PromotionDao.xml 8.64 KB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">
<mapper namespace="">
    <resultMap id="PromotionRM" type="">
            <id property="id" column="id"/>
            <result property="marketId" column="market_id"/>
            <result property="title" column="title"/>
            <result property="content" column="content"/>
            <result property="deviceType" column="device_type"/>
            <result property="receiveCrowd" column="receive_crowd"/>
            <result property="sendType" column="send_type"/>
            <result property="sendTime" column="send_time"/>
            <result property="openType" column="open_type"/>
            <result property="openUrl" column="open_url"/>
            <result property="sendFlag" column="send_flag"/>
            <result property="creatorId" column="creator_id"/>
            <result property="sendId" column="send_id"/>
            <result property="yn" column="yn"/>
            <result property="created" column="created"/>
            <result property="modified" column="modified"/>

	<select id="getById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="PromotionRM">

		WHERE id=#{pk}
		and (yn is null or yn = 1)

	<insert id="save" parameterType="">
        <selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="long" order="AFTER">
            SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();
        <foreach collection="marketIds" item="mId" separator=",">

    <update id="update" parameterType="">
            UPDATE T_PROMOTION set

            where id = #{id}

	<select id="countByCondition" parameterType="Query" resultType="Integer">
		SELECT count(1) FROM T_PROMOTION where 1=1
        <if test="param != null">
            <if test=" != null and != ''">
            and id = #{}
            <if test="param.marketId != null and param.marketId != ''">
            and market_id = #{param.marketId}
            <if test="param.title != null and param.title != ''">
            and title like #{param.title}"%"
            <if test="param.content != null and param.content != ''">
            and content = #{param.content}
            <if test="param.deviceType != null and param.deviceType != ''">
            and device_type = #{param.deviceType}
            <if test="param.receiveCrowd != null and param.receiveCrowd != ''">
            and receive_crowd = #{param.receiveCrowd}
            <if test="param.sendType != null and param.sendType != ''">
            and send_type = #{param.sendType}
            <if test="param.sendTime != null and param.sendTime != ''">
            and send_time = #{param.sendTime}
            <if test="param.openType != null and param.openType != ''">
            and open_type = #{param.openType}
            <if test="param.openUrl != null and param.openUrl != ''">
            and open_url = #{param.openUrl}
            <if test="param.sendFlag != null and param.sendFlag != ''">
            and send_flag = #{param.sendFlag}
            <if test="param.creatorId != null and param.creatorId != ''">
            and creator_id = #{param.creatorId}
            <if test="param.sendId != null and param.sendId != ''">
            and send_id = #{param.sendId}
                    and (yn is null or yn = 1)
            <if test="param.created != null and param.created != ''">
            and created = #{param.created}
            <if test="param.modified != null and param.modified != ''">
            and modified = #{param.modified}

	<select id="listByCondition" parameterType="Query" resultMap="PromotionRM">
		FROM T_PROMOTION where 1=1
        <if test="param != null">
                <if test=" != null and != ''">
                    and id = #{}
                <if test="param.marketId != null and param.marketId != ''">
                    and market_id = #{param.marketId}
                <if test="param.title != null and param.title != ''">
                    and title like #{param.title}"%"
                <if test="param.content != null and param.content != ''">
                    and content = #{param.content}
                <if test="param.deviceType != null and param.deviceType != ''">
                    and device_type = #{param.deviceType}
                <if test="param.receiveCrowd != null and param.receiveCrowd != ''">
                    and receive_crowd = #{param.receiveCrowd}
                <if test="param.sendType != null and param.sendType != ''">
                    and send_type = #{param.sendType}
                <if test="param.sendTime != null and param.sendTime != ''">
                    and send_time = #{param.sendTime}
                <if test="param.openType != null and param.openType != ''">
                    and open_type = #{param.openType}
                <if test="param.openUrl != null and param.openUrl != ''">
                    and open_url = #{param.openUrl}
                <if test="param.sendFlag != null and param.sendFlag != ''">
                    and send_flag = #{param.sendFlag}
                <if test="param.creatorId != null and param.creatorId != ''">
                    and creator_id = #{param.creatorId}
                <if test="param.sendId != null and param.sendId != ''">
                    and send_id = #{param.sendId}
                and (yn is null or yn = 1)
                <if test="param.created != null and param.created != ''">
                    and created = #{param.created}
                <if test="param.modified != null and param.modified != ''">
                    and modified = #{param.modified}
        order by send_time desc
		limit #{startRow},#{pageSize}

    <update id="deleteById" parameterType="Long">
        update T_PROMOTION set
        yn = 2
        where 1 = 1
        and id = #{id}
