Commit 7494893a8da58362a5cc21b460d52a726b719ee3
1 parent
1 changed file
0 additions
65 deletions
data-ap/conf-test/ deleted
100644 → 0
1 | -server.port=80 | |
2 | -jasypt.encryptor.password=security | |
3 | - | |
4 | -#mysql | |
5 | -spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// | |
6 | -#spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// | |
7 | -spring.datasource.username=root | |
8 | -spring.datasource.password=123456 | |
9 | | |
10 | -spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver | |
11 | -spring.datasource.maxIdle=10 | |
12 | -spring.datasource.maxActive=20 | |
13 | -spring.datasource.initialSize=1 | |
14 | -spring.datasource.maxWait=60000 | |
15 | -spring.datasource.minIdle=1 | |
16 | -spring.datasource.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=60000 | |
17 | -spring.datasource.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=300000 | |
18 | -spring.datasource.validationQuery=select 1 | |
19 | -spring.datasource.testWhileIdle=true | |
20 | -spring.datasource.testOnBorrow=false | |
21 | -spring.datasource.testOnReturn=false | |
22 | -spring.datasource.poolPreparedStatements=true | |
23 | -spring.datasource.maxOpenPreparedStatements=20 | |
24 | -spring.datasource.filters=stat,wall,log4j | |
25 | -spring.datasource.connectionProperties=druid.stat.mergeSql=true;druid.stat.slowSqlMillis=5000 | |
26 | -#spring.datasource.useGlobalDataSourceStat=true | |
27 | - | |
28 | -#druid监控配置 | |
29 | -druidFilter.loginUsername=admin | |
30 | -druidFilter.loginPassword=123456 | |
31 | -druidFilter.resetEnable=true | |
32 | - | |
33 | -#mybatis | |
34 | -mybatis.mapperLocations=classpath*:mapper/*.xml | |
35 | -mybatis.typeAliasesPackage=com.dili.ap.domain | |
36 | -mybatis.configLocation=classpath:conf/mybatis-config.xml | |
37 | - | |
38 | -#mybatis mapper | |
39 | -mapper.mappers[0] | |
40 | -mapper.enable-method-annotation=true | |
41 | -mapper.not-empty=false | |
42 | -mapper.identity=MYSQL | |
43 | -#mybatis pagehelper | |
44 | -pagehelper.helperDialect=mysql | |
45 | -pagehelper.reasonable=true | |
46 | -pagehelper.supportMethodsArguments=true | |
47 | -pagehelper.params=count=countSql | |
48 | - | |
49 | -#logback | |
50 | | |
51 | -#logging.level.root=INFO | |
52 | -#logging.file=logs/gateway-dev.log | |
53 | -logging.config=classpath:conf/logback-springboot.xml | |
54 | - | |
55 | -#redis | |
56 | -#spring.redis.database=0 | |
57 | | |
58 | -#spring.redis.password= | |
59 | -#spring.redis.port=6379 | |
60 | -#spring.redis.pool.max-idle=8 | |
61 | -#spring.redis.pool.min-idle=0 | |
62 | -#spring.redis.pool.max-active=8 | |
63 | -#spring.redis.pool.max-wait=-1 | |
64 | -#spring.redis.sentinel.master= # name of Redis client | |
65 | -#spring.redis.sentinel.nodes= # comma-separated list of host:port pairs | |
66 | 0 | \ No newline at end of file |