url_config.cpp 2.21 KB
#include "stdafx.h"

#include "url_config.h"

#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <exception>

#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>

#include "AUDataManage.h"
#include "openssl_aes_cbc.h"
#include "string_converter.h"

static const std::string CIPHER_TEXT_FILE = "\\Config\\url_cfg";
static const std::string PLAIN_TEXT_FILE = CIPHER_TEXT_FILE + ".json";

static const std::string HTTP("http");
static const std::string HTTPS("https");
static const uint16_t INTERNET_DEFAULT_PORT = 0; // use the protocol-specific default

CString GetModulePath()
	CString sPath;

	TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
	GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH);
	CString sMudolePath = szPath;
	CString sMudoleName = AfxGetAppName();
	sPath = sMudolePath.Left(sMudolePath.GetLength() - sMudoleName.GetLength() - 4);
	return sPath;

	std::stringstream ss;
#ifdef _DEBUG
		// 在调试的时候,先生成加密文件
		AES_CBC::EncryptFileToFile(GetModulePath().GetBuffer(0) + PLAIN_TEXT_FILE, GetModulePath().GetBuffer(0) + CIPHER_TEXT_FILE);
		ss << AES_CBC::DecryptFromFile(GetModulePath().GetBuffer(0) + CIPHER_TEXT_FILE);
	catch (std::exception& ex)

	namespace PT = boost::property_tree;
	try //Parse the configuration file
		PT::ptree ptree;
		PT::read_json(ss, ptree);

		m_host = ptree.get<std::string>("host_download");
		m_download_url = ptree.get<std::string>("download_path");
		m_download_file_url = ptree.get<std::string>("download_file_path");
	catch (...) // Catch the exception in order for logging.
		throw; // Don't swallow the exception!

URLConfig& URLConfig::Instance()
	static URLConfig url_config;
	return url_config;

std::string URLConfig::Host() const
	return m_host;
std::string URLConfig::FullHost() const
	return std::string("HTTP") + "://" + m_host + ":" + "80";

std::string URLConfig::DownloadUrl() const
	return m_download_url;

std::string URLConfig::DownloadFileUrl() const
	return m_download_file_url;