Commit 7ca0016ec0dd0ef486d97e3963eb15496836c066

Authored by miaoguoxin
2 parents 8ca63812 5f61d89d

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

Showing 1 changed file with 39 additions and 36 deletions
1   -server:
2   - port: 8081
3   -spring:
4   - application:
5   - name: xtrade-order-service
6   - cloud:
7   - nacos:
8   - discovery:
9   - username: xtrade
10   - password: abcd1234
11   - server-addr:
12   - config:
13   - username: xtrade
14   - password: abcd1234
15   - server-addr:
16   - prefix: ${}
17   - context-path: /nacos
18   - file-extension: properties
19   - extension-configs:
20   - - dataId:
21   - refresh: false
22   - profiles:
23   - active: dev
24   -#id生成器启用
25   -xtrade:
26   - key-generator:
27   - enable: true
28   -mybatis:
29   - configuration:
30   - map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
31   - cache-enabled: true
32   - mapper-locations: classpath:mapping/com/diligrp/xtrade/*product/*Dao.xml
33   - type-aliases-package: com.diligrp.xtrade.*.domain.entity
34   -#logging:
35   -# level:
36   -# com.diligrp.xtrade.product.dao: debug
  1 +server:
  2 + port: 8081
  3 +spring:
  4 + application:
  5 + name: xtrade-order-service
  6 + cloud:
  7 + nacos:
  8 + discovery:
  9 + username: xtrade
  10 + password: abcd1234
  11 + server-addr:
  12 + config:
  13 + username: xtrade
  14 + password: abcd1234
  15 + server-addr:
  16 + prefix: ${}
  17 + context-path: /nacos
  18 + file-extension: properties
  19 + extension-configs:
  20 + - dataId:
  21 + refresh: false
  22 + profiles:
  23 + active: dev
  24 +#id生成器启用
  25 +xtrade:
  26 + key-generator:
  27 + enable: true
  28 +mybatis:
  29 + configuration:
  30 + map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
  31 + cache-enabled: true
  32 + mapper-locations: classpath:mapping/com/diligrp/xtrade/*product/*Dao.xml
  33 + type-aliases-package: com.diligrp.xtrade.*.domain.entity
  34 +#logging:
  35 +# level:
  36 +# com.diligrp.xtrade.product.dao: debug
  37 +max:
  38 + file:
  39 + size: 2000
... ...