefs | |
2223 | +*.pidb | |
2224 | +*.booproj | |
2225 | +*.svd | |
2226 | +*.pdb | |
2227 | +*.mdb | |
2228 | +*.opendb | |
2229 | +*.VC.db | |
2230 | + | |
2231 | +# Unity3D generated meta files | |
2232 | +*.pidb.meta | |
2233 | +*.pdb.meta | |
2234 | +*.mdb.meta | |
2235 | + | |
2236 | +# Unity3D generated file on crash reports | |
2237 | +sysinfo.txt | |
2238 | + | |
2239 | +# Builds | |
2240 | +*.apk | |
2241 | +*.aab | |
2242 | +*.unitypackage | |
2243 | +*.app | |
2244 | + | |
2245 | +# Crashlytics generated file | |
2246 | | |
2247 | + | |
2248 | +# Packed Addressables | |
2249 | +/[Aa]ssets/[Aa]ddressable[Aa]ssets[Dd]ata/*/*.bin* | |
2250 | + | |
2251 | +# Temporary auto-generated Android Assets | |
2252 | +/[Aa]ssets/[Ss]treamingAssets/aa.meta | |
2253 | +/[Aa]ssets/[Ss]treamingAssets/aa/* | |
2254 | + | |
2255 | +### Ballerina template | |
2256 | +*.class | |
2257 | +*.log | |
2258 | + | |
2259 | +# Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME) | |
2260 | +.mtj.tmp/ | |
2261 | + | |
2262 | +# Package Files # | |
2263 | +*.jar | |
2264 | +*.war | |
2265 | +*.ear | |
2266 | + | |
2267 | +# virtual machine crash logs, see | |
2268 | +hs_err_pid* | |
2269 | + | |
2270 | +.idea | |
2271 | +*.iml | |
2272 | +*.ipr | |
2273 | +*.iws | |
2274 | + | |
2275 | +# generated files | |
2276 | +target | |
2277 | +results | |
2278 | +.ballerina | |
2279 | +/gen | |
2280 | +/compiler/ballerina-lang/src/main/resources/grammar/BallerinaLexer.tokens | |
2281 | +/tool-plugins/intellij/src/main/antlr/org/ballerinalang/plugins/idea/grammar/BallerinaLexer.tokens | |
2282 | +/composer/modules/web/dist-electron/ | |
2283 | +velocity.log | |
2284 | +/composer/modules/web/dist-electron | |
2285 | + | |
2286 | +# gradle | |
2287 | +.gradle | |
2288 | +build/ | |
2289 | +gradle-app.setting | |
2290 | +!gradle-wrapper.jar | |
2291 | +.gradletasknamecache | |
2292 | + | |
2293 | +# mac | |
2294 | +.DS_Store | |
2295 | + | |
2296 | +.classpath | |
2297 | +.project | |
2298 | +.settings | |
2299 | +.vscode | |
2300 | + | |
2301 | +### Gradle template | |
2302 | +.gradle | |
2303 | +**/build/ | |
2304 | +!src/**/build/ | |
2305 | + | |
2306 | +# Ignore Gradle GUI config | |
2307 | +gradle-app.setting | |
2308 | + | |
2309 | +# Avoid ignoring Gradle wrapper jar file (.jar files are usually ignored) | |
2310 | +!gradle-wrapper.jar | |
2311 | + | |
2312 | +# Avoid ignore Gradle wrappper properties | |
2313 | +! | |
2314 | + | |
2315 | +# Cache of project | |
2316 | +.gradletasknamecache | |
2317 | + | |
2318 | +# Eclipse Gradle plugin generated files | |
2319 | +# Eclipse Core | |
2320 | +.project | |
2321 | +# JDT-specific (Eclipse Java Development Tools) | |
2322 | +.classpath | |
2323 | + | |
2324 | +### GoLand template | |
2325 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
2326 | +# Reference: | |
2327 | + | |
2328 | +# User-specific stuff | |
2329 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
2330 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
2331 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
2332 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
2333 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
2334 | + | |
2335 | +# AWS User-specific | |
2336 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
2337 | + | |
2338 | +# Generated files | |
2339 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
2340 | + | |
2341 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
2342 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
2343 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
2344 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
2345 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
2346 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
2347 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
2348 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
2349 | + | |
2350 | +# Gradle | |
2351 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
2352 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
2353 | + | |
2354 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
2355 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
2356 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
2357 | +# auto-import. | |
2358 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
2359 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
2360 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
2361 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
2362 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
2363 | +# .idea/modules | |
2364 | +# *.iml | |
2365 | +# *.ipr | |
2366 | + | |
2367 | +# CMake | |
2368 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
2369 | + | |
2370 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
2371 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
2372 | + | |
2373 | +# File-based project format | |
2374 | +*.iws | |
2375 | + | |
2376 | +# IntelliJ | |
2377 | +out/ | |
2378 | + | |
2379 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
2380 | +.idea_modules/ | |
2381 | + | |
2382 | +# JIRA plugin | |
2383 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
2384 | + | |
2385 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
2386 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
2387 | + | |
2388 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
2389 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
2390 | + | |
2391 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
2392 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
2393 | | |
2394 | | |
2395 | | |
2396 | + | |
2397 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
2398 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
2399 | + | |
2400 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
2401 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
2402 | + | |
2403 | +### GoLand+iml template | |
2404 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
2405 | +# Reference: | |
2406 | + | |
2407 | +# User-specific stuff | |
2408 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
2409 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
2410 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
2411 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
2412 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
2413 | + | |
2414 | +# AWS User-specific | |
2415 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
2416 | + | |
2417 | +# Generated files | |
2418 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
2419 | + | |
2420 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
2421 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
2422 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
2423 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
2424 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
2425 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
2426 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
2427 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
2428 | + | |
2429 | +# Gradle | |
2430 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
2431 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
2432 | + | |
2433 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
2434 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
2435 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
2436 | +# auto-import. | |
2437 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
2438 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
2439 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
2440 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
2441 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
2442 | +# .idea/modules | |
2443 | +# *.iml | |
2444 | +# *.ipr | |
2445 | + | |
2446 | +# CMake | |
2447 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
2448 | + | |
2449 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
2450 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
2451 | + | |
2452 | +# File-based project format | |
2453 | +*.iws | |
2454 | + | |
2455 | +# IntelliJ | |
2456 | +out/ | |
2457 | + | |
2458 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
2459 | +.idea_modules/ | |
2460 | + | |
2461 | +# JIRA plugin | |
2462 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
2463 | + | |
2464 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
2465 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
2466 | + | |
2467 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
2468 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
2469 | + | |
2470 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
2471 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
2472 | | |
2473 | | |
2474 | | |
2475 | + | |
2476 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
2477 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
2478 | + | |
2479 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
2480 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
2481 | + | |
2482 | +### PhpStorm template | |
2483 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
2484 | +# Reference: | |
2485 | + | |
2486 | +# User-specific stuff | |
2487 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
2488 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
2489 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
2490 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
2491 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
2492 | + | |
2493 | +# AWS User-specific | |
2494 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
2495 | + | |
2496 | +# Generated files | |
2497 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
2498 | + | |
2499 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
2500 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
2501 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
2502 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
2503 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
2504 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
2505 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
2506 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
2507 | + | |
2508 | +# Gradle | |
2509 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
2510 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
2511 | + | |
2512 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
2513 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
2514 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
2515 | +# auto-import. | |
2516 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
2517 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
2518 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
2519 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
2520 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
2521 | +# .idea/modules | |
2522 | +# *.iml | |
2523 | +# *.ipr | |
2524 | + | |
2525 | +# CMake | |
2526 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
2527 | + | |
2528 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
2529 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
2530 | + | |
2531 | +# File-based project format | |
2532 | +*.iws | |
2533 | + | |
2534 | +# IntelliJ | |
2535 | +out/ | |
2536 | + | |
2537 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
2538 | +.idea_modules/ | |
2539 | + | |
2540 | +# JIRA plugin | |
2541 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
2542 | + | |
2543 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
2544 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
2545 | + | |
2546 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
2547 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
2548 | + | |
2549 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
2550 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
2551 | | |
2552 | | |
2553 | | |
2554 | + | |
2555 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
2556 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
2557 | + | |
2558 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
2559 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
2560 | + | |
2561 | +### Intellij+iml template | |
2562 | +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider | |
2563 | +# Reference: | |
2564 | + | |
2565 | +# User-specific stuff | |
2566 | +.idea/**/workspace.xml | |
2567 | +.idea/**/tasks.xml | |
2568 | +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml | |
2569 | +.idea/**/dictionaries | |
2570 | +.idea/**/shelf | |
2571 | + | |
2572 | +# AWS User-specific | |
2573 | +.idea/**/aws.xml | |
2574 | + | |
2575 | +# Generated files | |
2576 | +.idea/**/contentModel.xml | |
2577 | + | |
2578 | +# Sensitive or high-churn files | |
2579 | +.idea/**/dataSources/ | |
2580 | +.idea/**/dataSources.ids | |
2581 | +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml | |
2582 | +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml | |
2583 | +.idea/**/dynamic.xml | |
2584 | +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml | |
2585 | +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml | |
2586 | + | |
2587 | +# Gradle | |
2588 | +.idea/**/gradle.xml | |
2589 | +.idea/**/libraries | |
2590 | + | |
2591 | +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import | |
2592 | +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, | |
2593 | +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using | |
2594 | +# auto-import. | |
2595 | +# .idea/artifacts | |
2596 | +# .idea/compiler.xml | |
2597 | +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml | |
2598 | +# .idea/modules.xml | |
2599 | +# .idea/*.iml | |
2600 | +# .idea/modules | |
2601 | +# *.iml | |
2602 | +# *.ipr | |
2603 | + | |
2604 | +# CMake | |
2605 | +cmake-build-*/ | |
2606 | + | |
2607 | +# Mongo Explorer plugin | |
2608 | +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml | |
2609 | + | |
2610 | +# File-based project format | |
2611 | +*.iws | |
2612 | + | |
2613 | +# IntelliJ | |
2614 | +out/ | |
2615 | + | |
2616 | +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin | |
2617 | +.idea_modules/ | |
2618 | + | |
2619 | +# JIRA plugin | |
2620 | +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml | |
2621 | + | |
2622 | +# Cursive Clojure plugin | |
2623 | +.idea/replstate.xml | |
2624 | + | |
2625 | +# SonarLint plugin | |
2626 | +.idea/sonarlint/ | |
2627 | + | |
2628 | +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) | |
2629 | +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml | |
2630 | | |
2631 | | |
2632 | | |
2633 | + | |
2634 | +# Editor-based Rest Client | |
2635 | +.idea/httpRequests | |
2636 | + | |
2637 | +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file | |
2638 | +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser | |
2639 | + | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/ | |
1 | +dili-etrade | |
2 | + etrade-core 基础设施(工具类引入,中间件服务mq/redis/mysql等配置,第三方框架的封装和配置,全局异常拦截配置-待配置) | |
3 | + etrade-rpc 远程调用模块(openfeign集成,访问原有平台服务,请合理规划) | |
4 | + etrade-shared 共享模块(解决循环依赖问题,请合理规划包名) | |
5 | + etrade-coupon 优惠劵模块 | |
6 | + etrade-sentinel 风控模块 | |
7 | + etrade-stock 商品库存模块(包括商品) | |
8 | + etrade-shop 店铺模块 | |
9 | + etrade-order 订单模块(包括订单支付) | |
10 | + etrade-boss 父工程(springboot打包,系统对外提供接口) | |
11 | + | |
12 | +项目依赖 | |
13 | +etrade-core -> etrade-rpc -> etrade-shared -> etrade-coupon -> etrade-boss | |
14 | + etrade-sentinel | |
15 | + etrade-stock | |
16 | + etrade-shop | |
17 | + etrade-order | |
18 | + | |
19 | +项目结构 | |
20 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx - 模块spring配置xxxxConfiguration(Spring组件扫描配置/MybatisMapper扫描配置)ErrorCode Constants | |
21 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.controller - 后台接口 | |
22 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.api - 移动端接口 | |
23 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.service | |
24 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.dao | |
25 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.exception | |
26 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.domain | |
27 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.model | |
28 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.type | |
29 | + com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.util | |
30 | + resource/com.diligrp.etrade.dao.mapper - mybatis mapper文件 | |
31 | + | |
32 | + 系统对第三方系统提供接口通过etrade-boss controller包 | |
33 | + 所有数据模型类(DO)放入com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.model下,所有域模型类(VO DTO)放入com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.domain下 | |
34 | + 所有数据模型类(DO)须继承BaseDo类,进一步规范数据表设计:需包含id version created_time modified_time | |
35 | + 所有枚举类型放入com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.type下,枚举类定义请提供code/name属性,参见com.diligrp.etrade.core.type.Gender | |
36 | + 所有自定义工具类放入com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.util下,如果大家都能公用请放etrade-core模块下 | |
37 | + 所有异常类继承PlatformServiceException(提供了错误码和是否打印异常栈信息功能),并放入com.diligrp.etrade.xxxx.exception下 | |
38 | + 每个模块的常量类请放在模块根目录下,如通用常量请放入etrade-core模块下 | |
39 | + 错误码为6位,每个模块的错误类ErrorCode且放入模块根目录,错误码应唯一且独特如前三位为模块标识,公共错误码参见com.diligrp.etrade.core.ErrorCode | |
40 | + | |
41 | +工具类 | |
42 | + 参见:com.diligrp.etrade.core.util.** | |
43 | + 包括:JsonUtils CurrencyUtils DateUtils RandomUtils AssertUtils HexUtils AesCipher RsaCipher ShaCipher KeyStoreUtils等等 | |
44 | + | |
45 | +技术要求 | |
46 | + JDK17 SpringCould SpringBoot 3版本 | |
47 | + 编译工具:gradle | |
48 | + 第三方库尽量使用springboot默认推荐,如:Jackson Lettuce;springboot工具集中没有推荐的第三方库,引入时请在合适模块中进行 | |
49 | + 已在etrade-core中完成Jackson配置,包括Spring DataBinding,且额外在core包中提供了JsonUtils | |
50 | + 已在etrade-core中已完成Redis基础配置Lettuce,可直接使用StringRedisTemplate,如需进行进一步封装配置请在合适的模块中配置,如需Redis分布式锁,可考虑引入Redission | |
51 | + 已在etrade-core中已完成Mybatis基础配置,使用MapperScan完成mapper文件的扫描,不用plus,可用mybatis分页插件 | |
52 | + 已在etrade-core中完成MQ基础配置RabbitMQ,可直接进行使用RabbitTemplate且可进行Queue Exchange和消息监听器的配置 | |
53 | + 外部第三方jar放入dili-etrade/libs | |
54 | + 新技术框架的引入不以个人熟悉为重点考量标准,以技术框架的通用型和稳定性为考量标准 | |
55 | + 分页查询 | |
56 | + | |
57 | +数据库脚本要求 | |
58 | + 维护全量(dili-etrade/scripts)和增量脚本(scripts/upgrade),每个模块的全量脚本文件以模块进行命名;脚本命名规范可参考原有标准 | |
59 | + 维护增量脚本,需同时修改权量脚本 | |
60 | + 所有建表SQL,每个字段需填写备注 | |
61 | + 通常情况下,每个表都需要包含三个字段id,version,created_time,modified_time | |
62 | + 每个模块的数据表,建议统一的前缀 | |
63 | + | |
64 | +遗留问题 | |
65 | + UAP集成 | |
66 | + Redis序列化-Redission | |
67 | + 分页查询-Mybatis分页插件集成 | |
68 | + 定时任务xxl-job配置 | |
69 | + | |
70 | +mkdir -p src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/ModuleName/controller | |
71 | +mkdir -p src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/ModuleName/api | |
72 | +mkdir -p src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/ModuleName/service | |
73 | +mkdir -p src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/ModuleName/dao | |
74 | +mkdir -p src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/ModuleName/exception | |
75 | +mkdir -p src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/ModuleName/domain | |
76 | +mkdir -p src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/ModuleName/model | |
77 | +mkdir -p src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/ModuleName/type | |
78 | +mkdir -p src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/ModuleName/util | |
79 | +mkdir -p src/main/resources/com/diligrp/etrade/dao/mapper | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/build.gradle | |
1 | +plugins { | |
2 | + id 'java' | |
3 | + id 'org.springframework.boot' version '3.1.2' | |
4 | + id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.1.2' | |
5 | +} | |
6 | + | |
7 | +jar.enabled = false | |
8 | +bootJar.enabled = false | |
9 | + | |
10 | +allprojects { | |
11 | + repositories { | |
12 | + mavenLocal() | |
13 | + maven { | |
14 | + url '' | |
15 | + } | |
16 | + // dili Nexus | |
17 | + maven { | |
18 | + allowInsecureProtocol = true | |
19 | + // credentials | |
20 | + credentials { | |
21 | + username 'admin' | |
22 | + password 'for211314' | |
23 | + } | |
24 | + url = '' | |
25 | + } | |
26 | + mavenCentral() | |
27 | + } | |
28 | +} | |
29 | + | |
30 | +subprojects { | |
31 | + apply plugin: 'java' | |
32 | + apply plugin: 'java-library' | |
33 | + apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot' | |
34 | + apply plugin: 'io.spring.dependency-management' | |
35 | + | |
36 | + version = '1.0.0' | |
37 | + | |
38 | + java { | |
39 | + sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17 | |
40 | + targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17 | |
41 | + } | |
42 | + | |
43 | + ext { | |
44 | + set('springCloudVersion', "2022.0.4") | |
45 | + } | |
46 | + | |
47 | + jar.archiveClassifier = '' | |
48 | + bootJar.enabled = false | |
49 | + | |
50 | + dependencies { | |
51 | + implementation '' | |
52 | + implementation '' | |
53 | + implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web' | |
54 | + implementation fileTree(dir: "$rootProject.projectDir/libs", includes: ['*jar']) | |
55 | + } | |
56 | + | |
57 | + dependencyManagement { | |
58 | + imports { | |
59 | + mavenBom "${springCloudVersion}" | |
60 | + } | |
61 | + } | |
62 | +} | |
0 | 63 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/build.gradle | |
1 | +group = 'com.diligrp' | |
2 | +archivesBaseName = 'etrade-admin' | |
3 | + | |
4 | +dependencies { | |
5 | + api project(':etrade-shared') | |
6 | + api project(':etrade-core') | |
7 | + api project(':etrade-rpc') | |
8 | + implementation 'com.auth0:java-jwt:3.12.0' | |
9 | + implementation 'com.belerweb:pinyin4j:2.5.1' | |
10 | + implementation ('com.aliyun:green20220302:1.0.3') { | |
11 | + exclude group: "pull-parser", module: "pull-parser" | |
12 | + } | |
13 | + implementation '' | |
14 | + implementation '' | |
15 | +} | |
0 | 16 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
4 | +import org.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan; | |
5 | +import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan; | |
6 | +import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; | |
7 | + | |
8 | +@Configuration | |
9 | +@ComponentScan("com.diligrp.etrade.admin") | |
10 | +@MapperScan(basePackages = {"com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao"}, markerInterface = MybatisMapperSupport.class) | |
11 | +public class AdminConfiguration { | |
12 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.BannerQuery; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.Banner; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.BannerService; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.type.BannerDeleted; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.type.BannerState; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
9 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
10 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
11 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
12 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
16 | + | |
17 | +import java.util.List; | |
18 | + | |
19 | +/** 【小程序/APP】--轮播图接口 | |
20 | + * @author kelan | |
21 | + * @Description | |
22 | + * @date 2023-09-04 10:33 | |
23 | + */ | |
24 | +@RestController | |
25 | +@RequestMapping("/api/banner") | |
26 | +public class BannerApi { | |
27 | + private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BannerApi.class); | |
28 | + | |
29 | + @Autowired | |
30 | + private BannerService bannerService; | |
31 | + | |
32 | + /** | |
33 | + * 通过【市场ID】查询状态是【可用】的轮播图 | |
34 | + * @date: 2023/9/4 11:02 | |
35 | + * @param: [marketId] | |
36 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<?> | |
37 | + **/ | |
38 | + @GetMapping(value = "/listByMarketId/{marketId}") | |
39 | + public Message<List<Banner>> listByMarketId(@PathVariable Long marketId) { | |
40 | + List<Banner> bannerList ; | |
41 | + try { | |
42 | + BannerQuery bannerQuery = new BannerQuery(); | |
43 | + bannerQuery.setMarketId(marketId); | |
44 | + bannerQuery.setState(BannerState.ENABLE.getCode()); | |
45 | + bannerQuery.setDeleted(BannerDeleted.NO.getCode()); | |
46 | + bannerList = bannerService.listByMarketId(bannerQuery); | |
47 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
48 | + LOG.error("获取轮播图失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
49 | + return Message.failure("获取轮播图失败!"); | |
50 | + } | |
51 | + return Message.success(bannerList); | |
52 | + } | |
53 | +} | |
0 | 54 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.CustomerDecodeDto; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.CustomerQrCodeDto; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.util.JsonUtils; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.util.NumberUtils; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.shared.domain.CustomerQrCode; | |
9 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
10 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
11 | +import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils; | |
12 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
16 | + | |
17 | +@RestController | |
18 | +@RequestMapping("customer") | |
19 | +public class CustomerApi { | |
20 | + private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomerApi.class); | |
21 | + /** | |
22 | + * 加密qrcode | |
23 | + * | |
24 | + * @return | |
25 | + */ | |
26 | + @RequestMapping("encodeQrCode") | |
27 | + public Message encodeQrCode(@RequestParam("customerId") Long customerId, @RequestParam("marketId") Long marketId, | |
28 | + @RequestParam("accountId") Long accountId) { | |
29 | + CustomerQrCode customerQrCode = CustomerQrCode.of((byte) 1, System.currentTimeMillis(), (byte) 1, marketId, customerId, accountId); | |
30 | + return Message.success(customerQrCode.toString()); | |
31 | + } | |
32 | + | |
33 | + /** | |
34 | + * 解密qrcode | |
35 | + * | |
36 | + * @return | |
37 | + */ | |
38 | + @RequestMapping("decodeQrCode") | |
39 | + public Message decodeQrCode(@RequestBody CustomerDecodeDto customerDecodeDto) { | |
40 | +"data:"+ JsonUtils.toJsonString(customerDecodeDto)); | |
41 | + CustomerQrCode customerQrCode = CustomerQrCode.from(customerDecodeDto.getEncodeString()); | |
42 | + //判断时间 | |
43 | + long qrCodeTime = customerQrCode.timestamp(); | |
44 | + long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); | |
45 | + if ((now - qrCodeTime) > 60000) { | |
46 | + return Message.failure("二维码已过期"); | |
47 | + } | |
48 | + CustomerQrCodeDto customerQrCodeDto = new CustomerQrCodeDto(); | |
49 | + BeanUtils.copyProperties(customerQrCode, customerQrCodeDto); | |
50 | + if(customerQrCodeDto.getAccountId() == 0){ | |
51 | + customerQrCodeDto.setAccountId(null); | |
52 | + } | |
53 | + return Message.success(customerQrCodeDto); | |
54 | + } | |
55 | + | |
56 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueManagerQuery; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueQuery; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueTypeQuery; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueManagerVo; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueTypeVo; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.IssueAnswer; | |
9 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.IssueAnswerService; | |
10 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.IssueManagerService; | |
11 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.IssueService; | |
12 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.IssueTypeService; | |
13 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.type.BannerState; | |
14 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
15 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage; | |
16 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
17 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
18 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
19 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; | |
20 | + | |
21 | +import java.util.List; | |
22 | + | |
23 | +/** 【小程序/APP】--【客服】模块接口 | |
24 | + * @author kelan | |
25 | + * @Description | |
26 | + * @date 2023-09-04 10:33 | |
27 | + */ | |
28 | +@RestController | |
29 | +@RequestMapping("/api/issue") | |
30 | +public class IssueApi { | |
31 | + private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IssueApi.class); | |
32 | + | |
33 | + @Autowired | |
34 | + IssueService issueService; | |
35 | + | |
36 | + @Autowired | |
37 | + IssueManagerService issueManagerService; | |
38 | + | |
39 | + @Autowired | |
40 | + IssueTypeService issueTypeService; | |
41 | + | |
42 | + @Autowired | |
43 | + IssueAnswerService issueAnswerService; | |
44 | + | |
45 | + /** | |
46 | + * 通过市场ID查询接线员 | |
47 | + * @date: 2023/9/4 15:29 | |
48 | + * @param: [marketId] | |
49 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueManagerVo>> | |
50 | + **/ | |
51 | + @GetMapping(value = "/listIssueManagerByMarketId/{marketId}") | |
52 | + public Message<List<IssueManagerVo>> listIssueManagerByMarketId(@PathVariable Long marketId) { | |
53 | + try { | |
54 | + IssueManagerQuery issueManagerQuery = new IssueManagerQuery(); | |
55 | + issueManagerQuery.setMarketId(marketId); | |
56 | + issueManagerQuery.setState(BannerState.ENABLE.getCode()); | |
57 | + return Message.success(issueManagerService.listByMarketId(issueManagerQuery)); | |
58 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
59 | + LOG.error("获取接线员列表失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
60 | + return Message.failure("获取接线员列表失败!"); | |
61 | + } | |
62 | + } | |
63 | + | |
64 | + /** | |
65 | + * 通过市场ID查询启用状态的问题类型 | |
66 | + * @date: 2023/9/4 16:01 | |
67 | + * @param: [marketId] | |
68 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueTypeVo>> | |
69 | + **/ | |
70 | + @GetMapping(value = "/listIssueTypeByMarketId/{marketId}") | |
71 | + public Message<List<IssueTypeVo>> listIssueTypeByMarketId(@PathVariable Long marketId) { | |
72 | + try { | |
73 | + IssueTypeQuery issueTypeQuery = new IssueTypeQuery(); | |
74 | + issueTypeQuery.setMarketId(marketId); | |
75 | + issueTypeQuery.setState(BannerState.ENABLE.getCode()); | |
76 | + return Message.success(issueTypeService.listByMarketId(issueTypeQuery)); | |
77 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
78 | + LOG.error("获取问题类型失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
79 | + return Message.failure("获取问题类型失败!"); | |
80 | + } | |
81 | + } | |
82 | + | |
83 | + /** | |
84 | + * 根据条件获取启用状态问题列表 | |
85 | + * @date: 2023/9/4 16:43 | |
86 | + * @param: [issueQuery] | |
87 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage<?> | |
88 | + **/ | |
89 | + @RequestMapping(value = "/listIssue") | |
90 | + public PageMessage<?> listIssue(@RequestBody IssueQuery issueQuery) { | |
91 | + try { | |
92 | + issueQuery.setState(BannerState.ENABLE.getCode()); | |
93 | + return issueService.listPageCondition(issueQuery); | |
94 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
95 | + LOG.error("获取问题失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
96 | + return PageMessage.failure("获取问题失败!"); | |
97 | + } | |
98 | + } | |
99 | + | |
100 | + /** | |
101 | + * 根据问题回答Id获取问题回答描述 | |
102 | + * @date: 2023/9/4 16:10 | |
103 | + * @param: [issueTypeId] | |
104 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage<?> | |
105 | + **/ | |
106 | + @GetMapping(value = "/findAnswerByAnswerId/{answerId}") | |
107 | + public Message<String> findAnswerByIssueId(@PathVariable Long answerId) { | |
108 | + try { | |
109 | + IssueAnswer issueAnswer = issueAnswerService.findById(answerId); | |
110 | + if (issueAnswer != null){ | |
111 | + return Message.success(issueAnswer.getAnswer()); | |
112 | + } | |
113 | + return Message.failure("未获取到该问题回答!"); | |
114 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
115 | + LOG.error("获取问题回答失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
116 | + return Message.failure("获取问题回答失败!"); | |
117 | + } | |
118 | + } | |
119 | + | |
120 | + /** | |
121 | + * 检查是否展示客服,[true 展示][false 不展示] | |
122 | + * @date: 2023/9/5 10:03 | |
123 | + * @param: [marketId] | |
124 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Boolean> | |
125 | + **/ | |
126 | + @GetMapping(value = "/checkIssueManagerIsDisplay/{marketId}") | |
127 | + public Message<Boolean> checkIssueManagerIsDisplay(@PathVariable Long marketId){ | |
128 | + try { | |
129 | + return Message.success(issueManagerService.checkIssueManagerIsDisplay(marketId)); | |
130 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
131 | + LOG.error("获取检查是否展示客服失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
132 | + return Message.failure("获取检查是否展示客服失败!"); | |
133 | + } | |
134 | + } | |
135 | +} | |
0 | 136 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import cn.hutool.json.JSONObject; | |
4 | +import cn.hutool.json.JSONUtil; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.MarketConfigVo; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.MarketConfigService; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
8 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
9 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
10 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
11 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; | |
12 | + | |
13 | +import java.util.List; | |
14 | + | |
15 | +/** 【小程序/APP】--获取市场开关配置 | |
16 | + * @author kelan | |
17 | + * @Description | |
18 | + * @date 2023-09-05 10:41 | |
19 | + */ | |
20 | +@RestController | |
21 | +@RequestMapping("/api/marketConfig") | |
22 | +public class MarketConfigApi { | |
23 | + private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MarketConfigApi.class); | |
24 | + | |
25 | + @Autowired | |
26 | + private MarketConfigService marketConfigService; | |
27 | + /** | |
28 | + * 获取市场开关配置 | |
29 | + * @date: 2023/9/6 9:32 | |
30 | + * @param: [source] | |
31 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.MarketConfigVo>> | |
32 | + **/ | |
33 | + @GetMapping(value = "/listEnableMarket/{source}") | |
34 | + public Message<List<MarketConfigVo>> listEnableMarket(@PathVariable Integer source) { | |
35 | + try { | |
36 | + return marketConfigService.listEnableMarket(source); | |
37 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
38 | + LOG.error("获取市场开关配置失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
39 | + return Message.failure("获取市场开关配置失败!"); | |
40 | + } | |
41 | + } | |
42 | + /** | |
43 | + * 【返回市场经纬度,背景图】获取市场开关配置 | |
44 | + * @date: 2023/10/30 13:23 | |
45 | + * @param: [source, longitude, latitude] | |
46 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.MarketConfigVo>> | |
47 | + **/ | |
48 | + @GetMapping(value = "/listEnableMarketFixedLocation/{source}") | |
49 | + public Message<List<MarketConfigVo>> listEnableMarketFixedPosition(@PathVariable Integer source) { | |
50 | + try { | |
51 | + return marketConfigService.listEnableMarketFixedLocation(source); | |
52 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
53 | + LOG.error("获取市场开关配置失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
54 | + return Message.failure("获取市场开关配置失败!"); | |
55 | + } | |
56 | + } | |
57 | + | |
58 | +} | |
0 | 59 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.SettingPaymentMethodCmd; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.SettingPaymentMethodDto; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.SettingPaymentMethodVo; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.QueryAllSettingPaymentMethod; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.SettingPaymentMethodService; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
9 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.util.JsonUtils; | |
10 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
11 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
12 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
16 | + | |
17 | +import java.util.List; | |
18 | + | |
19 | +/** | |
20 | + * 系统设置 | |
21 | + */ | |
22 | +@RestController | |
23 | +@RequestMapping("/api/setting/payment/method") | |
24 | +public class SettingPaymentMethodApi { | |
25 | + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SettingPaymentMethodApi.class); | |
26 | + | |
27 | + @Autowired | |
28 | + private SettingPaymentMethodService settingPaymentMethodService; | |
29 | + | |
30 | + | |
31 | + /** | |
32 | + * 查询所有已设置支付类型 | |
33 | + * | |
34 | + * @return | |
35 | + */ | |
36 | + @RequestMapping("/selectAllSettingType") | |
37 | + public Message<List<SettingPaymentMethodVo>> selectAllSettingType(@RequestBody QueryAllSettingPaymentMethod cmd) { | |
38 | + log.warn("查询所有已设置支付类型:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
39 | + return Message.success(; | |
40 | + } | |
41 | + | |
42 | + /** | |
43 | + * 根据市场id查询支付类型 | |
44 | + * | |
45 | + * @return | |
46 | + */ | |
47 | + @RequestMapping("/selectTypeByMarketId") | |
48 | + public Message<List<SettingPaymentMethodDto>> selectTypeByMarketId(@RequestBody SettingPaymentMethodCmd cmd) { | |
49 | + log.warn("根据市场id查询支付类型:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
50 | + cmd.checkMarketIdParam(); | |
51 | + return Message.success(settingPaymentMethodService.returnAllIfEmpty(cmd.getMarketId())); | |
52 | + } | |
53 | + | |
54 | + | |
55 | + /** | |
56 | + * 更新支付方式 | |
57 | + * | |
58 | + * @return | |
59 | + */ | |
60 | + @RequestMapping("/update") | |
61 | + public Message<?> update(@RequestBody SettingPaymentMethodCmd cmd) { | |
62 | + log.warn("更新支付方式:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
63 | + cmd.checkMarketIdParam(); | |
64 | + cmd.checkPaymentMethodsEmptyParam(); | |
65 | + cmd.checkUpdateParam(settingPaymentMethodService.selectAllMethodCodes()); | |
66 | + settingPaymentMethodService.saveAndUpdate(cmd.getMarketId(), cmd.toSettingPaymentMethods()); | |
67 | + return Message.success(); | |
68 | + } | |
69 | + | |
70 | + /** | |
71 | + * 新增支付方式 | |
72 | + * | |
73 | + * @return | |
74 | + */ | |
75 | + @RequestMapping("/save") | |
76 | + public Message<?> save(@RequestBody SettingPaymentMethodCmd cmd) { | |
77 | + log.warn("新增支付方式:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
78 | + cmd.checkMarketIdParam(); | |
79 | + cmd.checkPaymentMethodsEmptyParam(); | |
80 | + cmd.checkSaveParam(settingPaymentMethodService.selectTypeByMarketId(cmd.getMarketId())); | |
81 | + cmd.checkUpdateParam(settingPaymentMethodService.selectAllMethodCodes()); | |
82 | + settingPaymentMethodService.saveAndUpdate(cmd.getMarketId(), cmd.toSettingPaymentMethods()); | |
83 | + return Message.success(); | |
84 | + } | |
85 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.SettingPaymentQrCodeCo; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.SettingPaymentQrCodeGetCo; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPaymentQrCode; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.SettingPaymentQrCodeService; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
8 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
9 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
10 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
11 | +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; | |
12 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
16 | + | |
17 | +import java.util.List; | |
18 | + | |
19 | +/** | |
20 | + * 系统设置 | |
21 | + * | |
22 | + * @author : dengjf | |
23 | + * @date : 2023-8-25 | |
24 | + */ | |
25 | +@RestController | |
26 | +@RequestMapping("/settingPaymentQrApi") | |
27 | +public class SettingPaymentQrApi { | |
28 | + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SettingPaymentQrApi.class); | |
29 | + @Autowired | |
30 | + SettingPaymentQrCodeService settingPaymentQrCodeService; | |
31 | + | |
32 | + /** | |
33 | + * 创建店铺收付码设置 | |
34 | + * @param settingPaymentQrCodeReq | |
35 | + * @return | |
36 | + */ | |
37 | + @PostMapping(value = "/create.api") | |
38 | + public Message<Long> add(@RequestBody @Validated SettingPaymentQrCodeCo settingPaymentQrCodeReq) { | |
39 | + try { | |
40 | + return Message.success(settingPaymentQrCodeService.create(settingPaymentQrCodeReq)); | |
41 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
42 | + log.error("创建店铺收付码失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
43 | + return Message.failure("创建店铺收付码失败!"); | |
44 | + } | |
45 | + } | |
46 | + | |
47 | + /** | |
48 | + * 修改店铺收付码设置 | |
49 | + * @param settingPaymentQrCodeReq | |
50 | + * @return | |
51 | + */ | |
52 | + @PostMapping(value = "/edit.api") | |
53 | + public Message<?> edit(@RequestBody SettingPaymentQrCodeCo settingPaymentQrCodeReq) { | |
54 | + if(settingPaymentQrCodeReq.getId() == null){ | |
55 | + return Message.failure("缺少主要参数!"); | |
56 | + } | |
57 | + try { | |
58 | + settingPaymentQrCodeService.edit(settingPaymentQrCodeReq); | |
59 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
60 | + log.error("修改店铺收付码失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
61 | + return Message.failure("修改店铺收付码失败!"); | |
62 | + } | |
63 | + return Message.success(); | |
64 | + } | |
65 | + | |
66 | + /** | |
67 | + * 根据店铺id获取收付码配置 | |
68 | + * @param getCo | |
69 | + * @return | |
70 | + */ | |
71 | + @PostMapping(value = "/getPaymentQrCodeByShopId.api") | |
72 | + public Message<?> getPaymentQrCodeByShopId(@RequestBody @Validated SettingPaymentQrCodeGetCo getCo) { | |
73 | + List<SettingPaymentQrCode> paymentQrCode ; | |
74 | + try { | |
75 | + paymentQrCode = settingPaymentQrCodeService.getPaymentQrCodeByProperty(getCo); | |
76 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
77 | + log.error("获取店铺收付码失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
78 | + return Message.failure("获取店铺收付码失败!"); | |
79 | + } | |
80 | + return Message.success(paymentQrCode); | |
81 | + } | |
82 | + | |
83 | + /** | |
84 | + * 根据二维码类型获取店铺收付二维码配置 | |
85 | + * @param getCo | |
86 | + * @return | |
87 | + */ | |
88 | + @PostMapping(value = "/getPaymentQrCodeByType.api") | |
89 | + public Message<?> getPaymentQrCodeByType(@RequestBody @Validated SettingPaymentQrCodeGetCo getCo) { | |
90 | + if(getCo.getCodeType() == null){ | |
91 | + return Message.failure("二维码类型不能为空!"); | |
92 | + } | |
93 | + List<SettingPaymentQrCode> paymentQrCode; | |
94 | + try { | |
95 | + paymentQrCode = settingPaymentQrCodeService.getPaymentQrCodeByProperty(getCo); | |
96 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
97 | + log.error("获取店铺收付码失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
98 | + return Message.failure("获取店铺收付码失败!"); | |
99 | + } | |
100 | + return Message.success(paymentQrCode); | |
101 | + } | |
102 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.SettingPriceBeModifiedCo; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPriceBeModified; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.SettingPriceBeModifiedService; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.SettingPrintService; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.util.JsonUtils; | |
9 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
10 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
11 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
12 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
16 | + | |
17 | +import java.util.List; | |
18 | + | |
19 | +/** | |
20 | + * 下单单价能否修改设置 | |
21 | + */ | |
22 | +@RestController | |
23 | +@RequestMapping("/api/setting/price") | |
24 | +public class SettingPriceBeModifiedApi { | |
25 | + | |
26 | + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SettingPriceBeModifiedApi.class); | |
27 | + @Autowired | |
28 | + private SettingPriceBeModifiedService settingPriceBeModifiedService; | |
29 | + | |
30 | + | |
31 | + /** | |
32 | + * 查询 | |
33 | + * | |
34 | + * @param cmd | |
35 | + * @return | |
36 | + */ | |
37 | + @RequestMapping(value = "/selectByMarketId") | |
38 | + public Message<SettingPriceBeModified> selectByMarketId(@RequestBody SettingPriceBeModified cmd) { | |
39 | + log.warn("下单单价能否修改设置-查询:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
40 | + return Message.success(settingPriceBeModifiedService.selectByMarketId(cmd.getMarketId())); | |
41 | + } | |
42 | + | |
43 | + /** | |
44 | + * 批量查询 | |
45 | + * | |
46 | + * @param cmd | |
47 | + * @return | |
48 | + */ | |
49 | + @RequestMapping(value = "/selectByMarketIds") | |
50 | + public Message<List<SettingPriceBeModified>> selectByMarketIds(@RequestBody SettingPriceBeModifiedCo cmd) { | |
51 | + log.warn("下单单价能否修改设置-批量查询:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
52 | + return Message.success(settingPriceBeModifiedService.selectByMarketIds(cmd)); | |
53 | + } | |
54 | + | |
55 | + /** | |
56 | + * 查询所有 | |
57 | + * | |
58 | + * @return | |
59 | + */ | |
60 | + @RequestMapping(value = "/selectAll") | |
61 | + public Message<List<SettingPriceBeModified>> selectAll() { | |
62 | + log.warn("下单单价能否修改设置-查询所有"); | |
63 | + return Message.success(settingPriceBeModifiedService.selectAll()); | |
64 | + } | |
65 | + | |
66 | + /** | |
67 | + * 新增或更新 | |
68 | + * | |
69 | + * @param cmd | |
70 | + * @return | |
71 | + */ | |
72 | + @RequestMapping(value = "/update") | |
73 | + public Message<SettingPriceBeModified> update(@RequestBody SettingPriceBeModified cmd) { | |
74 | + log.warn("下单单价能否修改设置-更新:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
75 | + return Message.success(settingPriceBeModifiedService.update(cmd)); | |
76 | + } | |
77 | + | |
78 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.SettingPrintCo; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.SettingPrintGetCo; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPrint; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.SettingPrintService; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.type.PrintSwitch; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
9 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
10 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
11 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
12 | +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
16 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
17 | + | |
18 | +/** | |
19 | + * 系统设置 | |
20 | + * | |
21 | + * @author : dengjf | |
22 | + * @date : 2023-8-26 | |
23 | + */ | |
24 | +@RestController | |
25 | +@RequestMapping("/settingPrintApi") | |
26 | +public class SettingPrintApi { | |
27 | + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SettingPrintApi.class); | |
28 | + @Autowired | |
29 | + SettingPrintService settingPrintService; | |
30 | + | |
31 | + | |
32 | + /** | |
33 | + * 创建打印设置 | |
34 | + * @param settingPrintCo | |
35 | + * @return | |
36 | + */ | |
37 | + @PostMapping(value = "/create.api") | |
38 | + public Message<?> add(@RequestBody @Validated SettingPrintCo settingPrintCo) { | |
39 | + if(PrintSwitch.ENABLE.getCode() == settingPrintCo.getPrintSwitch()){ | |
40 | + if(0 == settingPrintCo.getPrintNumber() || settingPrintCo.getPrintNumber() == null){ | |
41 | + return Message.failure("请设置打印张数!"); | |
42 | + } | |
43 | + if(0 == settingPrintCo.getPrintType() || settingPrintCo.getPrintType() == null){ | |
44 | + return Message.failure("请设置打印类型!"); | |
45 | + } | |
46 | + } | |
47 | + try { | |
48 | + settingPrintService.insert(settingPrintCo); | |
49 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
50 | + log.error("创建打印设置失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
51 | + return Message.failure("创建打印设置失败!"); | |
52 | + } | |
53 | + return Message.success(); | |
54 | + } | |
55 | + | |
56 | + /** | |
57 | + * 修改打印设置 | |
58 | + * @param settingPrintCo | |
59 | + * @return | |
60 | + */ | |
61 | + @PostMapping(value = "/edit.api") | |
62 | + public Message<?> edit(@RequestBody SettingPrintCo settingPrintCo) { | |
63 | + if(settingPrintCo.getId() == null){ | |
64 | + return Message.failure("缺少主要参数!"); | |
65 | + } | |
66 | + if(PrintSwitch.ENABLE.getCode() == settingPrintCo.getPrintSwitch()){ | |
67 | + if(0 == settingPrintCo.getPrintNumber() || settingPrintCo.getPrintNumber() == null){ | |
68 | + return Message.failure("请设置打印张数!"); | |
69 | + } | |
70 | + if(0 == settingPrintCo.getPrintType() || settingPrintCo.getPrintType() == null){ | |
71 | + return Message.failure("请设置打印类型!"); | |
72 | + } | |
73 | + } | |
74 | + try { | |
75 | + settingPrintService.updateByPrimaryKeySelective(settingPrintCo); | |
76 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
77 | + log.error("修改打印设置失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
78 | + return Message.failure("修改打印设置失败!"); | |
79 | + } | |
80 | + return Message.success(); | |
81 | + } | |
82 | + | |
83 | + /** | |
84 | + * 根据店铺id获取打印设置 | |
85 | + * @param getCo | |
86 | + * @return | |
87 | + */ | |
88 | + @PostMapping(value = "/getSettingPrintByShopId.api") | |
89 | + public Message<SettingPrint> getSettingPrintByShopId(@RequestBody SettingPrintGetCo getCo) { | |
90 | + SettingPrint print; | |
91 | + try { | |
92 | + print= settingPrintService.selectByProperty(getCo); | |
93 | + }catch (Exception e){ | |
94 | + log.error("获取打印设置失败:{}", e.getMessage()); | |
95 | + return Message.failure("获取打印设置失败!"); | |
96 | + } | |
97 | + return Message.success(print); | |
98 | + } | |
99 | + | |
100 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingShopCommon; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.SettingShopCommonService; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.type.SettingShopCommonType; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.util.JsonUtils; | |
8 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
9 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
10 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
11 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; | |
12 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
14 | + | |
15 | +@RestController | |
16 | +@RequestMapping("/api/setting/shop/common") | |
17 | +public class SettingShopCommonApi { | |
18 | + | |
19 | + private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SettingShopCommonApi.class); | |
20 | + | |
21 | + | |
22 | + @Autowired | |
23 | + private SettingShopCommonService settingShopCommonService; | |
24 | + | |
25 | + | |
26 | + /** | |
27 | + * 查询销售设置核销设置状态 | |
28 | + * | |
29 | + * @return | |
30 | + */ | |
31 | + @RequestMapping("/isCreditSalesOn") | |
32 | + public Message<Boolean> isCreditSalesOn(@RequestBody SettingShopCommon cmd) { | |
33 | + log.warn("查询销售设置核销设置状态:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
34 | + return Message.success(settingShopCommonService.isCreditSalesOn(cmd)); | |
35 | + } | |
36 | + | |
37 | + /** | |
38 | + * 销售设置核销设置状态-开 | |
39 | + * | |
40 | + * @return | |
41 | + */ | |
42 | + @RequestMapping("/creditSalesOn") | |
43 | + public Message<SettingShopCommon> creditSalesOn(@RequestBody SettingShopCommon cmd) { | |
44 | + log.warn("销售设置核销设置状态-开:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
45 | + cmd.setType(SettingShopCommonType.HE_XIAO.getCode()); | |
46 | + return Message.success(settingShopCommonService.on(cmd)); | |
47 | + } | |
48 | + | |
49 | + /** | |
50 | + * 销售设置核销设置状态-关 | |
51 | + * | |
52 | + * @return | |
53 | + */ | |
54 | + @RequestMapping("/creditSalesOff") | |
55 | + public Message<SettingShopCommon> creditSalesOff(@RequestBody SettingShopCommon cmd) { | |
56 | + log.warn("销售设置核销设置状态-关:{}", JsonUtils.toJsonString(cmd)); | |
57 | + cmd.setType(SettingShopCommonType.HE_XIAO.getCode()); | |
58 | + return Message.success(; | |
59 | + } | |
60 | + | |
61 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.StoreCustomerInsertDto; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.StoreCustomerOperatorDto; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.StoreCustomerRequestDto; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.StoreCustomerService; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.impl.CommonService; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.validator.ChangePassword; | |
9 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.validator.StoreCustomerUpdate; | |
10 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
11 | +import jakarta.validation.groups.Default; | |
12 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
16 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; | |
17 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
18 | + | |
19 | +@RestController | |
20 | +@RequestMapping("storeCustomer") | |
21 | +public class StoreCustomerApi { | |
22 | + | |
23 | + @Autowired | |
24 | + private StoreCustomerService storeCustomerService; | |
25 | + @Autowired | |
26 | + private CommonService commonService; | |
27 | + | |
28 | + /** | |
29 | + * 列表查询:姓名精确匹配 | |
30 | + * | |
31 | + * @param storeCustomerQueryDto | |
32 | + * @return | |
33 | + */ | |
34 | + @RequestMapping("selectStoreCustomer") | |
35 | + public Message selectStoreCustomer(@Validated @RequestBody StoreCustomerRequestDto storeCustomerQueryDto) { | |
36 | + return Message.success(storeCustomerService.selectStoreCustomer(storeCustomerQueryDto)); | |
37 | + } | |
38 | + | |
39 | + /** | |
40 | + * 根据id查看商户常客详情 | |
41 | + * | |
42 | + * @param storeCustomerId | |
43 | + * @return | |
44 | + */ | |
45 | + @RequestMapping("findStoreCustomerById") | |
46 | + public Message findStoreCustomerById(@RequestParam("storeCustomerId") Long storeCustomerId) { | |
47 | + return Message.success(storeCustomerService.findStoreCustomerById(storeCustomerId)); | |
48 | + } | |
49 | + | |
50 | + /** | |
51 | + * 根据id删除商户常客 | |
52 | + * | |
53 | + * @param storeCustomerOperatorDto | |
54 | + * @return | |
55 | + */ | |
56 | + @RequestMapping("deleteStoreCustomerById") | |
57 | + public Message deleteStoreCustomerById(@Validated @RequestBody StoreCustomerOperatorDto storeCustomerOperatorDto) { | |
58 | + return storeCustomerService.deleteStoreCustomerById(storeCustomerOperatorDto); | |
59 | + } | |
60 | + | |
61 | + /** | |
62 | + * 发送邀请注册验证码 | |
63 | + * | |
64 | + * @param storeCustomerId | |
65 | + * @return | |
66 | + */ | |
67 | + @RequestMapping("sendInviteCode") | |
68 | + public Message sendInviteCode(@RequestParam("storeCustomerId") Long storeCustomerId) { | |
69 | + return storeCustomerService.sendInviteCode(storeCustomerId); | |
70 | + } | |
71 | + | |
72 | + /** | |
73 | + * 验证邀请 | |
74 | + * | |
75 | + * @param code | |
76 | + * @param storeCustomerId | |
77 | + * @return | |
78 | + */ | |
79 | + @RequestMapping("validInvite") | |
80 | + public Message validInvite(@RequestParam("code") String code, @RequestParam("storeCustomerId") Long storeCustomerId) { | |
81 | + return storeCustomerService.validInvite(code, storeCustomerId); | |
82 | + } | |
83 | + | |
84 | + /** | |
85 | + * 新增常客 | |
86 | + * | |
87 | + * @param storeCustomerInsertDto | |
88 | + * @return | |
89 | + */ | |
90 | + @RequestMapping("insertStoreCustomer") | |
91 | + public Message insertStoreCustomer(@Validated @RequestBody StoreCustomerInsertDto storeCustomerInsertDto) { | |
92 | + return storeCustomerService.insertStoreCustomer(storeCustomerInsertDto); | |
93 | + } | |
94 | + | |
95 | + /** | |
96 | + * 根据id更改 | |
97 | + * @param storeCustomerOperatorDto | |
98 | + * @return | |
99 | + */ | |
100 | + @RequestMapping("updateStoreCustomer") | |
101 | + public Message updateStoreCustomer(@Validated({Default.class, StoreCustomerUpdate.class}) @RequestBody StoreCustomerOperatorDto storeCustomerOperatorDto){ | |
102 | + return storeCustomerService.updateStoreCustomer(storeCustomerOperatorDto); | |
103 | + } | |
104 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/api/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.api; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import cn.hutool.core.lang.Assert; | |
4 | +import cn.hutool.core.util.RandomUtil; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.EmployeeLoginRequestDto; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.StoreEmployeeInsertDto; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.StoreEmployeeOperatorDto; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.StoreEmployeeRequestDto; | |
9 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.StoreEmployeeService; | |
10 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.impl.CommonService; | |
11 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.type.AuthType; | |
12 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.type.StoreConstants; | |
13 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.validator.ChangePassword; | |
14 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.validator.LoginPassword; | |
15 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.validator.ResetPassword; | |
16 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.validator.StoreEmployeeUpdate; | |
17 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
18 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage; | |
19 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.type.SourceType; | |
20 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.rpc.CardRpc; | |
21 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.rpc.dto.request.UserAccountCardQuery; | |
22 | +import io.micrometer.common.util.StringUtils; | |
23 | +import jakarta.validation.groups.Default; | |
24 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
25 | +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; | |
26 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; | |
27 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
28 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; | |
29 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
30 | + | |
31 | +import java.util.Arrays; | |
32 | +import java.util.HashMap; | |
33 | +import java.util.Map; | |
34 | + | |
35 | +/** | |
36 | + * 商户员工管理 | |
37 | + */ | |
38 | +@RestController | |
39 | +@RequestMapping("storeEmployee") | |
40 | +public class StoreEmployeeApi { | |
41 | + | |
42 | + @Autowired | |
43 | + private StoreEmployeeService storeEmployeeService; | |
44 | + @Autowired | |
45 | + private CommonService commonService; | |
46 | + @Autowired | |
47 | + private CardRpc cardRpc; | |
48 | + /** | |
49 | + * 员工登录 | |
50 | + * | |
51 | + * @param employLoginDto | |
52 | + * @return | |
53 | + */ | |
54 | + @RequestMapping("/login") | |
55 | + public Message login(@Validated({Default.class, LoginPassword.class}) @RequestBody EmployeeLoginRequestDto employLoginDto) { | |
56 | + return storeEmployeeService.login(employLoginDto); | |
57 | + } | |
58 | + /** | |
59 | + * 重置密码 | |
60 | + * | |
61 | + * @param employeeLoginRequestDto | |
62 | + * @return | |
63 | + */ | |
64 | + @RequestMapping("/resetPassword") | |
65 | + public Message resetPassword(@Validated({Default.class, ResetPassword.class}) @RequestBody EmployeeLoginRequestDto employeeLoginRequestDto) { | |
66 | + //对比验证码是否正确 | |
67 | + if (!commonService.validVerificationCode(employeeLoginRequestDto.getCellphone(), employeeLoginRequestDto.getVerCode(), | |
68 | + StoreConstants.MESSAGE_RESET_PASSWORD_SCENE)) { | |
69 | + return Message.failure("验证码错误"); | |
70 | + } | |
71 | + //更改密码 | |
72 | + return storeEmployeeService.resetPassword(employeeLoginRequestDto); | |
73 | + } | |
74 | + | |
75 | + /** | |
76 | + * 更改密码 | |
77 | + * | |
78 | + * @param employeeLoginRequestDto | |
79 | + * @return | |
80 | + */ | |
81 | + @RequestMapping("/changePassword") | |
82 | + public Message changePassword(@Validated({Default.class, ChangePassword.class}) @RequestBody EmployeeLoginRequestDto employeeLoginRequestDto) { | |
83 | + return storeEmployeeService.changePassword(employeeLoginRequestDto); | |
84 | + } | |
85 | + | |
86 | + /** | |
87 | + * 发送验证码 | |
88 | + * | |
89 | + * @param cellphone | |
90 | + * @return | |
91 | + */ | |
92 | + @RequestMapping("sendVerificationCode") | |
93 | + public Message sendVerificationCode(@RequestParam("cellphone") String cellphone,@RequestParam("sourceApp") Integer sourceApp) { | |
94 | + //employeeResetPassword | |
95 | + //验证是否存在员工账号 | |
96 | + if(!storeEmployeeService.validSendVerCodeCellphone(cellphone)){ | |
97 | + return Message.failure("请输入正确的登录账号"); | |
98 | + } | |
99 | + String code = RandomUtil.randomNumbers(6); | |
100 | + Map param = new HashMap(); | |
101 | + param.put("code", code); | |
102 | + if(sourceApp != null && sourceApp == SourceType.DLT_MIN.getCode()){//地利通 | |
103 | + param.put("source","【地利集团】"); | |
104 | + }else{ | |
105 | + param.put("source","【速售易】"); | |
106 | + } | |
107 | + return commonService.sendVerificationCode(cellphone, StoreConstants.MESSAGE_RESET_PASSWORD_SCENE, code, param, 300l, 60l); | |
108 | + } | |
109 | + | |
110 | + /** | |
111 | + * 查卡信息 | |
112 | + * @param customerId | |
113 | + * @param marketId | |
114 | + * @return | |
115 | + */ | |
116 | + @RequestMapping("selectCardInfo") | |
117 | + public Message selectCardInfo(@RequestParam("customerId") Long customerId,@RequestParam("marketId") Long marketId){ | |
118 | + UserAccountCardQuery userAccountCardQuery = new UserAccountCardQuery(); | |
119 | + userAccountCardQuery.setCustomerIds(Arrays.asList(customerId)); | |
120 | + userAccountCardQuery.setFirmId(marketId); | |
121 | + userAccountCardQuery.setSort("usual_state"); | |
122 | + return cardRpc.getListWithBalance(userAccountCardQuery); | |
123 | + } | |
124 | + /** | |
125 | + * 商户员工列表查询 | |
126 | + * | |
127 | + * @param storeEmployeeRequestDto | |
128 | + * @return | |
129 | + */ | |
130 | + @RequestMapping("selectStoreEmployee") | |
131 | + public PageMessage selectStoreEmployee(@Validated @RequestBody StoreEmployeeRequestDto storeEmployeeRequestDto) { | |
132 | + return storeEmployeeService.selectStoreEmployee(storeEmployeeRequestDto); | |
133 | + } | |
134 | + | |
135 | + /** | |
136 | + * 查询商户下的卡信息 | |
137 | + * @return | |
138 | + */ | |
139 | + @RequestMapping("selectStoreCard") | |
140 | + public Message selectStoreCard(@RequestParam("storeId") Long storeId,@RequestParam("marketId") Long marketId){ | |
141 | + return storeEmployeeService.selectStoreCard(storeId,marketId); | |
142 | + } | |
143 | + /** | |
144 | + * 删除员工 | |
145 | + * | |
146 | + * @return | |
147 | + */ | |
148 | + @RequestMapping("deleteStoreEmployee") | |
149 | + public Message deleteStoreEmployee(@Validated({Default.class}) @RequestBody StoreEmployeeOperatorDto storeEmployeeOperatorDto) { | |
150 | + return storeEmployeeService.deleteStoreEmployee(storeEmployeeOperatorDto); | |
151 | + } | |
152 | + | |
153 | + /** | |
154 | + * 修改员工资料 | |
155 | + * | |
156 | + * @param storeEmployeeOperatorDto | |
157 | + * @return | |
158 | + */ | |
159 | + @RequestMapping("updateStoreEmployeeAuth") | |
160 | + public Message updateStoreEmployeeAuth(@Validated({Default.class, StoreEmployeeUpdate.class}) @RequestBody StoreEmployeeOperatorDto storeEmployeeOperatorDto) { | |
161 | + //验证权限和字段是否一致 | |
162 | + if (AuthType.个人.getCode().equals(storeEmployeeOperatorDto.getAuth())) { | |
163 | + Assert.isTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(storeEmployeeOperatorDto.getCardNo()), "员工卡号不能为空"); | |
164 | + Assert.isTrue(storeEmployeeOperatorDto.getAccountId() != null, "员工账户id不能为空"); | |
165 | + } | |
166 | + if(AuthType.全部.getCode().equals(storeEmployeeOperatorDto.getAuth())){ | |
167 | + Assert.isTrue(StringUtils.isBlank(storeEmployeeOperatorDto.getCardNo()), "员工卡号不应存在"); | |
168 | + Assert.isTrue(storeEmployeeOperatorDto.getAccountId() == null, "员工你账户不应存在"); | |
169 | + | |
170 | + } | |
171 | + return storeEmployeeService.updateStoreEmployeeAuth(storeEmployeeOperatorDto); | |
172 | + } | |
173 | + | |
174 | + /** | |
175 | + * 新增员工 | |
176 | + * | |
177 | + * @param storeEmployeeInsertDto | |
178 | + * @return | |
179 | + */ | |
180 | + @RequestMapping("addStoreEmployee") | |
181 | + public Message addStoreEmployee(@Validated @RequestBody StoreEmployeeInsertDto storeEmployeeInsertDto) { | |
182 | + //验证验证码 | |
183 | + if (!commonService.validVerificationCode(storeEmployeeInsertDto.getCellphone(), storeEmployeeInsertDto.getVerCode(), | |
184 | + StoreConstants.MESSAGE_ADD_EMPLOYEE_SCENE)) { | |
185 | + return Message.failure("验证码错误"); | |
186 | + } | |
187 | + //验证权限和字段是否一致 | |
188 | + if (AuthType.个人.getCode().equals(storeEmployeeInsertDto.getAuth())) { | |
189 | + Assert.isTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(storeEmployeeInsertDto.getCardNo()), "员工卡号不能为空"); | |
190 | + Assert.isTrue(storeEmployeeInsertDto.getAccountId() != null, "员工你账户id不能为空"); | |
191 | + } | |
192 | + if(AuthType.全部.getCode().equals(storeEmployeeInsertDto.getAuth())){ | |
193 | + Assert.isTrue(StringUtils.isBlank(storeEmployeeInsertDto.getCardNo()), "员工卡号不应存在"); | |
194 | + Assert.isTrue(storeEmployeeInsertDto.getAccountId() == null, "员工你账户不应存在"); | |
195 | + | |
196 | + } | |
197 | + //新增员工逻辑 | |
198 | + return storeEmployeeService.addStoreEmployee(storeEmployeeInsertDto); | |
199 | + } | |
200 | + | |
201 | + /** | |
202 | + * 发送新增员工验证码 | |
203 | + * | |
204 | + * @param cellphone | |
205 | + * @param operatorName | |
206 | + * @param shopName | |
207 | + * @return | |
208 | + */ | |
209 | + @RequestMapping("sendAddEmployeeCode") | |
210 | + public Message sendAddEmployeeCode(@RequestParam String cellphone, @RequestParam("operatorName") String operatorName, | |
211 | + @RequestParam("shopName") String shopName,@RequestParam(value = "sourceApp",required = false)Integer sourceApp) { | |
212 | + String code = RandomUtil.randomNumbers(6); | |
213 | + Map param = new HashMap(); | |
214 | + param.put("code", code); | |
215 | + param.put("operatorName", operatorName); | |
216 | + param.put("shopName", shopName); | |
217 | + if(sourceApp != null && sourceApp == SourceType.DLT_MIN.getCode()){//地利通 | |
218 | + param.put("source","【地利集团】"); | |
219 | + }else{ | |
220 | + param.put("source","【速售易】"); | |
221 | + } | |
222 | + return commonService.sendVerificationCode(cellphone, StoreConstants.MESSAGE_ADD_EMPLOYEE_SCENE, code, param, 600l, 120l); | |
223 | + } | |
224 | + | |
225 | + /** | |
226 | + * 详情 | |
227 | + * @return | |
228 | + */ | |
229 | + @RequestMapping("findStoreEmployeeById") | |
230 | + public Message findStoreEmployeeById(@RequestParam("id") Long id){ | |
231 | + return Message.success(storeEmployeeService.findStoreEmployeeById(id)); | |
232 | + } | |
233 | + | |
234 | + /** | |
235 | + * selectBindingCardEmployee | |
236 | + * @param accountId | |
237 | + * @return | |
238 | + */ | |
239 | + @RequestMapping("selectBindingCardEmployee") | |
240 | + public Message selectBindingCardEmployee(@RequestParam("accountId") Long accountId,@RequestParam Long storeId,@RequestParam Long marketId){ | |
241 | + return storeEmployeeService.selectBindingCardEmployee(accountId,storeId,marketId); | |
242 | + } | |
243 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/controller/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.controller; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.BannerCo; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.BannerQuery; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.BannerVo; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.BannerType; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.BannerService; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.BannerTypeService; | |
9 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.type.BannerDeleted; | |
10 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.authority.SessionContext; | |
11 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.authority.UserTicket; | |
12 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
13 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage; | |
14 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
15 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
16 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
17 | +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; | |
18 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; | |
19 | + | |
20 | +import java.util.List; | |
21 | + | |
22 | +/** | |
23 | + * 内容管理 - 首页轮播图管理 | |
24 | + * @author kelan | |
25 | + * @date 2023-08-25 15:03 | |
26 | + */ | |
27 | +@RestController | |
28 | +@RequestMapping("/banner") | |
29 | +public class BannerController { | |
30 | + private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BannerController.class); | |
31 | + | |
32 | + @Autowired | |
33 | + private BannerService bannerService; | |
34 | + | |
35 | + @Autowired | |
36 | + private BannerTypeService bannerTypeService; | |
37 | + | |
38 | + /** | |
39 | + * 内容管理 - 首页轮播图管理 - 列表查询 | |
40 | + * @date: 2023/8/29 15:22 | |
41 | + * @param: [bannerQuery] | |
42 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.BannerVo> | |
43 | + **/ | |
44 | + @RequestMapping("/listPage") | |
45 | + public PageMessage<BannerVo> listPage(@RequestBody @Validated BannerQuery bannerQuery) { | |
46 | + UserTicket userTicket = SessionContext.getUserTicket(); | |
47 | + bannerQuery.setMarketId(userTicket.getFirmId()); | |
48 | + bannerQuery.setDeleted(BannerDeleted.NO.getCode()); | |
49 | + return bannerService.listPage(bannerQuery); | |
50 | + } | |
51 | + | |
52 | + /** | |
53 | + * 内容管理 - 首页轮播图管理 - 新增 | |
54 | + * @date: 2023/8/29 15:22 | |
55 | + * @param: [bannerCo] | |
56 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
57 | + **/ | |
58 | + @PostMapping(value = "/insert") | |
59 | + public Message insert(@RequestBody @Validated BannerCo bannerCo) { | |
60 | + return bannerService.insert(bannerCo); | |
61 | + } | |
62 | + /** | |
63 | + * 内容管理 - 首页轮播图管理 - 修改 | |
64 | + * @date: 2023/8/29 15:22 | |
65 | + * @param: [bannerCo] | |
66 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
67 | + **/ | |
68 | + @PostMapping (value = "/update") | |
69 | + public Message update(@RequestBody @Validated BannerCo bannerCo) { | |
70 | + if (bannerCo.getId() == null){ | |
71 | + return Message.failure("参数- 轮播图ID不能为空!"); | |
72 | + } | |
73 | + return bannerService.update(bannerCo); | |
74 | + } | |
75 | + /** | |
76 | + * 内容管理 - 首页轮播图管理 - 启用 | |
77 | + * @date: 2023/8/29 15:22 | |
78 | + * @param: [id] | |
79 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
80 | + **/ | |
81 | + @GetMapping(value = "/enableState/{id}") | |
82 | + public Message enableState(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
83 | + return bannerService.enableState(id); | |
84 | + } | |
85 | + /** | |
86 | + * 内容管理 - 首页轮播图管理 - 禁用 | |
87 | + * @date: 2023/8/29 15:21 | |
88 | + * @param: [id] | |
89 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
90 | + **/ | |
91 | + @GetMapping(value = "/disableState/{id}") | |
92 | + public Message disableState(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
93 | + return bannerService.disableState(id); | |
94 | + } | |
95 | + /** | |
96 | + * 内容管理 - 首页轮播图管理 - 删除 | |
97 | + * @date: 2023/8/29 15:21 | |
98 | + * @param: [id] | |
99 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
100 | + **/ | |
101 | + @GetMapping(value = "/delete/{id}") | |
102 | + public Message delete(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
103 | + return bannerService.delete(id); | |
104 | + } | |
105 | + /** | |
106 | + * 内容管理 - 首页轮播图管理 - 查看 | |
107 | + * @date: 2023/8/29 15:21 | |
108 | + * @param: [id] | |
109 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.BannerVo> | |
110 | + **/ | |
111 | + @GetMapping(value = "/view/{id}") | |
112 | + public Message<BannerVo> view(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
113 | + return bannerService.view(id); | |
114 | + } | |
115 | + /** | |
116 | + * 内容管理 - 首页轮播图管理 -轮播图类型列表(列表/新增/修改页) | |
117 | + * @date: 2023/8/29 17:39 | |
118 | + * @param: [] | |
119 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.BannerType>> | |
120 | + **/ | |
121 | + @GetMapping(value = "/listAllBannerType") | |
122 | + public Message<List<BannerType>> listAllBannerType() { | |
123 | + return bannerTypeService.listAll(); | |
124 | + } | |
125 | + | |
126 | +} | |
0 | 127 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/controller/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.controller; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueCo; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueQuery; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueVo; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.IssueService; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.authority.SessionContext; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.authority.UserTicket; | |
9 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
10 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage; | |
11 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
12 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; | |
16 | + | |
17 | +/** | |
18 | + * 【客服】--问题管理 | |
19 | + * @author kelan | |
20 | + * @date 2023-08-25 15:04 | |
21 | + */ | |
22 | +@RestController | |
23 | +@RequestMapping("/issue") | |
24 | +public class IssueController { | |
25 | + private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IssueController.class); | |
26 | + | |
27 | + @Autowired | |
28 | + private IssueService issueService; | |
29 | + | |
30 | + /** | |
31 | + * 客服 - 问题管理 - 列表查询 | |
32 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:33 | |
33 | + * @param: [issueQuery] | |
34 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueVo> | |
35 | + **/ | |
36 | + @RequestMapping("/listPage") | |
37 | + public PageMessage<IssueVo> listPage(@RequestBody IssueQuery issueQuery) { | |
38 | + UserTicket userTicket = SessionContext.getUserTicket(); | |
39 | + issueQuery.setMarketId(userTicket.getFirmId()); | |
40 | + return issueService.listPage(issueQuery); | |
41 | + } | |
42 | + | |
43 | + /** | |
44 | + * 客服 - 问题管理- 新增 | |
45 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:33 | |
46 | + * @param: [issueCo] | |
47 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
48 | + **/ | |
49 | + @PostMapping(value = "/insert") | |
50 | + public Message insert(@RequestBody @Validated IssueCo issueCo) { | |
51 | + return issueService.insert(issueCo); | |
52 | + } | |
53 | + /** | |
54 | + * 客服 - 问题管理 - 修改 | |
55 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:33 | |
56 | + * @param: [issueCo] | |
57 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
58 | + **/ | |
59 | + @PostMapping (value = "/update") | |
60 | + public Message update(@RequestBody @Validated IssueCo issueCo) { | |
61 | + if (issueCo.getId() == null){ | |
62 | + return Message.failure("参数- 问题ID不能为空!"); | |
63 | + } | |
64 | + return issueService.update(issueCo); | |
65 | + } | |
66 | + /** | |
67 | + * 客服 - 问题管理 - 启用 | |
68 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:33 | |
69 | + * @param: [id] | |
70 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
71 | + **/ | |
72 | + @GetMapping(value = "/enableState/{id}") | |
73 | + public Message enableState(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
74 | + return issueService.enableState(id); | |
75 | + } | |
76 | + /** | |
77 | + * 客服 - 问题管理 - 禁用 | |
78 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:34 | |
79 | + * @param: [id] | |
80 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
81 | + **/ | |
82 | + @GetMapping(value = "/disableState/{id}") | |
83 | + public Message disableState(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
84 | + return issueService.disableState(id); | |
85 | + } | |
86 | + /** | |
87 | + * 客服 - 问题管理 - 删除 | |
88 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:34 | |
89 | + * @param: [id] | |
90 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
91 | + **/ | |
92 | + @GetMapping(value = "/delete/{id}") | |
93 | + public Message delete(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
94 | + return issueService.delete(id); | |
95 | + } | |
96 | + /** | |
97 | + * 客服 - 问题管理 - 查看 | |
98 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:34 | |
99 | + * @param: [id] | |
100 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueVo> | |
101 | + **/ | |
102 | + @GetMapping(value = "/view/{id}") | |
103 | + public Message<IssueVo> view(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
104 | + return issueService.view(id); | |
105 | + } | |
106 | +} | |
0 | 107 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/controller/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.controller; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueManagerCo; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueManagerQuery; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueManagerVo; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.IssueManagerService; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.authority.SessionContext; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.authority.UserTicket; | |
9 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
10 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage; | |
11 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
12 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; | |
16 | + | |
17 | +/** | |
18 | + * 【客服】--接线员管理 | |
19 | + * @author kelan | |
20 | + * @date 2023-08-25 15:03 | |
21 | + */ | |
22 | +@RestController | |
23 | +@RequestMapping("/issueManager") | |
24 | +public class IssueManagerController { | |
25 | + private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IssueManagerController.class); | |
26 | + | |
27 | + @Autowired | |
28 | + private IssueManagerService issueManagerService; | |
29 | + /** | |
30 | + * 客服 - 接线员管理 - 列表查询 | |
31 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 11:22 | |
32 | + * @param: [issueManagerQuery] | |
33 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueManagerVo> | |
34 | + **/ | |
35 | + | |
36 | + @RequestMapping("/listPage") | |
37 | + public PageMessage<IssueManagerVo> listPage(@RequestBody @Validated IssueManagerQuery issueManagerQuery) { | |
38 | + UserTicket userTicket = SessionContext.getUserTicket(); | |
39 | + issueManagerQuery.setMarketId(userTicket.getFirmId()); | |
40 | + return issueManagerService.listPage(issueManagerQuery); | |
41 | + } | |
42 | + | |
43 | + /** | |
44 | + * 客服 - 接线员管理 - 新增 | |
45 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 11:22 | |
46 | + * @param: [issueManagerCo] | |
47 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<Integer> | |
48 | + **/ | |
49 | + @PostMapping (value = "/insert") | |
50 | + public Message insert(@RequestBody @Validated IssueManagerCo issueManagerCo) { | |
51 | + return issueManagerService.insert(issueManagerCo); | |
52 | + } | |
53 | + /** | |
54 | + * 客服 - 接线员管理 - 修改 | |
55 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 11:22 | |
56 | + * @param: [issueManagerCo] | |
57 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<Integer> | |
58 | + **/ | |
59 | + @PostMapping (value = "/update") | |
60 | + public Message update(@RequestBody @Validated IssueManagerCo issueManagerCo) { | |
61 | + if (issueManagerCo.getId() == null){ | |
62 | + return Message.failure("参数- 接线员ID不能为空!"); | |
63 | + } | |
64 | + return issueManagerService.update(issueManagerCo); | |
65 | + } | |
66 | + /** | |
67 | + * 客服 - 接线员管理 - 启用 | |
68 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 11:22 | |
69 | + * @param: [id] | |
70 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<Integer> | |
71 | + **/ | |
72 | + @GetMapping(value = "/enableState/{id}") | |
73 | + public Message enableState(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
74 | + return issueManagerService.enableState(id); | |
75 | + } | |
76 | + /** | |
77 | + * 客服 - 接线员管理 - 禁用 | |
78 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 11:22 | |
79 | + * @param: [id] | |
80 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<Integer> | |
81 | + **/ | |
82 | + @GetMapping(value = "/disableState/{id}") | |
83 | + public Message disableState(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
84 | + return issueManagerService.disableState(id); | |
85 | + } | |
86 | + /** | |
87 | + * 客服 - 接线员管理 - 删除 | |
88 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 11:21 | |
89 | + * @param: [id] | |
90 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<Integer> | |
91 | + **/ | |
92 | + @GetMapping(value = "/delete/{id}") | |
93 | + public Message delete(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
94 | + return issueManagerService.delete(id); | |
95 | + } | |
96 | + /** | |
97 | + * 客服 - 接线员管理 - 查看 | |
98 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 11:21 | |
99 | + * @param: [id] | |
100 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueManagerVo> | |
101 | + **/ | |
102 | + @GetMapping(value = "/view/{id}") | |
103 | + public Message<IssueManagerVo> view(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
104 | + return issueManagerService.view(id); | |
105 | + } | |
106 | + | |
107 | + | |
108 | +} | |
0 | 109 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/controller/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.controller; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueTypeCo; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueTypeQuery; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueTypeVo; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.IssueTypeService; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.type.BannerState; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.authority.SessionContext; | |
9 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.authority.UserTicket; | |
10 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
11 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage; | |
12 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
13 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; | |
16 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; | |
17 | + | |
18 | +import java.util.List; | |
19 | + | |
20 | +/** | |
21 | + * 【客服】-- 问题类型管理 | |
22 | + * @author kelan | |
23 | + * @date 2023-08-25 15:03 | |
24 | + */ | |
25 | +@RestController | |
26 | +@RequestMapping("/issueType") | |
27 | +public class IssueTypeController { | |
28 | + private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IssueTypeController.class); | |
29 | + | |
30 | + @Autowired | |
31 | + private IssueTypeService issueTypeService; | |
32 | + | |
33 | + /** | |
34 | + * 客服 - 问题类型管理 - 列表查询 | |
35 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:47 | |
36 | + * @param: [issueTypeQuery] | |
37 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.PageMessage<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueTypeVo> | |
38 | + **/ | |
39 | + | |
40 | + @RequestMapping("/listPage") | |
41 | + public PageMessage<IssueTypeVo> listPage(@RequestBody @Validated IssueTypeQuery issueTypeQuery) { | |
42 | + UserTicket userTicket = SessionContext.getUserTicket(); | |
43 | + issueTypeQuery.setMarketId(userTicket.getFirmId()); | |
44 | + return issueTypeService.listPage(issueTypeQuery); | |
45 | + } | |
46 | + | |
47 | + /** | |
48 | + * 客服 - 问题类型管理 - 新增 | |
49 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:47 | |
50 | + * @param: [issueTypeCo] | |
51 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
52 | + **/ | |
53 | + @PostMapping(value = "/insert") | |
54 | + public Message insert(@RequestBody @Validated IssueTypeCo issueTypeCo) { | |
55 | + return issueTypeService.insert(issueTypeCo); | |
56 | + } | |
57 | + /** | |
58 | + * 客服 - 问题类型管理 - 修改 | |
59 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:47 | |
60 | + * @param: [issueTypeCo] | |
61 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
62 | + **/ | |
63 | + @PostMapping (value = "/update") | |
64 | + public Message update(@RequestBody @Validated IssueTypeCo issueTypeCo) { | |
65 | + if (issueTypeCo.getId() == null){ | |
66 | + return Message.failure("参数-问题类型ID不能为空!"); | |
67 | + } | |
68 | + return issueTypeService.update(issueTypeCo); | |
69 | + } | |
70 | + /** | |
71 | + * 客服 - 问题类型管理 - 启用 | |
72 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:47 | |
73 | + * @param: [id] | |
74 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
75 | + **/ | |
76 | + @GetMapping(value = "/enableState/{id}") | |
77 | + public Message enableState(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
78 | + return issueTypeService.enableState(id); | |
79 | + } | |
80 | + /** | |
81 | + * 客服 - 问题类型管理 - 禁用 | |
82 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:47 | |
83 | + * @param: [id] | |
84 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
85 | + **/ | |
86 | + @GetMapping(value = "/disableState/{id}") | |
87 | + public Message disableState(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
88 | + return issueTypeService.disableState(id); | |
89 | + } | |
90 | + /** | |
91 | + * 客服 - 问题类型管理 - 删除 | |
92 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:48 | |
93 | + * @param: [id] | |
94 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.Integer> | |
95 | + **/ | |
96 | + @GetMapping(value = "/delete/{id}") | |
97 | + public Message delete(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
98 | + return issueTypeService.delete(id); | |
99 | + } | |
100 | + /** | |
101 | + * 客服 - 问题类型管理 - 查看 | |
102 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 16:48 | |
103 | + * @param: [id] | |
104 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueTypeVo> | |
105 | + **/ | |
106 | + @GetMapping(value = "/view/{id}") | |
107 | + public Message<IssueTypeVo> view(@PathVariable Long id) { | |
108 | + return issueTypeService.view(id); | |
109 | + } | |
110 | + | |
111 | + /** | |
112 | + * 客服 - 获取当前市场的问题类型 | |
113 | + * @date: 2023/9/6 9:45 | |
114 | + * @param: [] | |
115 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.IssueTypeVo>> | |
116 | + **/ | |
117 | + @GetMapping(value = "/listIssueType") | |
118 | + public Message<List<IssueTypeVo>> listIssueType() { | |
119 | + UserTicket userTicket = SessionContext.getUserTicket(); | |
120 | + IssueTypeQuery issueTypeQuery = new IssueTypeQuery(); | |
121 | + issueTypeQuery.setMarketId(userTicket.getFirmId()); | |
122 | + issueTypeQuery.setState(BannerState.ENABLE.getCode()); | |
123 | + return Message.success(issueTypeService.listByMarketId(issueTypeQuery)); | |
124 | + } | |
125 | +} | |
0 | 126 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/controller/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.controller; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.MarketConfigCo; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.MarketConfigQuery; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.MarketConfigVo; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.service.MarketConfigService; | |
7 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message; | |
8 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.util.ValidatorUtil; | |
9 | +import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
10 | +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
11 | +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; | |
12 | +import org.springframework.util.Assert; | |
13 | +import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils; | |
14 | +import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; | |
15 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping; | |
16 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; | |
17 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; | |
18 | +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; | |
19 | + | |
20 | +import java.util.List; | |
21 | + | |
22 | +/** | |
23 | + * 市场开关配置 | |
24 | + * @author kelan | |
25 | + * @Description | |
26 | + * @date 2023-09-05 10:41 | |
27 | + */ | |
28 | +@RestController | |
29 | +@RequestMapping("/marketConfig") | |
30 | +public class MarketConfigController { | |
31 | + | |
32 | + private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MarketConfigController.class); | |
33 | + | |
34 | + @Autowired | |
35 | + private MarketConfigService marketConfigService; | |
36 | + | |
37 | + /** | |
38 | + * 批量新增或修改市场开关配置 | |
39 | + * @date: 2023/9/12 14:35 | |
40 | + * @param: [marketConfigCoList] | |
41 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.lang.String> | |
42 | + **/ | |
43 | + @PostMapping(value = "/batchSaveOrUpdate") | |
44 | + public Message<String> batchSaveOrUpdate(@RequestBody @Validated List<MarketConfigCo> marketConfigCoList) { | |
45 | + if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(marketConfigCoList)){ | |
46 | + return Message.failure("参数数据不能为空!"); | |
47 | + } | |
48 | + //手动校验 | |
49 | + ValidatorUtil.validateCollection(marketConfigCoList); | |
50 | + return marketConfigService.batchSaveOrUpdate(marketConfigCoList); | |
51 | + } | |
52 | + /** | |
53 | + * 根据条件市获取场配置 | |
54 | + * @date: 2023/9/6 16:09 | |
55 | + * @param: [marketConfigQuery] | |
56 | + * @return: com.diligrp.etrade.core.domain.Message<java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.MarketConfigVo>> | |
57 | + **/ | |
58 | + @PostMapping(value = "/list") | |
59 | + public Message<List<MarketConfigVo>> list(@RequestBody MarketConfigQuery marketConfigQuery){ | |
60 | + return marketConfigService.list(marketConfigQuery); | |
61 | + } | |
62 | +} | |
0 | 63 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.BannerQuery; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.Banner; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
6 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
7 | + | |
8 | +import java.util.List; | |
9 | + | |
10 | +@Repository | |
11 | +public interface BannerMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
12 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
13 | + | |
14 | + int insert(Banner record); | |
15 | + | |
16 | + int insertSelective(Banner record); | |
17 | + | |
18 | + Banner selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Banner record); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(Banner record); | |
23 | + /** | |
24 | + * @description: 分页查询 | |
25 | + * @date: 2023/8/29 14:26 | |
26 | + * @param: [bannerQuery] | |
27 | + * @return: java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.Banner> | |
28 | + **/ | |
29 | + List<Banner> listPage(BannerQuery bannerQuery); | |
30 | + | |
31 | + List<Banner> listByMarketId(BannerQuery bannerQuery); | |
32 | +} | |
0 | 33 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.BannerType; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
5 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
6 | + | |
7 | +import java.util.List; | |
8 | + | |
9 | +@Repository | |
10 | +public interface BannerTypeMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
11 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
12 | + | |
13 | + int insert(BannerType record); | |
14 | + | |
15 | + int insertSelective(BannerType record); | |
16 | + | |
17 | + BannerType selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
18 | + | |
19 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(BannerType record); | |
20 | + | |
21 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(BannerType record); | |
22 | + | |
23 | + List<BannerType> listAll(); | |
24 | +} | |
0 | 25 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.IssueAnswer; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
5 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
6 | + | |
7 | +@Repository | |
8 | +public interface IssueAnswerMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
9 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
10 | + | |
11 | + int insert(IssueAnswer record); | |
12 | + | |
13 | + int insertSelective(IssueAnswer record); | |
14 | + | |
15 | + IssueAnswer selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
16 | + | |
17 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(IssueAnswer record); | |
18 | + | |
19 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(IssueAnswer record); | |
20 | +} | |
0 | 21 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueManagerQuery; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.IssueManager; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
6 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
7 | + | |
8 | +import java.util.List; | |
9 | + | |
10 | +@Repository | |
11 | +public interface IssueManagerMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
12 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
13 | + | |
14 | + int insert(IssueManager record); | |
15 | + | |
16 | + int insertSelective(IssueManager record); | |
17 | + | |
18 | + IssueManager selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(IssueManager record); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(IssueManager record); | |
23 | + | |
24 | + /** | |
25 | + * 分页查询 | |
26 | + * | |
27 | + * @param issueManagerQuery 条件查询 | |
28 | + * @return {@link List}<{@link IssueManager}> | |
29 | + */ | |
30 | + List<IssueManager> listPage(IssueManagerQuery issueManagerQuery); | |
31 | + | |
32 | + List<IssueManager> listByMarketId(IssueManagerQuery issueManagerQuery); | |
33 | + | |
34 | + Integer countEnableByMarketId(Long marketId); | |
35 | +} | |
0 | 36 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueQuery; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.Issue; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
6 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
7 | + | |
8 | +import java.util.List; | |
9 | + | |
10 | +@Repository | |
11 | +public interface IssueMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
12 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
13 | + | |
14 | + int insert(Issue record); | |
15 | + | |
16 | + int insertSelective(Issue record); | |
17 | + | |
18 | + Issue selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Issue record); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(Issue record); | |
23 | + /** | |
24 | + * @description: 分页查询 | |
25 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 15:32 | |
26 | + * @param: [issueQuery] | |
27 | + * @return: java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.Issue> | |
28 | + **/ | |
29 | + List<Issue> listPage(IssueQuery issueQuery); | |
30 | + /** | |
31 | + * @description:移动端使用的接口 | |
32 | + * @date: 2023/9/20 14:12 | |
33 | + * @param: [issueQuery] | |
34 | + * @return: java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.Issue> | |
35 | + **/ | |
36 | + List<Issue> listPageByCondition(IssueQuery issueQuery); | |
37 | + Integer countEnableByMarketId(Long marketId); | |
38 | +} | |
0 | 39 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.IssueTypeQuery; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.IssueType; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
6 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
7 | + | |
8 | +import java.util.List; | |
9 | + | |
10 | +@Repository | |
11 | +public interface IssueTypeMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
12 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
13 | + | |
14 | + int insert(IssueType record); | |
15 | + | |
16 | + int insertSelective(IssueType record); | |
17 | + | |
18 | + IssueType selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(IssueType record); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(IssueType record); | |
23 | + /** | |
24 | + * @description: 分页查询 | |
25 | + * @date: 2023/8/28 15:31 | |
26 | + * @param: [issueTypeQuery] | |
27 | + * @return: java.util.List<com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.IssueType> | |
28 | + **/ | |
29 | + List<IssueType> listPage(IssueTypeQuery issueTypeQuery); | |
30 | + List<IssueType> listByMarketId(IssueTypeQuery issueTypeQuery); | |
31 | + | |
32 | + Integer countEnableByMarketId(Long marketId); | |
33 | +} | |
0 | 34 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.MarketConfigQuery; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.resp.MarketConfigVo; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.MarketConfig; | |
6 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
7 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
8 | + | |
9 | +import java.util.List; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +@Repository | |
12 | +public interface MarketConfigMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
13 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
14 | + | |
15 | + int insert(MarketConfig record); | |
16 | + | |
17 | + int insertSelective(MarketConfig record); | |
18 | + | |
19 | + MarketConfig selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
20 | + | |
21 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(MarketConfig record); | |
22 | + | |
23 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(MarketConfig record); | |
24 | + | |
25 | + List<MarketConfigVo> listByCondition(MarketConfigQuery marketConfigQuery); | |
26 | + List<MarketConfigVo> listByConditionFixedLocation(MarketConfigQuery marketConfigQuery); | |
27 | + | |
28 | +} | |
0 | 29 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPaymentMethodClassification; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
5 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
6 | + | |
7 | +/** | |
8 | +* @author dili | |
9 | +* @description 针对表【setting_payment_method_classification(支付方式分类)】的数据库操作Mapper | |
10 | +* @createDate 2023-08-24 11:03:32 | |
11 | +* @Entity com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPaymentMethodClassification | |
12 | +*/ | |
13 | +@Repository | |
14 | +public interface SettingPaymentMethodClassificationMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
15 | + | |
16 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
17 | + | |
18 | + int insert(SettingPaymentMethodClassification record); | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int insertSelective(SettingPaymentMethodClassification record); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + SettingPaymentMethodClassification selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
23 | + | |
24 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(SettingPaymentMethodClassification record); | |
25 | + | |
26 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(SettingPaymentMethodClassification record); | |
27 | + | |
28 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.SettingPaymentMethodDto; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPaymentMethod; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
6 | +import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; | |
7 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
8 | + | |
9 | +import java.util.List; | |
10 | + | |
11 | +/** | |
12 | + * @author dili | |
13 | + * @description 针对表【setting_payment_method(支付方式设置)】的数据库操作Mapper | |
14 | + * @createDate 2023-08-24 11:03:32 | |
15 | + * @Entity com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPaymentMethod | |
16 | + */ | |
17 | +@Repository | |
18 | +public interface SettingPaymentMethodMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + int insert(SettingPaymentMethod record); | |
23 | + | |
24 | + int insertSelective(SettingPaymentMethod record); | |
25 | + | |
26 | + SettingPaymentMethod selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
27 | + | |
28 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(SettingPaymentMethod record); | |
29 | + | |
30 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(SettingPaymentMethod record); | |
31 | + | |
32 | + List<SettingPaymentMethodDto> selectAllType(); | |
33 | + | |
34 | + List<SettingPaymentMethodDto> selectTypeByMarketId(Long marketId); | |
35 | + | |
36 | + List<SettingPaymentMethodDto> selectTypeByMarketIds(@Param("marketIds") List<Long> marketIds); | |
37 | + | |
38 | + /** | |
39 | + * 批量新增数据 | |
40 | + * | |
41 | + * @param entities List<SettingPaymentMethod> 实例对象列表 | |
42 | + * @return 影响行数 | |
43 | + */ | |
44 | + int insertBatch(@Param("entities") List<SettingPaymentMethod> entities); | |
45 | + | |
46 | + int deleteBy(SettingPaymentMethod record); | |
47 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPaymentMethodType; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
5 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
6 | + | |
7 | +/** | |
8 | +* @author dili | |
9 | +* @description 针对表【setting_payment_method_type(支付方式类型)】的数据库操作Mapper | |
10 | +* @createDate 2023-08-24 11:03:32 | |
11 | +* @Entity com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPaymentMethodType | |
12 | +*/ | |
13 | +@Repository | |
14 | +public interface SettingPaymentMethodTypeMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
15 | + | |
16 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
17 | + | |
18 | + int insert(SettingPaymentMethodType record); | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int insertSelective(SettingPaymentMethodType record); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + SettingPaymentMethodType selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
23 | + | |
24 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(SettingPaymentMethodType record); | |
25 | + | |
26 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(SettingPaymentMethodType record); | |
27 | + | |
28 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPaymentQrCode; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
5 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
6 | + | |
7 | +import java.util.List; | |
8 | + | |
9 | +/** | |
10 | +* @author dili | |
11 | +* @description 针对表【setting_payment_qr_code(支付二维码设置)】的数据库操作Mapper | |
12 | +* @createDate 2023-08-24 11:03:32 | |
13 | +* @Entity com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPaymentQrCode | |
14 | +*/ | |
15 | +@Repository | |
16 | +public interface SettingPaymentQrCodeMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
17 | + | |
18 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int insert(SettingPaymentQrCode record); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + int insertSelective(SettingPaymentQrCode record); | |
23 | + | |
24 | + SettingPaymentQrCode selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
25 | + | |
26 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(SettingPaymentQrCode record); | |
27 | + | |
28 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(SettingPaymentQrCode record); | |
29 | + | |
30 | + List<SettingPaymentQrCode> selectByProperty(SettingPaymentQrCode record); | |
31 | + | |
32 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.domain.req.SettingPriceBeModifiedCo; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPriceBeModified; | |
5 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
6 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
7 | + | |
8 | +import java.util.List; | |
9 | + | |
10 | +@Repository | |
11 | +public interface SettingPriceBeModifiedDao extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
12 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
13 | + | |
14 | + int insert(SettingPriceBeModified record); | |
15 | + | |
16 | + int insertSelective(SettingPriceBeModified record); | |
17 | + | |
18 | + SettingPriceBeModified selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(SettingPriceBeModified record); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(SettingPriceBeModified record); | |
23 | + | |
24 | + SettingPriceBeModified selectByMarketId(Long marketId); | |
25 | + | |
26 | + List<SettingPriceBeModified> selectAll(); | |
27 | + | |
28 | + List<SettingPriceBeModified> selectByMarketIds(SettingPriceBeModifiedCo record); | |
29 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPrint; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
5 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
6 | + | |
7 | +/** | |
8 | +* @author dili | |
9 | +* @description 针对表【setting_print(打印设置)】的数据库操作Mapper | |
10 | +* @createDate 2023-08-24 11:03:32 | |
11 | +* @Entity com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingPrint | |
12 | +*/ | |
13 | +@Repository | |
14 | +public interface SettingPrintMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
15 | + | |
16 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
17 | + | |
18 | + int insert(SettingPrint record); | |
19 | + | |
20 | + int insertSelective(SettingPrint record); | |
21 | + | |
22 | + SettingPrint selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
23 | + | |
24 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(SettingPrint record); | |
25 | + | |
26 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(SettingPrint record); | |
27 | + | |
28 | + SettingPrint selectByProperty(SettingPrint record); | |
29 | + | |
30 | +} | |
... | ... |
0 → 100644
1 | +++ a/etrade-admin/src/main/java/com/diligrp/etrade/admin/dao/ | |
1 | +package com.diligrp.etrade.admin.dao; | |
2 | + | |
3 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.admin.model.SettingShopCommon; | |
4 | +import com.diligrp.etrade.core.mybatis.MybatisMapperSupport; | |
5 | +import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; | |
6 | + | |
7 | +@Repository | |
8 | +public interface SettingShopCommonMapper extends MybatisMapperSupport { | |
9 | + int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
10 | + | |
11 | + int insert(SettingShopCommon record); | |
12 | + | |
13 | + int insertSelective(SettingShopCommon record); | |
14 | + | |
15 | + SettingShopCommon selectByPrimaryKey(Long id); | |
16 | + | |
17 | + int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(SettingShopCommon record); | |
18 | + | |
19 | + int updateByPrimaryKey(SettingShopCommon record); | |
20 | + | |
21 | + SettingShopCommon selectBy(SettingShopCommon record); | |
22 | +} | |
0 | 23 | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |