id_card_reader.cpp 6.87 KB
#include "stdafx.h"

#include <sstream>

#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

#include "etradeclient/hardware/id_card_reader.h"
#include "etradeclient/utility/application_config.h"
#include "etradeclient/utility/string_converter.h"
#include "ETradeClient/hardware/SynPublic.h"

	enum ReturnStatus /*Here we don't use strong typed enum to be compatible with the card reader library.*/
		kOK = 1,

const std::string IDCardReader::ID_CARD_READER_HARDWARE_INFO = "China-Vision_CVR-100U";


bool IDCardReader::Connect() const
	const int kUSBPortMin = 1001, kUSBPortMax = 1016; // Connect the card reader via USB.
	const int kCOMPortMin = 1, kCOMPortMax = 16; // Connect the card reader via COM.

	static const uint8_t RETRY_COUNT = 10;
	uint8_t conn_count = 0;
		if (DoConnect(kUSBPortMin, kUSBPortMax) || DoConnect(kCOMPortMin, kCOMPortMax))
			return true;
	} while (conn_count < RETRY_COUNT);
	return false;

void IDCardReader::Disconnect() const

bool IDCardReader::VerifyCard() const
	// First, do the authentication between the ID card and the card reader, so make sure the 
	// ID card is placed on top of the card reader when this funciton is called.
	return kOK == m_auth_fn();

IDCardInfo IDCardReader::ReadCard() const
	// Read card content, the param '1' is just for commpatibility reason, no practical meaning.
	auto res = m_read_content_fn(1);
	if (kOK != res)
		std::stringstream err_msg;
		err_msg << "Read ID card content failed, error code: " << res;
		throw std::exception(err_msg.str().c_str());
	// Get every field of the card info.
	IDCardInfo id_info;
	GetCardField(m_get_gender_fn, id_info.gender);
	GetCardField(m_get_nation_fn, id_info.nation);
	GetCardField(m_get_birthday_fn, id_info.birth_date);
	GetCardField(m_get_addr_fn, id_info.address);
	GetCardField(m_get_id_code_fn, id_info.id_code);
	GetCardField(m_get_dept_fn, id_info.depart);
	GetCardField(m_get_start_date_fn, id_info.start_date);
	GetCardField(m_get_end_data_fn, id_info.end_date);
	return id_info;

void IDCardReader::Init() // Load library to initialize all the function object.
	const std::wstring kDLLFile = L"./termb.dll";
	HINSTANCE dll_handle = LoadLibrary(kDLLFile.c_str());
	if (NULL != dll_handle)
		m_init_comm_fn = (InitCommFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "CVR_InitComm");
		m_close_comm_fn = (CloseCommFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "CVR_CloseComm");
		m_auth_fn = (AuthenticateFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "CVR_Authenticate");
		m_read_content_fn = (ReadContentFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "CVR_Read_Content");
		m_get_name_fn = (ReadContentFieldFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "GetPeopleName");
		m_get_gender_fn = (ReadContentFieldFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "GetPeopleSex");
		m_get_nation_fn = (ReadContentFieldFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "GetPeopleNation");
		m_get_birthday_fn = (ReadContentFieldFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "GetPeopleBirthday");
		m_get_addr_fn = (ReadContentFieldFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "GetPeopleAddress");
		m_get_id_code_fn = (ReadContentFieldFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "GetPeopleIDCode");
		m_get_dept_fn = (ReadContentFieldFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "GetDepartment");
		m_get_start_date_fn = (ReadContentFieldFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "GetStartDate");
		m_get_end_data_fn = (ReadContentFieldFunc)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "GetEndDate");
	else // If APIs are not successfully loaded, Log and then throw exception.
		throw std::exception(("Fail to load the ID card reader DLL from path : " + wstr_2_str(kDLLFile)).c_str());

bool IDCardReader::DoConnect(int port_min, int port_max) const
	for (int port = port_min; port <= port_max; ++port)
		auto res = m_init_comm_fn(port);
		if (kOK == res)
			return true;
	return false;

void IDCardReader::GetCardField(ReadContentFieldFunc fn, std::wstring& field) const
	const int kFieldMaxLen = 128;
	char field_[kFieldMaxLen] = {'\0'};
	int len = 0;

	if (kOK == fn(field_, &len))
		field = gbk_2_wstr(field_); // The library will read filed into bytes in GBK encoding, need to convert to Unicode string.
		throw std::exception("Calling ID card reader API to read ID card field failed.");

void IDCardReader::GetPortraitPath(std::wstring& portrait_path) const
	namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
	const std::string kPortraitName("zp.bmp");

	wchar_t exe_path[MAX_PATH];
	HMODULE h_module = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
	if (NULL != h_module)
		GetModuleFileName(h_module, exe_path, MAX_PATH);
		throw std::exception("Calling windows API to get exe path failed.");

	// @TODO modify the path?
	std::wstring portrait_path_ = fs::wpath(exe_path).parent_path().wstring() + str_2_wstr("\\" + kPortraitName);
	if (!fs::exists(portrait_path_))
		throw std::exception("ID card portrait image does not exist.");

	portrait_path = portrait_path_;

bool IDCardReader::SynConnect()
	bool bResult = true;
	int iRet = 0;
	iRet = Syn_FindUSBReader();

	if (iRet == 0)
		bResult = false;
		m_iPort = iRet;
		if (Syn_OpenPort(m_iPort))
			bResult = false;

	return bResult;

bool IDCardReader::SynDisConnect()
	bool bResult = true;

	if (m_iPort)
		if (Syn_ClosePort(m_iPort))
			bResult = false;
	return bResult;

bool IDCardReader::SynFindCard()
	bool bResult = true;

		unsigned char aucIIN[4] = { 0 }, aucSN[8] = { 0 };
		if (Syn_StartFindIDCard(m_iPort, aucIIN, 0))
			bResult = false;

		if (Syn_SelectIDCard(m_iPort, aucSN, 0))
			bResult = false;
	} while (0);

	return bResult;

BOOL StringToWString(const std::string &str, std::wstring &wstr)
	int nLen = (int)str.length();
	wstr.resize(nLen, L' ');
	int nResult = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)str.c_str(), nLen, (LPWSTR)wstr.c_str(), nLen);
	if (nResult == 0)
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

IDCardInfo IDCardReader::SynReadCard()
	IDCardInfo stuCardInfo;
	IDCardData stuCardData;

	char ctmp[256] = { 0 };
	Syn_SetPhotoPath(1, ctmp);

	if (!Syn_ReadMsg(m_iPort, 0, &stuCardData))
		StringToWString(stuCardData.Sex, stuCardInfo.gender);
		StringToWString(stuCardData.Nation, stuCardInfo.nation);
		StringToWString(stuCardData.Born, stuCardInfo.birth_date);
		StringToWString(stuCardData.Address, stuCardInfo.address);
		StringToWString(stuCardData.IDCardNo, stuCardInfo.id_code);
		StringToWString(stuCardData.GrantDept, stuCardInfo.depart);
		StringToWString(stuCardData.UserLifeBegin, stuCardInfo.start_date);
		StringToWString(stuCardData.UserLifeEnd, stuCardInfo.end_date);
		StringToWString(stuCardData.PhotoFileName, stuCardInfo.portrait_img_path);

	return stuCardInfo;